triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 1:34 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 1:05 PM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
- within and without, this and any manifest or apparent UNIVERSE.
0 - IDDHI knows this not and is overwhelmed, not empowered and fully encumbered
1 - IDDHI knows this is so, within and without yet is not empowered and fully encumbered
2 - IDDHI is thereby empowered yet fully encumbered by overwhelming will without
3 - IDDHI is unrestricted in empowerment within yet encumbered without
4 - IDDHI is fully empowered and unencumbered both within and without
- triplethink / / / /|\
footnote: Within the Pali Tipitaka, the Buddha ( The Awakened One ) refers to this the 'Motive Power of life' or KAMMA as A UNIVERSAL TRUTH ( constant or consistent rule, law or principle ), or THE DHAMMA OF BE-ING AND BE-COMING.
- within and without, this and any manifest or apparent UNIVERSE.
0 - IDDHI knows this not and is overwhelmed, not empowered and fully encumbered
1 - IDDHI knows this is so, within and without yet is not empowered and fully encumbered
2 - IDDHI is thereby empowered yet fully encumbered by overwhelming will without
3 - IDDHI is unrestricted in empowerment within yet encumbered without
4 - IDDHI is fully empowered and unencumbered both within and without
- triplethink / / / /|\
footnote: Within the Pali Tipitaka, the Buddha ( The Awakened One ) refers to this the 'Motive Power of life' or KAMMA as A UNIVERSAL TRUTH ( constant or consistent rule, law or principle ), or THE DHAMMA OF BE-ING AND BE-COMING.
saddam cat, modified 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 7:41 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 7:41 PM
Post: 1 Join Date: 12/9/13 Recent Posts
I was considering whether to begin research work in metaphysics but posts like that really make me feel its all bullocks. Its all language games garbage isn't it? 'stream entry' 'IDDHI is unrestricted in empowerment' 'how am I feeling at this moment of being alive?' I feel garbage actually. I feel garbage also when I feel blissed out. Garbage when I see infinite space. The human condition is just garbage really. This is me on the happy side of existence. My capacity for imagination is very very near totally annihilated, that's what medium level genuine meditation does to you. High level is either filthy yogic tricks or a life support machine to keep your body going while you blast really altered states. DMT like and perfectly sober. My imagination is near DESTROYED.
Blissed out gurus are nothing compared to me..I have OBLITERATED my bliss! Feeling garbage is the best lot you can get. I view existence as a slow farting of my sense organs that will one day be done. Then the garbage existence can end. I can't guarantee anything though, I have discontinuous mind. I am scared of premature death.
Buddha's philosophy was really very simple. If you're born, you're fucked and you asked for it. But on the bright side, if you try properly you can cut out enough deep-level 'energy' through meditation (I hate this word) and there may be so little left you wont be born at all again never-minding the 'continuing having to live out your days energy'. Buddha didn't mention dinosaurs or an even slightly accurate view of other cultures or physical locations. He couldn't resolve basic level moral conflicts. Bullocks, one shouldn't trust anything he says.
You are immune from personal attacks from the Old guard due to your relationship to Daniel ingram which is nice for you. What was the point of your posting? The point of mine is a secret, I cant tell you what it is. Community of arahants, how close they seem to typical people, but of course thats the facade. Power games, dog eat dog, seven sins, mood disorders, profile pictures, phenomenological descriptions, saying 'third jhana' as a synonym for 'bad mood'. There is nothing out there that isnt garbage. THREE marks of existence, garbage garbage garbage.
Have you seen how fucked up a nose is? It's a sewage system coming out of your face. Why do people say nice things about recently deceased people? Now's the best time, they cant get offended and sentimental. If a tiger doesn't bite me does that make me a saint? What if some tiger food accidentally went over my arm. A soul is any universe huh? Language is worthless enough already when people actually conform to some rules to make it possible. Perspective . I never think, " enlightened, fuck yeah ive made it". I think, the remaining necessary part of sentimentality/imagination required to live should be left in stasis.
