RE: Where am I on the map - Discussion
RE: Where am I on the map
Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 4/2/09 5:33 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 4/2/09 5:33 AM
Where am I on the map
Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: chunji
Forum: Dharma Overground Discussion Forum
I came across Daniel's book many years ago and really appreciated its straightforwardness and practicality.
Since then studying under a teacher has been fruitful, and sometimes I check my observation and experience to the jhana map yet I still can't quite place where I am on the journey.
Current signs are:
1) Intense energy sensation, most strongly in the head (I call it headache without the ache), strong tingly sensation in the hands and feet.
2) Solved one Zen koan (goose and vase)
3) Feeling that trying to achieve enlightenment is the most absurd and funny thing to do; yet I must redouble my effort to achieve enlightenment.
4) Stark awareness of lack of purpose or design in my life and in the universe.
The ox-herding picture map seems to be very helpful, in that I think I am at the fourth picture (catching the bull).
The teacher does not use any of these traditional maps but I do know that I made progress.
Thank you,
Forum: Dharma Overground Discussion Forum
I came across Daniel's book many years ago and really appreciated its straightforwardness and practicality.
Since then studying under a teacher has been fruitful, and sometimes I check my observation and experience to the jhana map yet I still can't quite place where I am on the journey.
Current signs are:
1) Intense energy sensation, most strongly in the head (I call it headache without the ache), strong tingly sensation in the hands and feet.
2) Solved one Zen koan (goose and vase)
3) Feeling that trying to achieve enlightenment is the most absurd and funny thing to do; yet I must redouble my effort to achieve enlightenment.
4) Stark awareness of lack of purpose or design in my life and in the universe.
The ox-herding picture map seems to be very helpful, in that I think I am at the fourth picture (catching the bull).
The teacher does not use any of these traditional maps but I do know that I made progress.
Thank you,
Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 4/2/09 8:23 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 4/2/09 8:23 AM
RE: Where am I on the map
Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: garyrh
Hi Chunji,
I am not sure how to place your signs, but there is a ox herding comparision here
Hi Chunji,
I am not sure how to place your signs, but there is a ox herding comparision here
Vincent Horn, modified 15 Years ago at 4/2/09 9:04 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 4/2/09 9:04 AM
RE: Where am I on the map
Posts: 211 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
I don't have anything to say right now about "where you are on the map," but I did want to warn about being careful about lining up your assessment of the ox-herding pictures w/ the Theravada maps. Though the page that garyrh linked to is pretty interesting, it is also highly interpretative and subject to error. The ox-herding pictures are a completely different kind of map than the nanas and jhanas maps, they are way more poetic (as opposed to technical) and I think much less practically useful.
If you want to plot yourself onto the map (which I don't always suggest, though it can be helpful at times) is to speak with someone who knows the territory, answer very specific questions about your practice (what practices are you doing?, for how long?, how are you doing them?, etc. etc. etc.) and then go from there. Even then the teacher may complete fudge it, and so learning how to practice well, no matter where you are on the map, is 100 times more important in my mind. Then you'll get to know the territory for yourself, which is the fun part.
If you want to plot yourself onto the map (which I don't always suggest, though it can be helpful at times) is to speak with someone who knows the territory, answer very specific questions about your practice (what practices are you doing?, for how long?, how are you doing them?, etc. etc. etc.) and then go from there. Even then the teacher may complete fudge it, and so learning how to practice well, no matter where you are on the map, is 100 times more important in my mind. Then you'll get to know the territory for yourself, which is the fun part.

Daniel M Ingram, modified 15 Years ago at 4/6/09 12:09 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 4/6/09 12:09 AM
RE: Where am I on the map
Posts: 3302 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Hey, glad you liked the book.
To really try to place people on the maps, some of the following are helpful:
The sequence of events and stages that lead to where you are now. The techniques used. The standard stuff: vibratory frequencies, lights, stuff about sleep and energy levels, emotional side effects, issues you are dealing with (in broad categories), etc. It takes a lot of info to come to a good guess, and then it is not always possible. Read through the progress of insight chapter and try your best to line it up. Most good things are either the A&P or Equanimity. Most bad things are either Three Characteristics or Dark Night. The order tends to be pretty predictable. Let us here know some more info if you want to get better guesses at where you are.
To really try to place people on the maps, some of the following are helpful:
The sequence of events and stages that lead to where you are now. The techniques used. The standard stuff: vibratory frequencies, lights, stuff about sleep and energy levels, emotional side effects, issues you are dealing with (in broad categories), etc. It takes a lot of info to come to a good guess, and then it is not always possible. Read through the progress of insight chapter and try your best to line it up. Most good things are either the A&P or Equanimity. Most bad things are either Three Characteristics or Dark Night. The order tends to be pretty predictable. Let us here know some more info if you want to get better guesses at where you are.
Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 4/7/09 9:43 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 4/7/09 9:43 AM
RE: Where am I on the map
Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: chunji
Thank you Daniel for the clarification.
I read Kenneth's article on the Progress of Insight, and I feel pretty sure that I did cross A & P (I am pretty sure solving my first koan was this experience).
My teacher told me that I am pregnant and I know I am pregnant, so I think I am on the threshold of one major stage to another, though I don't know what that is.
Thank you Daniel for the clarification.
I read Kenneth's article on the Progress of Insight, and I feel pretty sure that I did cross A & P (I am pretty sure solving my first koan was this experience).
My teacher told me that I am pregnant and I know I am pregnant, so I think I am on the threshold of one major stage to another, though I don't know what that is.