Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Si Puckey, modificat fa 6 mesos at 01/03/24 16:39
Created 6 mesos ago at 01/03/24 16:39

Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 8 Data d'incorporació: 04/01/24 Publicacions recents
Due to the lack of mediatation groups or guidance in my local area I am trying to find out if there are any teachers who one can work with online and any teachers who can be recommended by this community.

Probably worth being clear that i am novice mediatator still trying to find a style that suits me and some of the physical/health obstacles i face while trying to meditate

i am still trying to exhaust contacts in the local area but I have not found anyone so far seems able to school me in concentration practices, insight or metta. I am open to trying any style though as the only thing that I have made intermittent progress with so far is concentration on the breath mainly and certain other physical sensations.

Many thanks
Martin, modificat fa 6 mesos at 01/03/24 18:42
Created 6 mesos ago at 01/03/24 18:42

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 969 Data d'incorporació: 25/04/20 Publicacions recents
Here is some info from a few years back. A lot of it is probably still useful:

Derek2, modificat fa 6 mesos at 01/03/24 19:11
Created 6 mesos ago at 01/03/24 19:11

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 232 Data d'incorporació: 21/09/16 Publicacions recents
I think some of the MBSR/MBCT courses are online.
David Matte, modificat fa 6 mesos at 02/03/24 00:53
Created 6 mesos ago at 02/03/24 00:53

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 109 Data d'incorporació: 03/08/19 Publicacions recents
I can recommend you Dhammarato—he is freely (no charge, doesn't even ask for dana) available teacher based in Thailand. He teaches anapanasati as in the suttas and interpreted by Bhikkhu Buddhadasa. I can give you is Skype contact if you like. 
Si Puckey, modificat fa 6 mesos at 04/03/24 15:43
Created 6 mesos ago at 04/03/24 15:43

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 8 Data d'incorporació: 04/01/24 Publicacions recents
Thank you Martin - I recognise some names in there! Hopefully I can make good use of this.
Si Puckey, modificat fa 6 mesos at 04/03/24 15:46
Created 6 mesos ago at 04/03/24 15:46

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 8 Data d'incorporació: 04/01/24 Publicacions recents
Thanks David, I have heard Dhammarato talk on the guru viking podcast and find his ideas and experiences really interesting. I'm going to do a bit more research into his methods and lineage but yes please send me his skype contact. Many thanks
Polymix P, modificat fa 6 mesos at 05/03/24 02:53
Created 6 mesos ago at 05/03/24 02:53

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 16 Data d'incorporació: 01/03/24 Publicacions recents

Perhaps of your interest: in U Ba Khin's tradition there is this online 10-days retreat with the only teacher I know still alive, who learned under U Ba Khin himself, the lead of IMC Rangoon/Yangon, Sayagyi U Khin Zaw, see below:
26th March – 4th April 2024

Of course you can later contact him for any questions or help.
David Matte, modificat fa 6 mesos at 05/03/24 07:52
Created 6 mesos ago at 05/03/24 07:49

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 109 Data d'incorporació: 03/08/19 Publicacions recents
PM sent! Good luck!

​​​​​​​Probably worth mentioning that Dhammarato doesn't claim to be so much of a meditation teacher as much as he claims to a Dhamma teacher. That said, he can definitely help get one going by correctly practising anapanasati.
Si Puckey, modificat fa 6 mesos at 09/03/24 14:35
Created 6 mesos ago at 09/03/24 14:35

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 8 Data d'incorporació: 04/01/24 Publicacions recents
Thanny you Polymix P. I dont think i will be able to attend this course anyway but an online 'retreat' like this is a really interesting option. Co-incidentally after you messaged I was reading more of MTCTOTB and Robert Harry Hover was referenced. When i looked him up further it seems he was taught in U Ba Khin's tradition!

I will researcht this traditon further with a view to perhaps attending anoline course when next available. thank you again
Polymix P, modificat fa 6 mesos at 10/03/24 12:08
Created 6 mesos ago at 10/03/24 12:08

RE: Recommendation for online teachers who accept novice students

Apunts: 16 Data d'incorporació: 01/03/24 Publicacions recents
yes Robert Hover was a teacher appointed by U Ba Khin himself, and very important at the intial stages of Dhamma dissemination in the West. I think at the moment you'll find little around, you can read about him in Eric Lerner's "Journey of Insight Meditation" book and perhpas (I don't remember), "Captain Buddha and His Amazing Dukkha Machine" by Streats. Hover later developed a healing variant (IMH), mentioned by Daniel Ingram, distinct from the main vipassana teachings (if interested, you can find his 10-days discorses audio tapes here: By the way, Hover taught to Kabat-Zinn too.
If you are interested in U Ba Khin's lineage history, my strong suggestion is, follow Daniel Stuarts works (stay tuned for his future works).

Another interesting online road is the Unified Mindfulness system (, developed by (or along with) the teacher Shinzen Young. Its "CORE Training Program" is amazing and freely available; you can also subscribe to the group (the private Facebook group) and you'll find a great community of people and teachers around, AMAs with Shinzen himself, periodic retreats etc, daily meditations.

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