Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 25/07/17 19:20
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? D. 25/07/17 20:51
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 25/07/17 22:01
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Noah D 25/07/17 20:47
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Not two, not one 26/07/17 02:49
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 26/07/17 07:05
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Chris M 26/07/17 09:55
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Jehanne S Peacock 26/07/17 03:32
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Chris M 26/07/17 09:31
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 26/07/17 14:32
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Ward Law 26/07/17 14:39
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 26/07/17 14:49
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Nikolai . 26/07/17 18:02
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 26/07/17 18:12
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Nikolai . 26/07/17 18:23
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 26/07/17 18:55
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Nikolai . 26/07/17 19:27
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 26/07/17 20:01
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Nikolai . 26/07/17 20:08
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? CJMacie 27/07/17 18:44
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Abba 28/07/17 03:14
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Nikolai . 28/07/17 03:30
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Daniel M. Ingram 31/07/17 19:59
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000 26/07/17 18:04
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Lars 27/07/17 12:08
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Matt Jon Rousseau 08/01/23 16:54
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 27/07/22 16:45
RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves? Monica R 27/07/22 23:16
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 25/07/17 19:20
Created 7 anys ago at 25/07/17 17:25

Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
[If the thread regarding TDC's enlightenment is removed, I'd like to have my posts from that thread transferred here]

Because I can. I can, because I put a lot of effort into this shit. Actually, I've dedicated my whole life to the pursuit of Truth, with a capital T. As a seeker, one eventually develops a real appreciation for genuine capability, as it's very very very difficult to come by these days. People are incapable of defending true doctrine, and what's even worse, they cover the jewel of Dharma with shit. People lose faith in Dharma as more and more delusional morons distort the teachings with science, materialism and claims of attainment that are mere farts in eternity. They end up in Bardo with nothing to save them, which is absolute fucking disgusting beyond measure, and it's all your fault. Think about that for a second.

There are ways of separating the wheat of the chaff, and the easiest one is to bait you fuckers with apparent trolling, as you imbeciles cannot look behind appearances. Having done your homework you'd realize the one-of-the-bodhisattvas/gods/saints-disguised-as-an-old man-beggar-dog-whatever-act immediately, just like you'd spot potential psychopats and other threats to peoples wellbeing. Instead of empty vows, how about actually benefiting sentient beings by constant efforts of self-cultivation through arts, literature, sports and sciences, through disciplined effort of constantly sharpening your faculties so you can slice through demons, and most importantly, fucking ANNIHILATE every miscreant misleading people and causing them suffering? Of course I don't mean this in a literal sense ( then again maybe I do...). As a practitioner of Dharma it's your responsibility to become the best in what you do, in order to keep the flame alive for the benefit of every sentient being. It's not a hobby, it's a way of life, requiring 24/7 of discipline, effort and dedication, paying back your sincere efforts a thousandfold. A human birth is a rare gift, don't waste it.

Instead, you fuck around with magick and other horseshit, get tossed around by dark night as you lack the foundation necessary for pursuing practices like Vipassana, which BTW is not some mystical technique of the old . Just take a fucking look at what's happening in your head for a moment and that's it... that's why it's called INSIGHT, IN-SIGHT, as in looking IN. Get it? No, of course you dont. Instead, you come up with the idea of enlightenment, let aversion take you for a ride as you run from yourself to the other side of the world in order to get a psychotic break, projecting constantly this idea of salvation in the future, when your problems are standing figuratively speaking right in front of you. Craving the experience of awakening, eventually your efforts release sufficient amounts of energy and you get a mystical experience, which is actually just your latent character flaws manifesting, calling it Kundalini. Seriously, fuck you. Thinking meditation in itself is the tool of awakening, you neglect the other aspects of practice, never creating enough merit to handle the later stages, eventually running around in circles doing "metta", AF and other bullshit in the similar vein, just strengthening your ever deepening defiliments, ultimately ensuring a rebirth as a cockroach.

And that's not all. The same time you're arguing over semantics and nonachievements, a horde of false prophets are pushing their poison to the gullible. Because your practice is a bad mimicry of the real thing, there's nothing you can do about it. Suddenly staring into a camera like a comatose patient is a measure of realization? You've got to be kidding me. Talking about jhanas when you can barely sit still for two hours? Go fuck yourself, that'll benefit you more. Got a headache from vipassana? It's because your organism cannot handle the energies, which in turn is a result of you neglecting preliminary practices, over-all shitty level of physical fitrness ( how's your horse stance? ) and being American ( this is probably the biggest hindrance for most ). Now you get offended, as if releasing adrenaline into your bloodstream because of mere words was your birth right... How delusional can one be? You think Bardo is not going to offend you? Seriously guys...

