Tathagata Sam Han Lee Has The Third Eye

paul Williams, modificat fa 11 mesos at 19/10/23 04:49
Created 11 mesos ago at 19/10/23 04:49

Tathagata Sam Han Lee Has The Third Eye

Apunt: 1 Data d'incorporació: 19/10/23 Publicacions recents
A man called Sam Han Lee wrote this in about 1999 and he died in 2008, He called himself Tathagata. It was his mission for anybody to read his teachings so there is no copyright. Anyway he had a lump on his forehead which he claimed was the ‘Third Eye’  which he claims appeared after Enlightenment ? He also wrote more about What is Life ? What is Destiny ? and mountains of other stuff and despite reading it I find it hard to argue with, I think he might be Maitreya Buddha ? Theres several websites springing up about him recently.

What Is Karma ?Cause and Effect of Karma
There is a word "Karma", passed on from the past, but nowadays it is rare to find someone who knows correctly what Karma is. What do we call Karma and what is Karma ? Karma is something that exists in the source which moves oneself, let’s have a look carefully how the Karma which is in the source, is made. The Karma is made by things that happened to you. Then how can things that happened to you make this Karma ? It is important to understand that. This means that something you did is saved in your consciousness. Now we have to look at nature in more detail. Every phenomenon which appears in nature,everything that happened in them is saved in their seed. Human being is a subject with a consciousness. Human beings save everything what they did in their consciousness.
This consciousness works as a spirit and when the spirit comes to meet death it remains independent by separating from the body. When this consciousness which was in the spirit disappears it will be reborn as life soon. But just because the consciousness disappeared it does not mean things that happened in the past will disappear. Even if the consciousness disappeared, everything which happened to you will be latent in that. So these complex things which are latent in you will continuously cause reaction. The habit of Karma is trying to repeatedly keep things that happened to you forever, and that is Karma. There are two meanings which allow everything to exist in the world. The world exists by these two meanings.
1) ReincarnationReincarnation means that everything is repeated. Something which exists continuously causes the phenomenon of repetition, past present and future are spinning endlessly. So our life exists by this law and every creature is repeatedly being born and dying by the law of cause and effect. If something was born in the world but does not disappear by itself but tries to keep itself to exist. Something that happened to you has the same meaning. So if something is saved in your consciousness it does not disappear but it continuously acts by receiving the influence of it. According to what happened to you, present and future life will be different. So things in yourself which will stay forever will be different, that's why to make a relationship is something that people must be very careful of. When a person makes a relationship with a bad thing that will produce a bad thing but when a person makes a relationship with a good thing that will produce a good thing. 
2) The Law of Cause and EffectThis is also the Law of Cause and Effect. Karma will exist in you by the cause and effect. As long as this Karma exists a human cannot be able to be free from the control of this Karma. If someone has a big Karma and if the person tries to live a good life and to do good things rather than not becoming a good self will ruin others as well and by doing things to become a good self will always make oneself distressed.
Because there should be a good source in yourself but if there is not that good source it is rare to occur good things in you. At this point only Enlightenment can influence you. Without Enlightenment you cannot disobey the direction of Karma which is in you. We can see phenomenon like this from our surroundings easily and it is very important for the life of human beings. Therefore nobody can get out of these phenomena without Enlightenment. The law of nature is strict. In mathematics two plus two cannot be one or five, things which exist are not changeable in truth as well as mathematics it never changes. That is why people say that the most important thing for living all our period of life is Enlightenment.
If someone does a good thing and makes a good result of 60% but makes a mistake of 40% with ignorance while the person was not aware, in this situation the person can control emotions and wrong temper and can fix something which is wrong if the person tries. But if someone makes Karma which is the result of ignorance by making a mistake of 60 % but good Karma of 40% in this situation it is very hard to do a good thing because the power of big Karma interferes rather than good self when the person is doing something. The reason why there are many problems that appear in our society is because the society doesn't accept about how Karma is made by things that happened to someone in the past. 
How does Karma appear ?Karma appears by things in you. How is Karma made ? Karma is made by words and actions,Karma can be made by actions and words. What kind of Karma is made by words ? When someone says things that the person doesn't know then that will be the Karma. Telling lies is something that ruins oneself and others too. This is Karma which is made by words. That is why disciples who were taught rightly by Buddha wrote at the beginning of the script "I heard like this"
Written by TathagataSam Han LeeDeceased August 2008
terry, modificat fa 11 mesos at 19/10/23 14:19
Created 11 mesos ago at 19/10/23 14:17

RE: Tathagata Sam Han Lee Has The Third Eye

Apunts: 2674 Data d'incorporació: 07/08/17 Publicacions recents
I suspect that f the old boy's third eye popped, pus would come out...

from a philosophc standpoint the man's unstated premisses are unsupportable...

from the zen teachings of rinzai, trans schloegl

Young students, not understanding anything, put their faith in wild fox sprites and so get entangled in their random talk and fancies such as that in the law, theory and practice must tally, to guard against the three karmic actions and so to attain Buddhahood. Such and other discourses are as frequent as April showers.

An old master said: “If you meet a man of the Way on the road, do not stand in the Way.” Therefore it is said: “If one tries to attain the Way, one cannot walk the Way. Ten thousand wild fancies arise, chasing each other in the head. When the sword of wisdom flashes, there is nothing at all. Even before the light shines, darkness is already bright.” And because of that, another old master said: "The ordinary heart is the Way."

Venerable ones, what do you seek? He who stands clearly revealed and distinct before your eyes, listening to the Dharma, this Independent Man of the Way lacks nothing at all.

If you do not want to be different from the Buddha and the patriarchs, just see it thus and do not indulge in doubts and speculations.

When the attitude of your heart does not change from moment to moment, this is called the living patriarch. For if it changes, then your essential nature and your actions come apart. But when your heart does not differ, there is also not difference between your essential nature and your actions.
terry, modificat fa 11 mesos at 20/10/23 00:10
Created 11 mesos ago at 20/10/23 00:10

RE: Tathagata Sam Han Lee Has The Third Eye

Apunts: 2674 Data d'incorporació: 07/08/17 Publicacions recents
rinzai, op cit

One asked: “What is the attitude of the heart which does not change from moment to moment?”

The master said: From the moment you set yourself to ask this question, there is already the difference, and your essential nature and your action become separate.

Followers of the Way, do not be deceived. In and out of the world there is not a thing that has a self-nature, nor a nature that is productive of a self. All is but empty names, and the very letters of these names are also empty.

If you take these empty names for real, you make a big mistake. For though they exist, they belong in the realm of dependent change and are like robes to put on and off.

There is the robe of Bodhi, of Nirvana, of deliverance, of the Trikaya, of objective wisdom, of Bodhisattvas and of Buddha.

What are you seeking in the realm of changing dependance? The Three Vehicles and the Twelve Divisions of the Teachings, all are so much old paper to mop up messes. The Buddha is an illusory phantom. The patriarchs are old monks.

You yourselves, are you not born of a mother? If you seek the Buddha, you will be caught by the Buddha-Mara (demon); if you seek the patriarchs, you will be bound by the patriarch-Mara.

Whatever you are seeking, all becomes suffering. It is better to have nothing further to seek.

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