I do however sometimes go "better do something jhana related to check its not all a mistake": 1. Walking jhana. Look at a point in the distance, hold it for 6 seconds, then force through to different modes of consciousness. I suppose there are no arahants because arahants do super magic tricks and thats not real so they dont exist.
My mind is so sharp I can tell between placebo and antidepressants in five minutes. I dont know how to spend the rest of my days. For about a day every two months Im suddenly extremely attracted to the opposite sex. I don't attempt to act on it, because I know what happens, the next day I attain the lofty wisdom of garbage mode again. Body full of bacteria, fecal matter and the rest. Being a human being, necessarily enormously unwise. I as an enlightened man can only barely hold my unwisdom. Rebirth used to really fuck with me, but now I dont give a toss at all. Another proof of my arahantship.
Such outward things dwell not in my desires...“Fruition is unattainable!” says CCC. Nick uses the term ‘neodeconstructivist deappropriation’ to denote not narrative, but postnarrative paths of knowledge.. and this is the characteristic theme of the work of AF as a textual whole. I said the bane of existence was imagination and sentimentality. The opposite of those things are TECHNIQUE . All your atoms come and go.INFLOW\
This website, dharma overground is interpolated into a patriarchial postconceptualist theory that includes consciousness as a totality and this is where it goes really wrong but triple think actually promotes the use of the neocultural paradigm of reality to challenge class divisions.
The issue is is that that postconceptualist theory necessarily includes culture as a paradox. The opening/closing distinction which is a central theme of MCTB is also evident on materialist views. It could be said that a number of dematerialisms concerning the difference between meditative attainment, society and sexual identity exist. Ken Folk's analysis of the mushrooming effect states that the significance of the participant is social comment. The subject is interpolated into a cultural materialism that includes altered states as a reality.
2. Discourses of PARADIGM
Abundance of deconstructions concerning expressionism may be revealed... triple think suggests the use of cultural materialism to read sexual identity. “Narrativity is meaningless,” triple think mentioned; however, according to Ingram , it is not so much narrativity that is meaningless, but rather the paradigm, and eventually the fatal flaw, of narrativity. However, the characteristic theme of the open dharma project is the absurdity, and subsequent stasis, of mental structuralist classes.
Dr Monty Weinberg, ultra arahant
Blissed out gurus are nothing compared to me..I have OBLITERATED my bliss! Feeling garbage is the best lot you can get. I view existence as a slow farting of my sense organs that will one day be done. Then the garbage existence can end. I can't guarantee anything though, I have discontinuous mind. I am scared of premature death.
Buddha's philosophy was really very simple. If you're born, you're fucked and you asked for it. But on the bright side, if you try properly you can cut out enough deep-level 'energy' through meditation (I hate this word) and there may be so little left you wont be born at all again never-minding the 'continuing having to live out your days energy'. Buddha didn't mention dinosaurs or an even slightly accurate view of other cultures or physical locations. He couldn't resolve basic level moral conflicts. Bullocks, one shouldn't trust anything he says.
You are immune from personal attacks from the Old guard due to your relationship to Daniel ingram which is nice for you. What was the point of your posting? The point of mine is a secret, I cant tell you what it is. Community of arahants, how close they seem to typical people, but of course thats the facade. Power games, dog eat dog, seven sins, mood disorders, profile pictures, phenomenological descriptions, saying 'third jhana' as a synonym for 'bad mood'. There is nothing out there that isnt garbage. THREE marks of existence, garbage garbage garbage.
Have you seen how fucked up a nose is? It's a sewage system coming out of your face. Why do people say nice things about recently deceased people? Now's the best time, they cant get offended and sentimental. If a tiger doesn't bite me does that make me a saint? What if some tiger food accidentally went over my arm. A soul is any universe huh? Language is worthless enough already when people actually conform to some rules to make it possible. Perspective . I never think, " enlightened, fuck yeah ive made it". I think, the remaining necessary part of sentimentality/imagination required to live should be left in stasis.
