Useful tools for new Goenka students

Kalyan MitraG, modificat fa 11 anys at 14/10/12 10:07
Created 12 anys ago at 04/10/12 21:54

Useful tools for new Goenka students

Apunts: 16 Data d'incorporació: 04/10/12 Publicacions recents
1) For beginners who like to use guided meditation instructions for their daily sits, you can download and use this guided Anapana + Vipassana by Goenkaji. This is in Hindi + English. For English only, see the link below:

Group Sitting Chennai

download from :

EDIT: This link has many all English 1hr meditation guided timers. You can also find them in Italian, Khemer, Thai, Mandarin, Spanish, and Portuguese.

2) Also start attending monthly one-day vipassana courses organized locally by fellow meditators (usually on Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM, with potluck lunch). Contact your nearest center for local organization. During the one-day course, they use guided anapana and vipassana by Goenkaji from 10:15 AM to 12:45. Try to pay very close attention to those instructions and follow them strictly. All the secrets are in those guided meditation sessions. If you memorize these instructions and use them during daily sits, you will make fast progress on the path. Unfortunately most yogis forget these instructions.

3) You can also watch the 10 day course discourse videos at

4) Check out for downloading mp3 for 10 day course discourse which I listen to in my car while commuting to work.

5) Read this to understand the fundamentals of the Goenka technique:
There are two sources/versions of Satipattana Sutta Discourse from VRI:

Satipattana Sutta Course Discourse Transcript:

Complete Translation: Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta: contains the Pali in Roman script with an English translation of this important sutta:

6) Last month was giving away MP3 downloads of 10-day course discourse and Satipattana Sutta Course mp3 for free (I should say voluntary/optional Dana, please contribute at least $1).
Check out

7) Now that you are loaded with all things necessary and unnecessary, practice hard.


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