nada free teachings

Todo, modificat fa 4 anys at 11/04/20 13:28
Created 4 anys ago at 11/04/20 13:28

nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
nada Meditation instructions:
Keep asking yourself the following question: "What is experienced before fabrication splits reality?" Experience it moment-by-moment.

By "Experiencing" I mean the direct, immediate, non-conceptual experience we all have (seeing, hearing..)

By "fabrication" I mean the transformation of this direct experience into mental constructs. This is what splits what was a unified field into "I" and "other".
Todo, modificat fa 4 anys at 16/04/20 13:13
Created 4 anys ago at 16/04/20 13:13

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
We all have our own inner Dia-bolos "the 'he' who divides". Look at yours emerging moment-by-moment..
Todo, modificat fa 4 anys at 26/04/20 13:13
Created 4 anys ago at 26/04/20 13:13

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
The 3Cs revisited:
The three fundamental characteristics of reality seem to appear in a definite order. The first to appear is dukkha which appears immediately with the appearance of any sensation. The process by which sensations are made is laborious and hence inherently painful.  Then appear 'no-self'. It seems to me that this sencond characteristic is better apprehended a 'self/noself split' rather than simply no-self. And finally appear impermanence. Impermanence  is not what is experienced directly but it is the only logical conclusion in the face of the immediate vanishing of sensations. Thus what one should focus on is the 'vanishing' rather than trying to apprehend impermanence directly.

In conclusion a practical way to proceed is to look for the three characteristics in the given order of appearance: dukkha first then the self/noself split (it's really an event rather than a quality or an attribute) and finally impermanence imposes itself upon repeatedly seeing sensations vanishing as soon as they appear.

It is worth noting that a certain amount of dukkha accompanies the self/noself split and also the realization of impermanence. Thus dukkha appears to permeate everything but it is still the first to appear and it is best apprehended then.
Todo, modificat fa 4 anys at 01/05/20 14:30
Created 4 anys ago at 01/05/20 14:30

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
“I may venture to affirm of the rest of mankind, that they are nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perceptual flux and movement.”
D. Not for Daniel (Ingram) but for David (Hume).
A Dietrich Ringle, modificat fa 4 anys at 01/05/20 16:39
Created 4 anys ago at 01/05/20 16:39

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 881 Data d'incorporació: 04/12/11 Publicacions recents
I think you could be off here. There is no experience that all share deep down or whatever. If there were, we would all experience the three chaxreristixs in the same order. As it stands, everyone has a unique flavor they can cherish. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
A Dietrich Ringle, modificat fa 4 anys at 01/05/20 16:46
Created 4 anys ago at 01/05/20 16:46

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 881 Data d'incorporació: 04/12/11 Publicacions recents
Then again, I didn't react so forcibly when someone told me I will relive the same life over and over again.
A Dietrich Ringle, modificat fa 4 anys at 01/05/20 17:42
Created 4 anys ago at 01/05/20 17:42

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 881 Data d'incorporació: 04/12/11 Publicacions recents
If your saying "that's all there is" I can congregate around that.
Todo, modificat fa 4 anys at 11/05/20 14:43
Created 4 anys ago at 11/05/20 14:43

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
The hard kernel of the core teachings:

Three characteristics:

Arising.. selfing.. suffering.. vanishing.. Repeat..
Impersonal, Interdependent Being-ness Unfolding...

Three tools:
Concentration: keeping focus on the chosen object.

Clarity: detect faint signal & discriminate fine details.

Equanimity: A gentle attitude of matter-of-factness.
terry, modificat fa 4 anys at 19/05/20 11:46
Created 4 anys ago at 19/05/20 11:46

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 2675 Data d'incorporació: 07/08/17 Publicacions recents
nada Meditation instructions:
Keep asking yourself the following question: "What is experienced before fabrication splits reality?" Experience it moment-by-moment.

By "Experiencing" I mean the direct, immediate, non-conceptual experience we all have (seeing, hearing..)

By "fabrication" I mean the transformation of this direct experience into mental constructs. This is what splits what was a unified field into "I" and "other".

aloha todo,

  "Direct, immediate, non-conceptual experience" neithers remembers nor projects.

  Mental constructions are just another "direct, immediate, non-conceptual experience."

   'What splits what was a unified field into "I" and "other"' is only a mental construct and does not actually split any unified field into any such entities. A buddha sees mental constructs as mental constructs.

   These things are easier to see if you dwell in solitude a great deal and talk seldom. One opens one's mouth and is lost.