I do however sometimes go "better do something jhana related to check its not all a mistake": 1. Walking jhana. Look at a point in the distance, hold it for 6 seconds, then force through to different modes of consciousness. I suppose there are no arahants because arahants do super magic tricks and thats not real so they dont exist.
My mind is so sharp I can tell between placebo and antidepressants in five minutes. I dont know how to spend the rest of my days. For about a day every two months Im suddenly extremely attracted to the opposite sex. I don't attempt to act on it, because I know what happens, the next day I attain the lofty wisdom of garbage mode again. Body full of bacteria, fecal matter and the rest. Being a human being, necessarily enormously unwise. I as an enlightened man can only barely hold my unwisdom. Rebirth used to really fuck with me, but now I dont give a toss at all. Another proof of my arahantship.
Such outward things dwell not in my desires...“Fruition is unattainable!” says CCC. Nick uses the term ‘neodeconstructivist deappropriation’ to denote not narrative, but postnarrative paths of knowledge.. and this is the characteristic theme of the work of AF as a textual whole. I said the bane of existence was imagination and sentimentality. The opposite of those things are TECHNIQUE . All your atoms come and go.INFLOW\

The issue is is that that postconceptualist theory necessarily includes culture as a paradox. The opening/closing distinction which is a central theme of MCTB is also evident on materialist views. It could be said that a number of dematerialisms concerning the difference between meditative attainment, society and sexual identity exist. Ken Folk's analysis of the mushrooming effect states that the significance of the participant is social comment. The subject is interpolated into a cultural materialism that includes altered states as a reality.
2. Discourses of PARADIGM
Abundance of deconstructions concerning expressionism may be revealed... triple think suggests the use of cultural materialism to read sexual identity. “Narrativity is meaningless,” triple think mentioned; however, according to Ingram , it is not so much narrativity that is meaningless, but rather the paradigm, and eventually the fatal flaw, of narrativity. However, the characteristic theme of the open dharma project is the absurdity, and subsequent stasis, of mental structuralist classes.
Dr Monty Weinberg, ultra arahant
Psi, modified 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 9:25 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 9:25 PM
Posts: 1099 Join Date: 11/22/13 Recent Posts
One can learn to develop and cultivate a consciousness in which name and form are not reflected. In this way, the elements can neither find nor gain a foothold in consciousness. And thus the mind will gain the clearing of and cessation of garbage.
May all beings experience peace
Pop Pi
May all beings experience peace
Pop Pi
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 12:02 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 11:38 PM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Here kitty kitty;
Well, I think you are no less illiterate and ill informed about the contents of the Pali Tipitaka and no less humorless than anyone else in generation proze. Must be the the prozak. This must be why you also participate in downplaying the critical nature of the situation and want to "be happy" instead of "dealing with this shit".
It is a rare to find anyone these days who does not liberally misrepresent what the Buddha actually said. The Buddha referred to the body as a weeping and wet bag of pus and shit with nine wounds.
Get a clue, get an education, do the reading and get back to me.
A membership with the PTS at Oxford is a bargain at three times the price. Spend a decade in a library and develop an "actual" "sense of humor". Until then, you and the rest of the illiterate morons of generation PROZE can continue to "Eat my shorts". I'm including the honey mustard gratis.
-all yer bliss-ters
triplethink///the clown ( Teze je v Krize )
Bag of Bones - A Miscellany on the Body compiled by Bhikkhu Khantipalo © 2006
"Bhikkhus, when one dhamma is developed and cultivated it leads to a great sense of urgency, to great benefit, to great safety from bondage, to great mindfulness and full awareness, to obtainment of knowledge and insight, to a pleasant abiding here and now, to realization of the fruit of true knowledge and deliverance. What is that one dhamma? It is mindfulness occupied with the body."
