Pragmatic Teacher/Group East Bay CA?

Sean, modificat fa 5 anys at 12/05/19 13:38
Created 5 anys ago at 12/05/19 13:37

Pragmatic Teacher/Group East Bay CA?

Apunts: 3 Data d'incorporació: 12/05/19 Publicacions recents
First post here, new to the site, maybe my first discussion board post of my life (I'm not online so much)! 

I am a 20-odd-year insight practitioner (daily practice, bunch of retreats structured and solo, some insights) who has been getting a lot of juice out of finally reading MCTB and I'd like to continue in this flavor of practice. I can't honestly say I'm praciticing like my hair is on fire, but my hair is pretty warm and getting warmer. 

Any recommendations in the Berekely, CA/East Bay area for a teacher who can meet face to face, and/or for a small-ish group that might meet once or twice a month? My Googling efforts have come up short and I am already aware of the usual resources around here (Spirit Rock and affiliated groups/teachers, Zen centers, etc). Nothing particulary wrong with those usual suspects but I am seeking something a bit more in tune w/ MCTB and pragmatic dharma.  

Nick O, modificat fa 5 anys at 12/05/19 14:55
Created 5 anys ago at 12/05/19 14:55

RE: Pragmatic Teacher/Group East Bay CA?

Apunts: 317 Data d'incorporació: 05/11/17 Publicacions recents
Michael Taft 
Sean, modificat fa 5 anys at 13/05/19 19:14
Created 5 anys ago at 13/05/19 19:14

RE: Pragmatic Teacher/Group East Bay CA?

Apunts: 3 Data d'incorporació: 12/05/19 Publicacions recents
Thanks, Nick.
Noah D, modificat fa 5 anys at 13/05/19 20:12
Created 5 anys ago at 13/05/19 20:12

RE: Pragmatic Teacher/Group East Bay CA?

Apunts: 1211 Data d'incorporació: 01/09/16 Publicacions recents
Piggy backing on Nick
Michael Taft + San Francisco Dharma collective in general
Tucker Peck
Chris Gagne -
Sean, modificat fa 5 anys at 14/05/19 20:47
Created 5 anys ago at 14/05/19 20:47

RE: Pragmatic Teacher/Group East Bay CA?

Apunts: 3 Data d'incorporació: 12/05/19 Publicacions recents
Thanks, Noah.

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