Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting - Discussion
Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 11:19 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 1:41 AM
Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
This may prove to be a poor title choice
but this concern is not only Perceptual and Conceptual it is the sense for a need for more
something 'Model Diagnostic'
and all I am looking for is feed-back anyways.
I am bouncing many of these 'ice bubbles' around quite a lot lately anyways - so better to ground this out somewhere.
The background theoretical references or reading for what I hope to indicate up front is;
Scalar Wave Phenomena
which are an extension of models for electro-magnetism - with many more nested dimensions of energy radiating at still other angles or in other ways on the same vectors.
Multidimensional Set Theories
of which the most familiar would likely be String Theories, et al.
An idea I have already been tossing around here is of nested bubbles of energy, in 3D
as opposed to linear cycles in 2D.
Cycles is fine for how this is practically applied to insight path work, no prob.,
I get that, so I have no issue with it at all.
All I am saying is, been there, done that.
I am interested, in this thread,
in 'theoretically modeling' in some way(s)
the entire overall pattern or template or a 'bi(?)section' of the
'non-dual ...UUUUUU...
The most obvious & closest 3D example would be russian dolls, U within U within U etc. et al.
So what is focused on is more broadly dimensional
more 'complete or fuller thematically'
seen, thought, known, cognized, represented as insight in more dimensions
far more than not self or non dual
in an ongoing, present tense;
yet also; past, present, future contexts
and in 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D,... spacial-ities
is cycles within cycles within cycles of multiple sized bubbles, wave lengths, durations, etc
is scalar cycles of many lengh
( eg.; sorry for the sentence fragments / and eat my shorts | and crack me off a piece \ and pass the honey mustard, etc... )
This is a lot of lots
to consider apart from getting some kind of snapshot types of slices of this "sensability" and summarizing those
WHAT I AM really ASKING, diagnostically is this:
IS, IS anyone else sensing a many 'cycles' within 'cycles'
from very brief to very, very long with many qualitative dimensions
beyond even 3D...6D...8D..?
Can anyone relate to this kind of emerging sensibility or is this just another one of those - completely from an alien perspective things happening uniquely to me?
I can take it if no one can relate, it is,
more common for me than buttered toast, but if anyone can relate in any ways,
to "anything/something\nothing" that henceforth is nowhere else
mentioned or yet diagnosed elsewhere at all;
I am interested and,
I am listening.
- thx
- 'read' you 2morrow
- triplethink
Ok Saturday before I bring the dhamma hamma down on this noodle noodle noodle
I feel a need to ground this SOMEHOW!
If, for example, each model(s) previous is eaten by the successors and the complexity continues to grow and expand but the primordial nature of void/perception/cognition/time/space/light/earth/water/air/fire is still at BASE...
As when the old earth lies beneath the old rice fields
now covered by the old walled city of Chiang Mai
is now surrounded by the modern large city of Chiang Mai
and a plane flies overhead
and above that a satellite flies overhead
and above that is a man in a pod studying all of that
and below is a monk perceiving all of this... and more.
this is a snapshot of one moment of one of the ones of the ONE,
what is the model of all of that non-dual and
...what is this emergent model? ; "I can almost taste the waters...
Ok, nuf said, for openers,
d'y'know what I mean?
- triplethink
but this concern is not only Perceptual and Conceptual it is the sense for a need for more
something 'Model Diagnostic'
and all I am looking for is feed-back anyways.
I am bouncing many of these 'ice bubbles' around quite a lot lately anyways - so better to ground this out somewhere.
The background theoretical references or reading for what I hope to indicate up front is;
Scalar Wave Phenomena
which are an extension of models for electro-magnetism - with many more nested dimensions of energy radiating at still other angles or in other ways on the same vectors.
Multidimensional Set Theories
of which the most familiar would likely be String Theories, et al.
An idea I have already been tossing around here is of nested bubbles of energy, in 3D
as opposed to linear cycles in 2D.