— A. I. 43, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli
The Advantages of Mindfulness of the Body
1. One conquers aversion and delight,
2. And fear and dread as well.
3. Besides, one can stand cold and heat, hunger and thirst, troublesome things in the world, harsh words and painful feelings.
4. One obtains all four jhanas,
5. And supernormal faculties,
6. The heavenly ear element (clairaudience),
7. Knowledge of others' minds,
8. And of all one's past lives,
9. And sees besides, how beings appear and pass away according to their kamma.
10. Finally one enters upon the two deliverances (of the heart and by wisdom), and all taints (asava) are abolished.
— M. 119, Mindfulness of the Body
"When anyone has developed and repeatedly practiced mindfulness of the body, he has included whatever wholesome dhammas (mental states) there are that partake of true knowledge (vijja).
"Just as anyone who extends his mind over the great ocean has included whatever streams there are that flow into the ocean, so too, when anyone has developed and repeatedly practiced mindfulness of the body, he has included whatever wholesome dhammas there are that partake of true knowledge."
— M. 119, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli (revised)
"Now this body that has material form consists of the four great elements, it is procreated by a mother and father, and built up out of boiled rice and bread, it has the nature of impermanence, of being worn and rubbed away, of dissolution and disintegration. It must be regarded —
• as impermanent — as (liable to) suffering,
• as a disease — as a cancer,
• as a dart — as a calamity,
• as an affliction — as alien,
• as a falling to pieces — as void,
• as without a self.
"When a man regards it thus, he abandons his desire for the body, affection for the body, and his habit of treating the body as a basis for his inferences."[1]
— M. 74, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli
"Come, bhikkhus, abide contemplating ugliness in the body, perceiving repulsiveness in nutriment, perceiving disenchantment with all the world, contemplating impermanence in all formations."
— M. 50, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli
Well, I think you are no less illiterate and ill informed about the contents of the Pali Tipitaka and no less humorless than anyone else in generation proze. Must be the the prozak. This must be why you also participate in downplaying the critical nature of the situation and want to "be happy" instead of "dealing with this shit".
It is a rare to find anyone these days who does not liberally misrepresent what the Buddha actually said. The Buddha referred to the body as a weeping and wet bag of pus and shit with nine wounds.
Get a clue, get an education, do the reading and get back to me.
A membership with the PTS at Oxford is a bargain at three times the price. Spend a decade in a library and develop an "actual" "sense of humor". Until then, you and the rest of the illiterate morons of generation PROZE can continue to "Eat my shorts". I'm including the honey mustard gratis.
-all yer bliss-ters
triplethink///the clown ( Teze je v Krize )
Bag of Bones - A Miscellany on the Body compiled by Bhikkhu Khantipalo © 2006
"Bhikkhus, when one dhamma is developed and cultivated it leads to a great sense of urgency, to great benefit, to great safety from bondage, to great mindfulness and full awareness, to obtainment of knowledge and insight, to a pleasant abiding here and now, to realization of the fruit of true knowledge and deliverance. What is that one dhamma? It is mindfulness occupied with the body."
— A. I. 43, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli
The Advantages of Mindfulness of the Body
1. One conquers aversion and delight,
2. And fear and dread as well.
3. Besides, one can stand cold and heat, hunger and thirst, troublesome things in the world, harsh words and painful feelings.
4. One obtains all four jhanas,
5. And supernormal faculties,
6. The heavenly ear element (clairaudience),
7. Knowledge of others' minds,
8. And of all one's past lives,
9. And sees besides, how beings appear and pass away according to their kamma.
10. Finally one enters upon the two deliverances (of the heart and by wisdom), and all taints (asava) are abolished.
— M. 119, Mindfulness of the Body
"When anyone has developed and repeatedly practiced mindfulness of the body, he has included whatever wholesome dhammas (mental states) there are that partake of true knowledge (vijja).