Now you ask, who is this guy running his mouth. That's besides the point. What's important is what I'm saying... That being said, here's a brief summary of how things are done. It's just one road up the mountain, but very effective:

Apply constant efforts to develop a positive feedback loop, which means daily practice on the cushion. At first, recite the Namo Amituofo mantra with utter devotion and faith in order to develop concentration. Get prayer beads and do a couple of rounds every time you sit. This will be your lifeline when shit hits the fan. Meditate everywhere, while commuting, alone in the woods, in the midst of people, while working. Have no mercy for the fetters. When facing difficult life situations, let the mantra pacify you. You can recite verbally or mentally, of which the latter is more beneficial. Really learn to love the mantra. Think of it as your most precious possession, your best friend and ultimate refuge. Every time you slay the fetters by returning to the mantra you weaken their hold on you. It's that simple.

Start a routine of physical exercise. What you want is a combination of bodyweight exercises and stretching. I recommend Convict Conditioning and Yi Jin Jing. Recite the mantra mentally while doing your reps. Your aim is to get the Chi flowing nice and smooth. Depending on your physical condition, start from where you are, apply daily efforts and don't stress about it too much. If you can only move one finger, then that's enough. The most important thing is to have faith and discipline, and eventually you will conquer your obstacles. This will prepare your body for the load the latter stages will put on it.

Regarding diet, experiment with what works and what doesn't. Google a chart of how different foods affect your Chi. In the beginning, you want to avoid foods that stimulate you, as you yet lack the capablity of dealing with the increased flow of kilesas surfacing, so vegetarianism MIGHT be a good idea. This applies to alcohol and drugs too. Avoid processed foods, try to manage without pharmaceuticals and drink lots of water. Ginger is also very beneficial as a supplement. For the ultra-minimalist, one could thrive on hemp seeds for a very long time, which are IMHO the best way of replacing meat in your diet. Experiment, experiment, experiment...

Eventually, having laid down the foundation, start noticing the 3 characteristics. You can apply insight to the mantra, or start your sessions by first going through a couple of rounds of recitations with the beads and then just sitting and observing. In the beginning it's beneficial to apply labels, but try to get to the level of bare knowing ASAP, as the labels are ultimately a hindrance. When you feel like it, start doing strong determination sits, vowing not to budge until the bell rings. Get a good chair, no need for fancy postures. Don't worry about blood clotting, as according to TCM sitting still is very healthy and good for your chi. Again, experiment with what works and what doesn't, it is your responsibilty to stay aware of your health, not mine. Aim to sit for ~3 hours straight, and eventually it will dawn on you what real samadhi feels like. You will also a develop an ass of an Arhat, a truly formidable bottom tougher than steel!

Every now and then, dedicate a weekend for continuous recitation of the mantra. You can sit, walk, run, just keep on reciting. During these retreats, eat only once a day. This is because you don't want to spend energy unnecessarily on digestion, thus maximising the amount of available energy for cognitive processes.

Your aim is to deal with the bliss of detachment with whatever happens in your present experience, the eternal now. No need for expensive retreats. The strong determination sits develop willpower and stability in the midst of hindrances, ultimately starting to affect your everyday life in positive way. When things get too overwhelming, just return to the mantra. You will learn, no worries.

Always work for the benefit of all sentient beings. Help people in need according to your own capabilities. No need to play a saint. Don't take shit from anyone, or give shit to others. Do what you sincerely believe to be the right thing, and never think that you've achieved anything or are better than anyone else. Treat both rich and poor, sick and healthy with the same reverence, respect and dedication you'd treat your parents with. Always consider the boths sides of the argument, whatever it is. Stay open to different experiences and things, don't overlook anything, even if it at first seems insignificant. Learn how to fix things instead of always buying new stuff. Learn to learn. Find out what's truly necessary and ditch the rest. Abhor injustice like the worst of plagues and protect the innocent.

May all find peace in this world full of troubles.

