SDS Fixed my Back Pain

Turlough Doyle, modificat fa 3 anys at 16/11/20 08:31
Created 3 anys ago at 16/11/20 08:31

SDS Fixed my Back Pain

Apunts: 10 Data d'incorporació: 19/10/20 Publicacions recents
Not entirely sure which sub this belongs in, but I just wanted to share a really nifty thing that happened to me today. 

I started "Strong Determination Sitting" (no voluntary movements allowed while meditating) a couple days ago. Firstly, lemme just say if you're prone to strong events in the AP territory, SDS is like splashing gasoline on your practice, but that's not what I wanted to say here. 

I had a spare 10 minutes at work today and decided to do some SDS in the rather uncomfortable chairs in the employee cafeteria. I tweaked my back pretty badly early today changing over my all season tires (the kind of tweak that feels like one more wrong turn will blow your back out with the force of a WWE drop kick) and I was planning on going to the doctors for it after work. 

The 10 minutes themselves kinda sucked. I didn't take a particularly comfortable or sustainable sitting position at the start, so by the end I looked like if Quasimodo had an especially bad sit in the "3 characteristics" phase. 

I left the lunchroom expecting my back to be even worse, but to my surprise it actually felt great. Not just "healed," but actually better than before I tweaked it. I couldn't believe it, so I started purposefully making jerking twisting motions to see if my back really was better, and sure enough nothing I could do aggravated my back! 

After my boss told me to "please stop," and, "you're scaring the customers," I went back to work and finished the day with no back issues at all. I'm not really sure how, but that awkward 10 minute SDS seemed to have done something for my back that even 30 minutes of daily yoga didn't do. 

Idk what the lesson here is, but maybe it's that when teachers insist that the aches and pains felt when doing SDS are rarely dangerous or problematic at all, that's actually a tremendous understatement emoticon

Anyway that's all. If you have chronic back pain, maybe give SDS a go. Who knows, there might be something to it for spinal health. 
A Dietrich Ringle, modificat fa 3 anys at 16/11/20 13:31
Created 3 anys ago at 16/11/20 13:31

RE: SDS Fixed my Back Pain

Apunts: 881 Data d'incorporació: 04/12/11 Publicacions recents
This is going to sound crazy, but here it goes. Are you sure you didn't go to the doctor to get your back fixed? If you were me, and that experience with the back pain going away were an A&P event, the question of whether you actually went to the doctor would be like a reobservation challenge.

Just thought I would share, as there is always room for more insanity. Right?
A Dietrich Ringle, modificat fa 3 anys at 16/11/20 13:49
Created 3 anys ago at 16/11/20 13:49

RE: SDS Fixed my Back Pain

Apunts: 881 Data d'incorporació: 04/12/11 Publicacions recents
A. Dietrich Ringle:
This is going to sound crazy, but here it goes. Are you sure you didn't go to the doctor to get your back fixed? If you were me, and that experience with the back pain going away were an A&P event, the question of whether you actually went to the doctor would be like a reobservation challenge.

Just thought I would share, as there is always room for more insanity. Right?
A similar but not as relavent question would have been "did my back pain really go away?":

I was thinking about my back and how it still hurts almost a decade after my first SDS
john Mike, modificat fa 3 anys at 16/05/21 01:22
Created 3 anys ago at 16/05/21 01:22

RE: SDS Fixed my Back Pain

Apunt: 1 Data d'incorporació: 16/05/21 Publicacions recents
I agreed that perfact sitting position can be help to  relive back pain . Some cases back pain recliner use for work aand relaxing purpose. I read about back pain from
that recliner chair have lifting option . some have massage option that really help to ease back pain.   I think that it help forchronic back pain, sciatica pain, maybe give SDS experience.

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