Cycles is fine for how this is practically applied to insight path work, no prob.,
I get that, so I have no issue with it at all.
All I am saying is, been there, done that.
I am interested, in this thread,
in 'theoretically modeling' in some way(s)
the entire overall pattern or template or a 'bi(?)section' of the
'non-dual ...UUUUUU...
The most obvious & closest 3D example would be russian dolls, U within U within U etc. et al.
So what is focused on is more broadly dimensional
more 'complete or fuller thematically'
seen, thought, known, cognized, represented as insight in more dimensions
far more than not self or non dual
in an ongoing, present tense;
yet also; past, present, future contexts
and in 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D,... spacial-ities
is cycles within cycles within cycles of multiple sized bubbles, wave lengths, durations, etc
is scalar cycles of many lengh
( eg.; sorry for the sentence fragments / and eat my shorts | and crack me off a piece \ and pass the honey mustard, etc... )
This is a lot of lots
to consider apart from getting some kind of snapshot types of slices of this "sensability" and summarizing those
WHAT I AM really ASKING, diagnostically is this:
IS, IS anyone else sensing a many 'cycles' within 'cycles'
from very brief to very, very long with many qualitative dimensions
beyond even 3D...6D...8D..?
Can anyone relate to this kind of emerging sensibility or is this just another one of those - completely from an alien perspective things happening uniquely to me?
I can take it if no one can relate, it is,
more common for me than buttered toast, but if anyone can relate in any ways,
to "anything/something\nothing" that henceforth is nowhere else
mentioned or yet diagnosed elsewhere at all;
I am interested and,
I am listening.
- thx
- 'read' you 2morrow
- triplethink
Ok Saturday before I bring the dhamma hamma down on this noodle noodle noodle
I feel a need to ground this SOMEHOW!
If, for example, each model(s) previous is eaten by the successors and the complexity continues to grow and expand but the primordial nature of void/perception/cognition/time/space/light/earth/water/air/fire is still at BASE...
As when the old earth lies beneath the old rice fields
now covered by the old walled city of Chiang Mai
is now surrounded by the modern large city of Chiang Mai
and a plane flies overhead
and above that a satellite flies overhead
and above that is a man in a pod studying all of that
and below is a monk perceiving all of this... and more.
this is a snapshot of one moment of one of the ones of the ONE,
what is the model of all of that non-dual and
...what is this emergent model? ; "I can almost taste the waters...
Ok, nuf said, for openers,
d'y'know what I mean?
- triplethink
Sweet Nothing, modified 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 4:00 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 4:00 AM
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 164 Join Date: 4/21/13 Recent Posts
The layers of an Onion are another great, timeless, loyalty free example.
One knowing creates another equivalent layer of unknowing and so this quest for knowing can go on infinitely.
The ancients realized this and it is why in ancient eastern traditions spiritual/inner development was given more significance than materialistic prosperity.
One knowing creates another equivalent layer of unknowing and so this quest for knowing can go on infinitely.
The ancients realized this and it is why in ancient eastern traditions spiritual/inner development was given more significance than materialistic prosperity.
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 9:42 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 10:08 AM
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent PostsPaweł K:
triple think:
The most obvious & closest 3D example would be russian dolls, U within U within U etc. et al.

proof: http://dharmaoverground.org/web/guest/discussion/-/message_boards/message/4739435
see date? '26.09.13 11:51'
Also what you talk about is also in the direction my matroska theory in which outer dolls have perception of more dimensions and hence are not used because with more perception comes maybe too much perception (eg apparent dissolution of everything) and too much control over self which is unpleasant and scary. - Pawel K
Ok, help your'self' to all the concentrically nested bubbles you like in advance for whatever it might be you need for any and all such similar references I may have made to such dolls in my lifetime of some 50 years.