D, modificat fa 7 anys at 25/07/17 20:51
Created 7 anys ago at 25/07/17 19:43

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 107 Data d'incorporació: 22/02/17 Publicacions recents
Good honest shit. We absolutely need more urgency in our search for deliverance, for the sake of all sentient beings.

Although, I am pretty curious as to what you mean by:
Having done your homework you'd realize the one-of-the-bodhisattvas/gods/saints-disguised-as-an-old man-beggar-dog-whatever-act immediately
Noah D, modificat fa 7 anys at 25/07/17 20:47
Created 7 anys ago at 25/07/17 20:45

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 1211 Data d'incorporació: 01/09/16 Publicacions recents


Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 25/07/17 22:01
Created 7 anys ago at 25/07/17 22:01

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Although, I am pretty curious as to what you mean by:
Having done your homework you'd realize the one-of-the-bodhisattvas/gods/saints-disguised-as-an-old man-beggar-dog-whatever-act immediately
One adapts the position of the commonly loathed on purpose in order to expose the true nature of people. This can happen in various ways, of which the story of Odin wandering the lands is one of the most known one. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think Manjushri does the same thing, amongst other Bodhisattvas. Only those with hearts pure enough recognize who these people truly are.

Even if it's all just a nice story, it's a very nice trick to have in your sleeve. I personally prefer wearing worn out clothes and looking scruffy, as it allows me to judge peoples character very quickly, even if I haven't met them before. People worth sharing your time with in general don't care about your apperance, as long as you're not too provocative ( = wearing symbols that provoke strong reactions, like a swastika ). We have to remember most people live in a game of social one-up-manship and anything indicating a possible higher status according to the rules of the game ( designer clothing, expensive watches, ... ) always has it's effects.

Strategically, it's best to adapt a position apparent inferiority as when you're perceived as worthless, people leave you alone most of the time. For example,  giving the impression of having lots of money invites gold diggers and so on... Of course there are people who will ridicule you if you don't fit their standards, but that's one of  the best way of avoiding assholes and attracting people who genuinely like your company emoticon It's a way of dropping out of a game you don't even want to play.
Not two, not one, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 02:49
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 02:49

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 1047 Data d'incorporació: 13/07/17 Publicacions recents
Dear Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, having read your post I now realise I have underrated the benefits of insight.  I've just got to get me "an ass of an arhat".  Lol.

Actually, once  past the tutelage/baiting, it is really interesting to compare the previous descriptions of experiences of insight with your description of factors of insight. Thanks to both you and TDC for putting your stuff out there to try to benefit others.

For me there is still an area missing - the directions on the map; kind of "when you experience this, do that next" (although I have got some great help from Thomas in that area).  I suspect people latch on to attainments because that is most obvious framework for them to use to try to understand their experiences.  If we had a stronger competing framework (e.g. along the lines of Daniel's simple model, linked to next stages of practice), then we might reach different conclusions, have different discussions, and make more progress in insight.

I would appreciate any guidance on this.  Love and peace to all.
Jehanne S Peacock, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 03:32
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 03:32

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 167 Data d'incorporació: 14/02/14 Publicacions recents
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000:
Suddenly staring into a camera like a comatose patient is a measure of realization? You've got to be kidding me.

You talk (apparently seriously) about Chi but then reject the idea of detecting equally subtle things in photos?
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 07:05
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 06:50

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Dear Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, having read your post I now realise I have underrated the benefits of insight.  I've just got to get me "an ass of an arhat".  Lol.

Actually, once  past the tutelage/baiting, it is really interesting to compare the previous descriptions of experiences of insight with your description of factors of insight. Thanks to both you and TDC for putting your stuff out there to try to benefit others.

For me there is still an area missing - the directions on the map; kind of "when you experience this, do that next" (although I have got some great help from Thomas in that area).  I suspect people latch on to attainments because that is most obvious framework for them to use to try to understand their experiences.  If we had a stronger competing framework (e.g. along the lines of Daniel's simple model, linked to next stages of practice), then we might reach different conclusions, have different discussions, and make more progress in insight.

I would appreciate any guidance on this.  Love and peace to all.
Your aim is to deal with the bliss of detachment with whatever happens in your present experience, the eternal now. There's your framework. One moment you talk with God, the next demons want to rape you. Transcend all that.  Don't create artificial borders and separate the effects of insight practice from other things in your life. This way, every moment of your life becomes meaningful and  prepares you for the inevitable. Become a warrior of spirit and slice through delusion with all your might! Every obstacle and difficult situation is a chance to practice. Learn how to turn every situation in to your favor. Be what you truly are, unleash your potential and don't depend on others to lead you. That's much more beneficial for the world than running away from your problems to kiss the ass of corrupt monastics.