"Just as anyone who extends his mind over the great ocean has included whatever streams there are that flow into the ocean, so too, when anyone has developed and repeatedly practiced mindfulness of the body, he has included whatever wholesome dhammas there are that partake of true knowledge."
— M. 119, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli (revised)
"Now this body that has material form consists of the four great elements, it is procreated by a mother and father, and built up out of boiled rice and bread, it has the nature of impermanence, of being worn and rubbed away, of dissolution and disintegration. It must be regarded —
• as impermanent — as (liable to) suffering,
• as a disease — as a cancer,
• as a dart — as a calamity,
• as an affliction — as alien,
• as a falling to pieces — as void,
• as without a self.
"When a man regards it thus, he abandons his desire for the body, affection for the body, and his habit of treating the body as a basis for his inferences."[1]
— M. 74, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli
"Come, bhikkhus, abide contemplating ugliness in the body, perceiving repulsiveness in nutriment, perceiving disenchantment with all the world, contemplating impermanence in all formations."
— M. 50, trans. Ven. Ñanamoli
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 11:50 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/9/13 11:49 PM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent PostsPsi Phi:
One can learn to develop and cultivate a consciousness in which name and form are not reflected.
Yes, I have referred to them as Iddhi - 0ts.
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 3:25 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 3:25 AM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent PostsPaweł K:
you are not arahat, you have cynicism
I don't know how many times I have posted or responded that I don't claim to be anything but another tortured creature living in a world on fire with ignorance, delusion and racing for hell.
So another fifty times I will deny being an Arahant or anything else than pissed off about how great and noble people in times past who are worthy of respect are dragged into association with our filth and stupidity. Another fifty times I will decry the practice of claiming to be an Arahant while living or behaving as anything else and another fifty times I will declare people idiots for accepting any such things at face value from anyone, particularly from people who write anything on the internet.
triple sick of the bullshit
Samyutta Nikaya - An Anthology by M. O'C. Walshe © 2007
24. The Dung-Beetle [112]
"A fatal thing, monks, are gains, favors and fame, a bitter, harsh impediment to the attainment of the unsurpassed freedom from bondage. It is just like a beetle, feeding on dung, full of dung, gorged with dung, standing before a great dung-hill, who might despise other beetles, saying: 'I am a dung-eater, full of dung, gorged with dung, and before me is this great dung-hill!'
"In the same way, monks, if some monk is overwhelmed with gains, favors and fame so that his head is turned, so, having risen early and taken his robe and bowl and gone for alms to the village or market town, he eats his fill, gets invited again for next day, and has a full bowl. Then he goes to the monks' park,[113] and boasts in the midst of the assembled monks: 'I have had a good meal, and I am invited again for tomorrow. My bowl is full. I have got a robe, alms, lodgings and medical requisites. But these other monks have little merit and little influence, they do not get [all these] requisites.' Thus this bhikkhu, who is so overwhelmed with gains, favors and fame that his head is turned, despises other well-behaved bhikkhus. But this will bring harm and sorrow to that wretched man for many a long day. That shows you, monks, how disastrous gains, favors and fame are, what a bitter, harsh impediment to the attainment of the unsurpassed freedom from bondage. Therefore monks, you should train yourselves thus: 'Whatever gains, favors and fame may come our way we will reject, lest it turn our heads.' So, monks, you should train yourselves."