You will have the use of 'all such references to Russian dolls or matroska and any and all related paraphrenalia' on DhO exclusively under your control when I can thoroughly review the 200 some posts I have here and replace any and all such specific references with the much preferable concentrically expanding bubbles notion.
[ The picture I am attempting to draw in words is of
- innumerable independent bubbles
- each and all with innumerable concentric-ities
- all radiating outwards from innumerable positions in space
- and each has a center point in motion in relation to all others
- and all spheres interpolated and interpenetrating ]
Very much like all the stuff we have in all the space we have now, in regards to what we now consider to 'have mass and occupy space'
so one question might be
what does that look like
with no point of reference whatsoever?
or how would one 'model' this?
If one could 'sense', 'perceive' and so thus 'cognize thus?'
That could be as long as six months or a year from now at the current rate of speed. This is the best I can offer you at the moment. Thank you for your patience in this. - triplethink
From larger doll one can shape smaller dolls and create like whatever state so it is important to be very mindful of whole matroska map and relation of one layer to another. Outer layers power can be used consciously or unconsciously and by default we give up conscious control over those as we mature and end up in very small one which at first seem good because it was constructed to be pleasant but sooner or later we suffocate in it and suffer. Enlightenment is realizing most outer layer which is raw experience itself from which self is just some inner layer that from that perceptive is totally harmless - Pawel K
I do not necessarily agree or endorse your thinking in this regard and will simply refrain from commenting about these assertions entirely - triplethink
Can anyone relate to this kind of emerging sensibility or is this just another one of those - completely from an alien perspective things happening uniquely to me? - triplethink
I can and that makes it not unique to you - Pawel K
I am not interested in discussing the uniqueness or lack there of of any person, any thing or the quality of uniqueness at all in this thread or anywhere else. Thank you everyone. - triplethink
and in 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D,... spacial-ities
is cycles within cycles within cycles of multiple sized bubbles, wave lengths, durations, etc - triplethink
is cycles within cycles within cycles of multiple sized bubbles, wave lengths, durations, etc - triplethink
yeah, and those do relate to chakras and samatha and vispassana jhanas and probably even more
it's like M-Theory make previous five string theories actually the same. It's a matter of finding supersymmetry between those things - Pawel K
Thanks, Pawel K, for the interest. I am keen to learn more about what you might think. However I am not at all interested, for my part(s) in labeling anything or attempting to pin anything down, quantify or qualify any such stuff(s) as chakras or s&v Jhanas or any such stuff.
I refer to what others have more explicitly defined in all such respects and where I have not linked to the necessary documentation thus far I will in due course go back through ALL my posts and do this in time, it is simply an issue of this requiring ongoing time to complete that kind of presentation. So far all I have put up is the ghost of some thoughts, it will take time to acquire any form whatsoever. Thank you all for your patience.
In the meantime here, THIS THREAD IS PRIMARILY FOCUSED ON THE ELEMENTARY STRUCTURE OF ( let us say ) OUR SOLAR SYSTEM IN RELATION TO ( again let's say ) THE POSITION OF THE CONSTELLATIONS & TO THE NATURE OF ANY POSSIBLE EPOCHAL CHANGES, POSSIBLY NOW UNDERWAY AND ANY POSSIBLE RELATED ELEMENTARY IMPLICATIONS FOR US ALL. - Not yelling, not at anyone just attempting to make a clear and explicit statement of intentions to examine macrocosmic interrelationships particularly in relation to any and all non-dual frames of reference. - thx - triplethink
all the blest or blast
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
12/7/13 9:08 AM as a reply to Paweł K.
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 10:15 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 10:13 AM
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent PostsSweet Nothing:
The layers of an Onion are another great, timeless, loyalty free example.
One knowing creates another equivalent layer of unknowing and so this quest for knowing can go on infinitely.
The ancients realized this and it is why in ancient eastern traditions spiritual/inner development was given more significance than materialistic prosperity.