Chi is a fundamental part of Eastern contemplative traditions, as essential to them as the atomic model is to materialism.

Regarding the detection "subtle things" from photos to a measure attainment, the question in itself is meaningless. Instead of labeling someone as attained, I'd like to adopt a practical view of "can I learn something from this person?". For example, I know someone who drives a car for a living. You should see how he handles the car, it's absolutely amazingly beautiful to witness that skill. Smooth, controlled, sophisticated. These things apply to every art and discipline. On the other hand, I haven't learned anything useful from rating other people's attainments based on photos. Not to say that it's bullshit as such, but more in the vein of "why do you even bother?". So now you know this and this person has level 108 super siddha skills, good for you! Does it help your practice in any way? No. Even Buddha can't make you enlightened, you have to do it yourself.

Just live a life of virtue and forget this attainment business, as it is a business. You should be so established in the Unborn that the thought of having attained something barely arises, or doesn't rise at all.
Chris M, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 09:31
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 09:22

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 5405 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
Because I can. I can, because I put a lot of effort into this shit. Actually, I've dedicated my whole life to the pursuit of Truth, with a capital T. As a seeker, one eventually develops a real appreciation for genuine capability, as it's very very very difficult to come by these days. People are incapable of defending true doctrine, and what's even worse, they cover the jewel of Dharma with shit. People lose faith in Dharma as more and more delusional morons distort the teachings with science, materialism and claims of attainment that are mere farts in eternity. They end up in Bardo with nothing to save them, which is absolute fucking disgusting beyond measure, and it's all your fault. Think about that for a second.

Do you really think you're the only one posting here who puts a lot of time and effort into their practice? What I see you doing is throwing a lot of anger at people who are usually here to learn something. Yeah, there's some bullshit that gets slung around. If you have the kind of insight you claim to have you know this. You know that getting somewhere takes effort, and dedication, and a deep, deep motiviation, and time, and above all tons and tons of practice. I suppose we all have our own way, but the anger and the insults you've aimed at people you do not know is its own kind of bullshit.

Chris M, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 09:55
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 09:48

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 5405 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
Your aim is to deal with the bliss of detachment with whatever happens in your present experience, the eternal now. 

This is no bullshit truth.

So it makes me curious ... why the need to package it in all the anger and insults? Is it so that folks will pay attention to you? You'll say you don't care, I suppose, but it seems a waste and a potential turn off. Or are you going for the 13th century Zen version -- if they want this badly enough they'll suffer through the nastiness?

"Because I can... " is a BS reason, btw. But I think you know that.
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 14:32
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 14:32

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Chris Marti:

Do you really think you're the only one posting here who puts a lot of time and effort into their practice? What I see you doing is throwing a lot of anger at people who are usually here to learn something. Yeah, there's some bullshit that gets slung around. If you have the kind of insight you claim to have you know this. You know that getting somewhere takes effort, and dedication, and a deep, deep motiviation, and time, and above all tons and tons of practice. I suppose we all have our own way, but the anger and the insults you've aimed at people you do not know is its own kind of bullshit.

I'm playing with you like a puppet you moron, to teach you guys a lesson and expose your weak spots. What is it about nastiness, anger and insults that you don't like? What do these things trigger in you? Judging from your response, I just got you off balance (defensive). WHAM you died. Fuck you. I just cut you in half. WOOSH! The difference between life and death can be milliseconds. I trigger you, I control you. Capiche?
Ward Law, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 14:39
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 14:39

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 123 Data d'incorporació: 07/09/15 Publicacions recents
Donald, is that you?
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 14:49
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 14:49

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Ward Law:
Donald, is that you?

