- Mindful Friends Groups Online Community

Constance Casey, modificat fa 8 mesos at 20/01/24 09:21
Created 8 mesos ago at 20/01/24 09:21 - Mindful Friends Groups Online Community

Apunts: 50 Data d'incorporació: 21/09/09 Publicacions recents
My name is Constance Casey. I benefited from this community in 2007-2008 and for a few years around that time.
For the past two years, I've been teaching-facilitating on

There is a fee for participation. Please check there for updated costs. is an online community (using Zoom) which has hundreds of live facilitated groups, and guided meditations with folks from around the globe who are interested in learning about meditation.

I currently facilitate seven groups per week covering various topics: the monthly theme, Buddhism, aging, parenting, mindfulness for business professionals, relationship skill development, support for those with a friend or family member undergoing cancer treatment. I also provide some guided meditations and community talks.
Here is a link for my current schedule:

In each 60-minute Mindful Friends Group, everyone has an opportunity to join a small breakout room for 25 minutes. There are community guidelines for respectful, mindful listening and speaking that are given in Welcome Sessions for each new member, and that guide the community.

Like any community, it has its' pluses and minuses.

And, I've seen many people benefiting from kind and compassionate connections they are cultivating through their participation. It seems to fit those who enjoy sharing live conversations about practice and life issues. For some folks, due to the way that they have gently and tenderly participated, it has been and is life-altering in a beneficial way for them, and, from what I have heard—for their families as well.

This is posted with metta and upekkha, for those with means, who may appreciate additional support or a different form of support.

Constance Casey

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