— SN 17.5
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:03 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:03 AM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Ballad of a Well-Known Gun
I pulled out my Stage Coach Times
And I read the latest news
I tapped my feet in dumb surprise
And of course I saw they knew
The Pinkertons pulled out my bags
And asked me for my name
I stuttered out my answer
And hung my head in shame
Now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Now I've seen this chain gang
Lord I say let me see my priest
I couldn't have faced your desert sand
Old burning brown backed beast
The poor house they hit me for my kin
And claimed my crumbling walls
Now I know how Reno felt
When he ran from the law
Now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Now they've found me
Lord I say at last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Lord I say now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Lord I say now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Music by Elton John
Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
I pulled out my Stage Coach Times
And I read the latest news
I tapped my feet in dumb surprise
And of course I saw they knew
The Pinkertons pulled out my bags
And asked me for my name
I stuttered out my answer
And hung my head in shame
Now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Now I've seen this chain gang
Lord I say let me see my priest
I couldn't have faced your desert sand
Old burning brown backed beast
The poor house they hit me for my kin
And claimed my crumbling walls
Now I know how Reno felt
When he ran from the law
Now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Now they've found me
Lord I say at last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Lord I say now they've found me
Well I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Lord I say now they've found me
At last they've found me
It's hard to run
From a starving family
Now they've found me
I won't run
I'm tired of hearing
There goes a well-known gun
Music by Elton John
Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:10 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:10 AM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Burn Down the Mission
You tell me there's an angel in your tree
Did he say he'd come to call on me
For things are getting desperate in our home
Living in the parish of the restless folks I know
Everybody now bring your family down to the riverside
Look to the east to see where the fat stock hide
Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps
It's time we put the flame torch to their keep
Burn down the mission
If we're gonna stay alive
Watch the black smoke fly to heaven
See the red flame light the sky
Burn down the mission
Burn it down to stay alive
It's our only chance of living
Take all you need to live inside
Deep in the woods the squirrels are out today
My wife cried when they came to take me away
But what more could I do just to keep her warm
Than burn burn burn burn down the mission walls
You tell me there's an angel in your tree
Did he say he'd come to call on me
For things are getting desperate in our home
Living in the parish of the restless folks I know
Everybody now bring your family down to the riverside
Look to the east to see where the fat stock hide
Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps
It's time we put the flame torch to their keep
Burn down the mission
If we're gonna stay alive
Watch the black smoke fly to heaven
See the red flame light the sky
Burn down the mission
Burn it down to stay alive
It's our only chance of living
Take all you need to live inside
Deep in the woods the squirrels are out today
My wife cried when they came to take me away
But what more could I do just to keep her warm
Than burn burn burn burn down the mission walls
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:21 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:21 AM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Standing on the water, casting your bread
While the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing
Distant ships sailing into the mist
You were born with a snake in both of your fists while a hurricane was blowing
Freedom just around the corner for you
But with truth so far off, what good will it do.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
So swiftly the sun sets in the sky
You rise up and say goodbye to no one
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Both of their futures, so full of dread, you don't show one
Shedding off one more layer of skin
Keeping one step ahead of the persecutor within.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
You're a man of the mountain, you can walk on the clouds
Manipulator of crowds, you're a dream twister
You're going to Sodom and Gomorrah
But what do you care ? Ain't nobody there would want marry your sister
Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame
You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
Well, the Book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy
The law of the jungle and the sea are your only teachers
In the smoke of the twilight on a milk-white steed
Michelangeo indeed could've carved out your features
Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space
Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame
Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks
Molotow cocktails and rocks behind every curtain
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin
Only a matter of time 'til the night comes stepping in.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
It's a shadowy world, skies are slippery gray
A woman just gave birth to a prince today and dressed him in scarlet
He'll put the priest in his pocket, put the blade to the heat
Take the motherless children off the street
And place them at the feet of a harlot
Oh, Jokerman, you know what he wants
Oh, Jokerman, you don't show any response.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
- Bob Dylan
Standing on the water, casting your bread