Unless you mean Mr. Duck from Duckburg, then no, and even then .no, although certain mishaps in my personal life could certainly give that impression for some. Scrooge McDuck is a financial genius beyond comparison!
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 18:04
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 17:14

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Paweł K:
doing mantra, jhanas, vipassana, etc. is just like doing masturbation
if you masturbate for few hours and do it diligently enough then you get to experience pretty awesome mind states too, with changed perception, 'luminosity' and such

if you know what practice is supposed to be you can get good at it
if you believe it is for some liberation, some relief, then you are and idiot and do not know how to play this game and will thus always loose at it
and when you get idea of enlightenment you will seek something rare just for the heck of it being rare and new because obviously it all comes down to 'style'

style is everything!
good my synesthetic-color-meoving-kittens-riding-rainbow-unicorns style beats all, it is so ridiculous not even single Buddha from countless field filled with nothing but countless Buddhas filled with nothing more than even more Buddhas know what the fuck it is all about, not even me XD

assumed my infinite superiority (in my mind processors should be designed in such a way to have infinitely accurate pi an e as number basis to assume near perfect accuracy of physical calculations - those are things I think about when I am thinking on most important world issues humanity have yet to solve) on plane of dharma all left to say is: fuck yourself too. excel at it or do not bother!
Who needs processors when you can make matter itself bend to your will... How about actually doing something instead of yapping, you know, like opening the vault mentioned here: http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/why-sree-padmanabhaswamy-temple-s-mysterious-vault-b-should-be-opened-expert-explains-65521. It should be very easy for someone endowed with superior intellectual capabilities and spiritual purity of a pratyekabuddha like yourself.
Nikolai , modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 18:02
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 18:02

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
No more personal insults please. One more and you are out.

Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 18:12
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 18:12

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Nikolai .:
No more personal insults please. One more and you are out.

I though this was the Dharma Battleground, not Dharma Kindergarten.
Nikolai , modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 18:23
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 18:23

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents

    From the home page....

    "Moron" is name calling. 
  • No name-calling or ad hominem attacks
  • No on-and-on repetitious, angry rants that marshal no supporting evidence, target an interlocutor, and have the effect of intimidating the interlocutor.
  • No threats of violence, even if metaphorical or aimed at no one in particular
  • No taunting, mocking, or intimidation of an individual or a group on the basis of race/ethnicity, sex, disability (including mental illness), sexual orientation, religious preference, or spiritual practice
  • No speech acts that would be actionable under US criminal or civil tort law 
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 18:55
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 18:55

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Nikolai .:

    From the home page....

    "Moron" is name calling. 
  • No name-calling or ad hominem attacks
  • No on-and-on repetitious, angry rants that marshal no supporting evidence, target an interlocutor, and have the effect of intimidating the interlocutor.
  • No threats of violence, even if metaphorical or aimed at no one in particular
  • No taunting, mocking, or intimidation of an individual or a group on the basis of race/ethnicity, sex, disability (including mental illness), sexual orientation, religious preference, or spiritual practice
  • No speech acts that would be actionable under US criminal or civil tort law 
If people cannot take the heat, they should stay out the kitchen. Your rules mean nothing. They're for the common good, not to be blindly followed, but to be used as general guidelines, every case of application however being judged individually in it's proper context. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the word, but it's called JUSTICE. The purpose of my writings is to expose people's shadow through extreme provocation, before someone with actual malicious intentions can take advantage of it. That's why created the thread on DhBG.

All I did was do my duty of serving the common good, as I have been blessed with this gift. Now of all people, you threaten ME with a ban, as if any harm caused by my actions was in any way comparable to the results of misinformation being spread 'round here constantly. Go read my posts again, and you will see, that it's 100 % Buddhadharma through and through. No one will end up psychotic because of what I wrote, but many will end up in Bardo without proper preparation because of false doctrine, which cannot be fought by being "nice". Do you have any idea about how serious this matter is?

I've provided an ultra-minimalistic framework that covers almost every area of contemplative practice, including preventative measures against dark night and other nasty happenings, without forgettign some very easy-to-remember rules concerning morality. This is how you thank me. Congratulaions, I hope you're proud of yourself. As if trialing you people with fire was a crime. How else am I supposed to know if you're actually the real deal or not?
Nikolai , modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 19:27
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 19:26

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
One more Name calling and your banned. It's pretty simple. Regulate your behaviour. Keep bringing your crazy wisdom style. It's cool and useful. But one more breach of said rule and you are out. 


Nick (mod)
Supreme Maharishi Bhumi 1000, modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 20:01
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 19:58

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 55 Data d'incorporació: 14/10/16 Publicacions recents
Nikolai .:
One more Name calling and your banned. It's pretty simple. Regulate your behaviour. Keep bringing your crazy wisdom style. It's cool and useful. But one more breach of said rule and you are out. 