One knowing creates another equivalent layer of unknowing and so this quest for knowing can go on infinitely.
The ancients realized this and it is why in ancient eastern traditions spiritual/inner development was given more significance than materialistic prosperity.
Well met again, it is good to be back on our mysterious island together is it not?
Yeah, I get that the onion is old. I think the patents pending began with four enterprising lads from liverpool, not sure how many post industrial robber barons we are on the run from now, but we had best either stay on this obscure rock or get ready for some serious surfing today!
- n/solution
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 10:46 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/7/13 10:46 PM
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
I have another way to present this
and just as the other way is too complex
this way is too simple
but we all have to start
to be
somehow, somewhere, something ( or maybe not, considering the insessent & imponderable dynamic-isms )
any - how, - way
we were to say
in the epoch passing now
we were like fish
in the epoch coming now
we will be like
If we were
now we are
- triplethink
and just as the other way is too complex
this way is too simple
but we all have to start
to be
somehow, somewhere, something ( or maybe not, considering the insessent & imponderable dynamic-isms )
any - how, - way
we were to say
in the epoch passing now
we were like fish
in the epoch coming now
we will be like
If we were
now we are
- triplethink
Dream Walker, modified 11 Years ago at 12/12/13 7:10 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/12/13 7:10 PM
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 1770 Join Date: 1/18/12 Recent Posts
[ The picture I am attempting to draw in words is of
- innumerable independent bubbles
- each and all with innumerable concentric-ities
- all radiating outwards from innumerable positions in space
- and each has a center point in motion in relation to all others
- and all spheres interpolated and interpenetrating ]
Very much like all the stuff we have in all the space we have now, in regards to what we now consider to 'have mass and occupy space'
so one question might be
what does that look like
with no point of reference whatsoever?
or how would one 'model' this?
If one could 'sense', 'perceive' and so thus 'cognize thus?'

Better size here
"The complete flower has the other two layers added, making it three dimensional (pic3). If you relax (sit three feet away from the screen) and let the flower slowly draw your eyes out of focus, the flower will open. Try and not focus on any one point, blankly stare, take the flower in as a whole. You may get a headache and itchy eyes, this will quickly disappear. We do not see with our eyes, we see through our eyes. Let your mind focus, don't fight it. "
This is fun....may or may not be related to what you are talking about...I get the feeling of Process Fractal - My Big Toe (Theory Of Everything)
fun fractal visualization-link
- innumerable independent bubbles
- each and all with innumerable concentric-ities
- all radiating outwards from innumerable positions in space
- and each has a center point in motion in relation to all others
- and all spheres interpolated and interpenetrating ]
Very much like all the stuff we have in all the space we have now, in regards to what we now consider to 'have mass and occupy space'
so one question might be
what does that look like
with no point of reference whatsoever?
or how would one 'model' this?
If one could 'sense', 'perceive' and so thus 'cognize thus?'

Better size here
"The complete flower has the other two layers added, making it three dimensional (pic3). If you relax (sit three feet away from the screen) and let the flower slowly draw your eyes out of focus, the flower will open. Try and not focus on any one point, blankly stare, take the flower in as a whole. You may get a headache and itchy eyes, this will quickly disappear. We do not see with our eyes, we see through our eyes. Let your mind focus, don't fight it. "
This is fun....may or may not be related to what you are talking about...I get the feeling of Process Fractal - My Big Toe (Theory Of Everything)
fun fractal visualization-link
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/12/13 10:15 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/12/13 10:11 PM
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
hi Dream;
I don't have a sketch or anything. I just lie on my back outside sometimes in the summer night and let the seeing go up and out from there. As a sketch, this comes close to the idea:
At times I've considered and or attempted various meditations which are essentially approaches to turning the universe inside out, so that what continues from the skin on in goes out and what continues from the skin on out all comes in.