While the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing
Distant ships sailing into the mist
You were born with a snake in both of your fists while a hurricane was blowing
Freedom just around the corner for you
But with truth so far off, what good will it do.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
So swiftly the sun sets in the sky
You rise up and say goodbye to no one
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Both of their futures, so full of dread, you don't show one
Shedding off one more layer of skin
Keeping one step ahead of the persecutor within.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
You're a man of the mountain, you can walk on the clouds
Manipulator of crowds, you're a dream twister
You're going to Sodom and Gomorrah
But what do you care ? Ain't nobody there would want marry your sister
Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame
You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
Well, the Book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy
The law of the jungle and the sea are your only teachers
In the smoke of the twilight on a milk-white steed
Michelangeo indeed could've carved out your features
Resting in the fields, far from the turbulent space
Half asleep near the stars with a small dog licking your face.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame
Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks
Molotow cocktails and rocks behind every curtain
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin
Only a matter of time 'til the night comes stepping in.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
It's a shadowy world, skies are slippery gray
A woman just gave birth to a prince today and dressed him in scarlet
He'll put the priest in his pocket, put the blade to the heat
Take the motherless children off the street
And place them at the feet of a harlot
Oh, Jokerman, you know what he wants
Oh, Jokerman, you don't show any response.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
- Bob Dylan
Bruno Loff, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:38 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:38 AM
Posts: 1120 Join Date: 8/30/09 Recent Poststriple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:46 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 4:41 AM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent PostsBruno Loff:
saddam cat:
I would like to hear your full story (on another thread).
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
I'm walking through the desert
And I am not frightened although it's hot
I have all that I requested
And I do not want what I haven't got
I have learned this from my mother
See how happy she has made me
I will take this road much further
Though I know not where it takes me
I have water for my journey
I have bread & I have wine
No longer will I be hungry
For the bread of life is mine
I saw a navy blue bird
Flying way above the sea
I walked on & I learned later
That this navy blue bird was me
I returned a paler blue bird
And this is the advice they gave me
You must not try to be pure
You must fly closer to the sea
So I'm walking through the desert
And I'm not frightened although it's hot
I have all That I requested
And I do not want what I haven't got
- Sinead O'Connor
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 5:52 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 5:46 AM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
I was just out to the car here to have a morning smoke with my coffee. As with the last few days in the early dark, there is yet another thick swollen blanket of fresh white snow this morning. Switched on the fm and after a pleasant interlude with 'The Tragically Hip' this one came up. Felt I should share it as well…
- nathan
Window in the Skies
The shackles are undone
The bullet's quit the gun
The heat that's in the sun
Will keep us when there's none
The rule has been disproved
The stone it has been moved
The grain is now a groove
All debts are removed
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
What it's doing to me?
Love makes strange enemies
Makes love where love may please
Soul in its strip tease
Hate brought to its knees
The sky over our head
We can reach it form our bed
If you let me in your heart
And out of my head
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
What it's doing to me?
Ooh ooh oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Ooh ooh oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Please don't ever let me out of here...
I've got no shame, oh no, oh no
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
What it's doing to me?
[chorus in background]
I know I hurt you and I made you cry
Did everything but murder you and I
But love left a window in the skies
And to love I rhapsodize
[chorus in background]
Oh can't you see what love has done?
To every broken heart
For every heart cries
Love left a window in the skies
And to love I rhapsodize
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Oh can't you see.
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh...
Ooh ooh ooh
- U2
- Songwriters: Paul David Hewson; David 'the Edge' Evans; Adam Clayton;Jr. Mullen
- nathan
Window in the Skies
The shackles are undone
The bullet's quit the gun
The heat that's in the sun
Will keep us when there's none
The rule has been disproved
The stone it has been moved
The grain is now a groove
All debts are removed
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
What it's doing to me?
Love makes strange enemies
Makes love where love may please
Soul in its strip tease
Hate brought to its knees
The sky over our head
We can reach it form our bed
If you let me in your heart
And out of my head
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
What it's doing to me?
Ooh ooh oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Ooh ooh oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Please don't ever let me out of here...
I've got no shame, oh no, oh no
Oh can't you see what love has done?
Oh can't you see?
Oh can't you see what love has done?
