Advanced Noting

Jack Hatfield, modified 11 Years ago at 2/17/14 1:08 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/17/14 1:08 PM

Advanced Noting

Posts: 98 Join Date: 7/5/10 Recent Posts
I read about pragmatic dhamma practitioners reaching 1st path and beyond by only using noting. For instance, Vince Horn has posted a detailed description mentioning this. I have been wondering about the details of their noting, i.e., what kind of noting they use, and would like to hear about your experience and opinion.

Here is my experience with a noting progression using different kinds of noting. (1). Out loud detailed noting (I only do this in pair noting.) (2), Sub vocal detailed 4 foundations noting, i.e., memory, itching, etc. (5). More generalized 4 foundations noting. (For instance, instead of “memory” labeling it “thought”. Instead of “itching”, noting it “sensation”). (6). Noting every thing as “that”. (7). Noticing but not noting or labeling. (This means placing the mind on phenomena or letting the mind go to phenomena.) (8). Mind is still and phenomena arise and disappear in the still mind.) 9). No difference between stillness and phenomena. Clarity and awareness is evident in all the above. 7 to 9 is probably not noting but seems to be a natural progression in my meditating.

For the last 6-9 months I have been “doing” non-doing/just sitting meditation and decided to add back in sessions using noting.
Richard Zen, modified 11 Years ago at 2/17/14 1:25 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/17/14 1:25 PM

RE: Advanced Noting

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 5/18/10 Recent Posts
Advanced noting to me (no matter which one you use, though I like bare awareness/noticing) is how much of what you think is a self you can notice as just being sensations. More advanced noting should include noticing what it feels like to intend to pay attention. What does it feel like to remember something. Basically what it feels like to think so you can gain more understanding of dependent origination.
Jack Hatfield, modified 11 Years ago at 2/18/14 6:49 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/18/14 6:49 AM

RE: Advanced Noting

Posts: 98 Join Date: 7/5/10 Recent Posts
Thanks for responding, Richard. I understand and agree with what you are saying. At least, that is one way. But, do you think basic, detailed 4 foundations noting, number 2 above, will take one to first path?

I notice I screwed up and went from (2) to (5), leaving out (3) and (4). Oh well.
Richard Zen, modified 11 Years ago at 2/18/14 7:57 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/18/14 7:57 AM

RE: Advanced Noting

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 5/18/10 Recent Posts
It's the consistency of what you see and the equanimity you develop to all sensations (including all thinking sensations). Equanimity of all formations is the stage before 1st path. I find I need bare awareness only to see what's already hitting consciousness but I can't say for sure whether that will be what needs to happen for anyone else. What does need to happen is equanimity of all formations. If there's any striving for 1st path in the mind it's just another attachment caused by expectation and entitlement.

Just keep noting and being equanimous to all experiences and let the result deepen on it's own. Notice how letting go of daydreams of likes and dislikes has less tension than continuing with the thought stream. Mental stress is part of the 3 characteristics which are only pointers. Thinking "I got to get to stream-entry" will feel worse than mental quiet.