I don't recommend this at all, even with any one star, planet or moon or any portion of the external stellar vacuum. It doesn't usually take too very long ( at best a week or three ) before someone in some position of authority will determine it is time to place you under observation and to medicate you as heavily as is currently possible...
The Tathagata's advice to ALWAYS STAY WITHIN THIS ONE BODY/BODYMIND/MIND is vitally important. No telling, you can ever get back to it if you leave it...
I don't have a sketch or anything. I just lie on my back outside sometimes in the summer night and let the seeing go up and out from there. As a sketch, this comes close to the idea:
At times I've considered and or attempted various meditations which are essentially approaches to turning the universe inside out, so that what continues from the skin on in goes out and what continues from the skin on out all comes in.
I don't recommend this at all, even with any one star, planet or moon or any portion of the external stellar vacuum. It doesn't usually take too very long ( at best a week or three ) before someone in some position of authority will determine it is time to place you under observation and to medicate you as heavily as is currently possible...
The Tathagata's advice to ALWAYS STAY WITHIN THIS ONE BODY/BODYMIND/MIND is vitally important. No telling, you can ever get back to it if you leave it...
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/13/13 12:39 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/13/13 12:37 AM
RE: Universal Scalar Bubble Nesting
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
"The Universe" at "Whatever" Scale

Anywho, at whatever scale you investigate, self conception has great difficulties finding any lasting purchase. I don't expect this is difficult to determine, so there is no particular reason, apart from paying taxes and the pipers to be concerned with it. However, we do appear as a species to have developed some astounding capacities for narrow sightedness.
As I understand it, arriving at a full appreciation of the universe within, by working inward to whatever extents might be required, appears to be "relatively" direct, straightforward and realizable if one proceeds methodically and cautiously. Hard to say how long a path like this might take, days, lifetimes, hard to say. I can't say I am particularly concerned with what might be considered a meaningful end to the development of or Perfection of Insightful Wisdom apart from the extents to which it effectively becomes Liberating. I find Insight Wisdom does prove Liberating, given sufficient time, energy and more or less of about thirty-five other qualities.
On the other hand, arriving at a Fully Perfected Understanding of the Universe Externally, from all accounts, is a multi-universe spanning activity and not to be undertaken lightly. This makes sense to me even considering what little I have seen of the universe beyond this small stack of cells and the like.
So, I figure the In-lightenment is more or less a matter of personal interest and personal investments. The Out-lightenment is more for superheavyweight type A peoples capable of those kinds of long term commitments. More power to them I say. I don't know that it is a matter of faith or not but with this my view is that I/we owe any and all of these types far more than we could possibly imagine.

Anywho, at whatever scale you investigate, self conception has great difficulties finding any lasting purchase. I don't expect this is difficult to determine, so there is no particular reason, apart from paying taxes and the pipers to be concerned with it. However, we do appear as a species to have developed some astounding capacities for narrow sightedness.
As I understand it, arriving at a full appreciation of the universe within, by working inward to whatever extents might be required, appears to be "relatively" direct, straightforward and realizable if one proceeds methodically and cautiously. Hard to say how long a path like this might take, days, lifetimes, hard to say. I can't say I am particularly concerned with what might be considered a meaningful end to the development of or Perfection of Insightful Wisdom apart from the extents to which it effectively becomes Liberating. I find Insight Wisdom does prove Liberating, given sufficient time, energy and more or less of about thirty-five other qualities.
On the other hand, arriving at a Fully Perfected Understanding of the Universe Externally, from all accounts, is a multi-universe spanning activity and not to be undertaken lightly. This makes sense to me even considering what little I have seen of the universe beyond this small stack of cells and the like.
So, I figure the In-lightenment is more or less a matter of personal interest and personal investments. The Out-lightenment is more for superheavyweight type A peoples capable of those kinds of long term commitments. More power to them I say. I don't know that it is a matter of faith or not but with this my view is that I/we owe any and all of these types far more than we could possibly imagine.