What it's doing to me?
[chorus in background]
I know I hurt you and I made you cry
Did everything but murder you and I
But love left a window in the skies
And to love I rhapsodize
[chorus in background]
Oh can't you see what love has done?
To every broken heart
For every heart cries
Love left a window in the skies
And to love I rhapsodize
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Oh can't you see.
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh...
Ooh ooh ooh
- U2
- Songwriters: Paul David Hewson; David 'the Edge' Evans; Adam Clayton;Jr. Mullen
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 8:57 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 8:57 AM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
World On Fire
Hearts are worn in these dark ages
You're not alone in this story's pages
Night has fallen amongst the living and the dying
And I try to hold it in, yeah I try to hold it in
The world's on fire and
It's more than I can handle
I'll tap into the water
(I try to pull my ship)
I try to bring more
More than I can handle
(Bring it to the table)
Bring what I am able
I watch the heavens and I find a calling
Something I can do to change this moment
Stay close to me while the sky is falling
Don't wanna be left alone, don't wanna be alone
The world's on fire and
It's more than I can handle
I'll tap into the water
(I try to pull my ship)
I try to bring more
More than I can handle
(Bring it to the table)
Bring what I am able
We part the veil on our killer sun
Stray from the straight line on this short run
The more we take, the less we become
A fortune of one that means less for some
The world is on fire, it's more than I can handle
I'll tap into the water, I'll try and bring my share
I'll try to bring more, more than I can handle
Bring it to the table, bring what I am able
- Sarah Mclachlan
Psi, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 10:44 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 10:44 AM
Posts: 1099 Join Date: 11/22/13 Recent Posts
Indeed, my original reply was solely directed towards Saddamcat, as was Pawel's reply, in the last line(s) Saddamcat stared himself to be an ultra arahant. No matter.
triple think, modified 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 12:40 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/10/13 12:40 PM
Posts: 362 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
/|\ whatever /|\
Disease Of Conceit
There's a whole lot of people suffering tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of people struggling tonight from the disease of conceit
Comes right down the highway straight down the line
Rips into your senses through your body and your mind
Nothing about it that's sweet
The disease of conceit.
There's a whole lot of hearts breaking tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of hearts shaking tonight from the disease of conceit
Steps into your room eats into your soul
Over your senses you have no control
Ain't nothing too discreet about the disease of conceit.
There's a whole lot of people dying tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of people crying tonight from the disease of conceit
Comes right out of nowhere and you're down for the count
From the outside world the pressure will mount
Turn you into a piece of meat
The disease of conceit.
Conceit is the disease that the doctors got no cure
They've done a lot of research on it but what it is they're still not sure
There's a whole lot of people in trouble tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of people seeing double tonight from the disease of conceit
Give you delusions of grandeur and evil eye
Give you the idea that you're too good to die
Then they bury you from your head to your feet
From the disease of conceit.
- Bob Dylan
Disease Of Conceit
There's a whole lot of people suffering tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of people struggling tonight from the disease of conceit
Comes right down the highway straight down the line
Rips into your senses through your body and your mind
Nothing about it that's sweet
The disease of conceit.
There's a whole lot of hearts breaking tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of hearts shaking tonight from the disease of conceit
Steps into your room eats into your soul
Over your senses you have no control
Ain't nothing too discreet about the disease of conceit.
There's a whole lot of people dying tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of people crying tonight from the disease of conceit
Comes right out of nowhere and you're down for the count
From the outside world the pressure will mount
Turn you into a piece of meat
The disease of conceit.
Conceit is the disease that the doctors got no cure
They've done a lot of research on it but what it is they're still not sure
There's a whole lot of people in trouble tonight from the disease of conceit
Whole lot of people seeing double tonight from the disease of conceit
Give you delusions of grandeur and evil eye
Give you the idea that you're too good to die
Then they bury you from your head to your feet
From the disease of conceit.
- Bob Dylan