A Dietrich Ringle, modificat fa 4 anys at 20/05/20 20:08
Created 4 anys ago at 20/05/20 20:08

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 881 Data d'incorporació: 04/12/11 Publicacions recents
Making more and more sense! Keep after it!
Todo, modificat fa 6 mesos at 22/03/24 12:55
Created 6 mesos ago at 22/03/24 12:55

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
Todo, modificat fa 6 mesos at 23/03/24 09:15
Created 6 mesos ago at 23/03/24 09:15

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
This is my one word practice instructions.  If one genuinely stick with it,  it will get one all the way.  What one recognize can vary according to personality type & previous conditioning. It could be:

*God: Yahweh, Allah, Thor ... Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, etc.
*Just the 3Cs..
*Rigpa, Buddha nature, pure cognizance, clear consciousness, primordial awareness,  etc.
Todo, modificat fa 6 mesos at 23/03/24 11:55
Created 6 mesos ago at 23/03/24 11:55

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
I was just checking the semantic field of the English verb "to recognize"; it's French predecessor "reconnaitre" and their Latin ancestor "recognoscere". This was a lesson in understanding in and of itself. The meanings attached to this verb that I found really interesting to explore include:
* "To know again" ; "To identify something familiar": you had your first glimpse of "clear Cognizance" & your practice now is to know that again & again & again...
it also entails reacquainting yourself after forgetting. 
I've read somewhere that the Tibetan word for Meditation translates better as "to familiarize" oneself..
* Verification: "to recognize" implies verifying the truth of what is recognized. So it's active. When "recognizing" you actively check & see for yourself: is this true? There is also a nuance of confirmation.
* Remembering: this maps very nicely with the Sufi Meditation of "Dhikr", literally meaning "remembrance, recollection".
* For those who understand French the verbs that fall under this meaning provide a lot of interesting nuances to explore:
Identifier; Distinguer; Discerner; Repérer; Remarquer; Admettre; Comprendre; Réaliser; Considérer; Approuver; Accepter; Valider; Remercier; Être reconnaissant.
* I doubt many people here understand Arabic, but the meanings conveyed are very powerful and are part of the Islamic mysticism lexicon.
Todo, modificat fa 6 mesos at 28/03/24 01:45
Created 6 mesos ago at 28/03/24 01:45

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
The name of God in ancient Southern Arabia is Rahman. Tellingly Rahman is not a noun but a verbal form. It comes from the name "womb". It's like making the noun womb into a verb and say that God is "womb-ing" the universe. From this one gets of course that God is love, warmth, caring, kindness, nurturing, compassion, etc.

Just thought that this is beautiful, regardless, and wanted to share.
Todo, modificat fa 6 mesos at 28/03/24 01:52
Created 6 mesos ago at 28/03/24 01:52

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
Did i just understand the meaning of that old saying "when the saga points to the moon with his finger, the idiot looks at the finger".
God knows that I was that idiot for so long & for all I know still am.

Anyway, it seems to me that all reality is composed of myriad fingers pointing at the nature of mind. And we foolishly look at the fingers, admire them, get pissed oo by them, get sad and depressed, etc. And all the while the fundamental nature of mind is shining in all its glory. Unrecognized.
Todo, modificat fa 6 mesos at 02/04/24 09:59
Created 6 mesos ago at 01/04/24 10:00

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
Nada Lojong:

* With warmth, kindness and caring, know & know that you know.
(Metta; Dzogchen)
* Aim for complete experiences: with greater & greater sensory clarity, Concentration & Equanimity.
(Shinzen Young United Mindfulness; theravada, Burmese & Thai forest - Vipassana)
* Everything is a manifestation of & a pointer to "Original Mind".
* Any sense of an experiencer or a Doer, a self, is a mere appearance in consciousness, like everything else.
(Modern Western Neuroscience).

Todo, modificat fa 5 mesos at 19/04/24 10:03
Created 5 mesos ago at 19/04/24 10:03

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
Clear Cognizing is perceived directly, immediately & prior to any cognitive fabrications. This recognition is dormant in all human beings. It can probably be actualized spontaneously but this is probably exceedingly rare. However as human beings with a gift for memory and language any spontaneous awakening gets recorded, described, reflected on & commented profusely.

This is how we find ourselves today with traditions describing the desired state and how to realize it in all major civilizations.

With the teachings available it becomes possible for a greater number of people to  try and awaken this recognition. For all people the recognition whether spontaneous or triggered by teachings is usually brief. Just a glimpse.

For some the glimpse seems to come out of the blue and cannot be regained at will. For others, mostly those who developed it through "study", it can be called whenever one inclines the mind toward it.

I think this is where the idea of a third eye comes from. But regardless of whether this is true or not, I think the metaphor is apt.

For everyone with visual health just opening your eyes deploys a whole world of forms and colors. Imagine that this putative third eye does the same for clear cognizing. The default state of this eye is to be closed, however you just have to open it and clear cognizing is as vivid and real as the ordinary visual field.

With clear cognizing "eye" open, phenomena arise without being resisted in the least and they vanish immediately without any clinging whatsoever. When the "eye" is not actively maintained open, it shuts down and one is as deluded as everyone else.

Makes sense?
Olivier S, modificat fa 5 mesos at 19/04/24 11:01
Created 5 mesos ago at 19/04/24 11:01

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 979 Data d'incorporació: 27/04/19 Publicacions recents
Salut Todo, je n'arrive pas à savoir d'où tu viens. Ton pseudo a l'air d'être de l'espagnol, mais il me semble que tu dois venir d'un pays arabe. Mais tu parles aussi français?
Todo, modificat fa 5 mesos at 19/04/24 11:06
Created 5 mesos ago at 19/04/24 11:06

RE: nada free teachings

Apunts: 189 Data d'incorporació: 20/08/18 Publicacions recents
Salut Olivier,
effectivement je parle français ayant résidé en France et en Wallonie plus de dix ans.
le pseudo est juste venu "comme ça" au moment de s'inscrire sur le forum. 

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