Nick (mod)

As if I'm ever willing to compromise even one inch, you bastard son of an ape. Bye Bye, you fucking hypocrite.
Nikolai , modificat fa 7 anys at 26/07/17 20:08
Created 7 anys ago at 26/07/17 20:08

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
Your choice. 

Nick (mod)
Lars, modificat fa 7 anys at 27/07/17 12:08
Created 7 anys ago at 27/07/17 11:51

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 420 Data d'incorporació: 20/07/17 Publicacions recents

even back just to the Buddha - which is a better technology: enlightenment, or the iPad? understanding/manipulating/ending the course of reincarnation and karma seems pretty up there in terms of historical accomplishments even vs an amazing thing like wikipedia

When I did some reading on the cosmology at the time of the buddha I was pretty blown away by the similarities between that and certain aspects of modern physics and astronomy. Reading about the expansion and contraction phases and the following destruction and rebirth of the physical universe sounds a lot like cyclical big bangs.

Singularity followed by explosion and outward expansion, growth and then eventual shrinking of life, contraction back to singularity and... reset. Then again, they describe "flavor moons" and all kinds of other strange analogies, so I could very well just be projecting. emoticon
CJMacie, modificat fa 7 anys at 27/07/17 18:44
Created 7 anys ago at 27/07/17 18:44

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 856 Data d'incorporació: 17/08/14 Publicacions recents
Another reminder to re-read Bill Hamilton's "Saints and Psychopaths" occasionally...
Abba, modificat fa 7 anys at 28/07/17 03:14
Created 7 anys ago at 28/07/17 03:13

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 22 Data d'incorporació: 09/06/15 Publicacions recents
You're a cunt Nikolai. Getting into someones thread in battleground section and trying to make it in your own way. Just fuck off and don't read it if you don' like it. People actualy see in what kind of topic they respond to.
On the other hand, my favourite post about nada sound got derailed so much that probably half of it is now only bullshit and moderation aparently see no problem there.
So ye, cya
Nikolai , modificat fa 7 anys at 28/07/17 03:30
Created 7 anys ago at 28/07/17 03:26

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
Hi Abba, 

On the nada thread, can you direct me to any home page rules broken? 

I dont catch nor read everything.  But when a thread title such as this is so obviously calling out for a mod's attention, it and SMB1000 caught my eye. He broke a few of the home page rules and didn't want to be nice after being warned. It is what it is. 

If you have issue with my moderation, please refer your complaint to Daniel.


Daniel M Ingram, modificat fa 7 anys at 31/07/17 19:59
Created 7 anys ago at 31/07/17 19:22

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 3277 Data d'incorporació: 20/04/09 Publicacions recents
Hey, I think that Nikolai knows this place well, has a long-term sense of the culture here, and is a standup guy, as well as a moderator, and, in order to moderate, moderators must use their best judgement about what is reasonable and what is too far, and I have no interest in micromanaging them, but, instead, very much appreciate their help and work, so, if, after reasonable warnings, things persist, then moderators need to have the freedom to moderate.

I agree, the DhB needs to have some leeway to get more edgy, and appreciate the honesty of spirit that is allowed in a space like that, but anything can be taken too far, and where exactly that line is might be disagreed on by reasonable forum members, and that's ok.

It is not that there aren't reasonable situations where someone might tell someone else to fuck off, as there are, and perhaps this is Nikolai's polite way of doing that, so hopefully some subtle irony in all this will be appreciated by those with some meta-perspective on the dynamics.


Matt Jon Rousseau, modificat fa 1 any at 08/01/23 16:54
Created 2 anys ago at 27/07/22 16:31

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 243 Data d'incorporació: 01/05/22 Publicacions recents
This is a great rant  you must be a pureland buddhist. I am a struggling meditation  so saying a manra throughout  the day helps?
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 2 anys at 27/07/22 16:45
Created 2 anys ago at 27/07/22 16:45

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
Matt, this ranter was banned five years ago. It seems like the mantra reciting wasn't all that helpful for him, but who knows. 
Monica R, modificat fa 2 anys at 27/07/22 23:16
Created 2 anys ago at 27/07/22 23:16

RE: Why I tell people to go fuck themselves?

Apunts: 4 Data d'incorporació: 23/07/22 Publicacions recents
Matt Jon Rousseau
This is a great rant  you must be a pureland buddhist. I am a struggling meditation  so saying a manra throughout  the day helps?
LOL thanks for making me laugh. 

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