Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Che, modificat fa 6 anys at 27/05/18 03:35
Created 6 anys ago at 27/05/18 00:43

Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 35 Data d'incorporació: 20/03/14 Publicacions recents
This was a recurring problem some six - eight months ago, but it has returned. I wake up in the morning to a painful headache that mostly goes away after 30-60 minutes of meditation. During the course of meditation there is a fluid discharge from the ears and nose which relieves the headache, indicating this is a sinus headache.

I used to often successfully keep the morning headache at bay by wearing a woollen hat when sleeping, and often some kind of headgear during the day. I discontinued wearing them when the headaches went away.

The problem went away on its own the last time. This time it has returned in a less intense form, lesser pain, lesser fluid being discharged. I haven’t done anything to invite it, no life changes.

This isn’t caused by mental disturbance, having been awake for six years now I’ve got very little mental activity or agitation, my breath flows down both nostrils, my chakras are open etc.

I suspect this is why yogis wear long hair, or the sikhs wear turbans, or the imams and rabbis wear skull caps. My best guess is I need to grow out my hair and begin wearing a cap to protect my crown chakra, like I wear an underwear to protect my sacral chakra.
Change A, modificat fa 6 anys at 27/05/18 16:12
Created 6 anys ago at 27/05/18 16:12

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 791 Data d'incorporació: 24/05/10 Publicacions recents

I suspect this is why yogis wear long hair, or the sikhs wear turbans, or the imams and rabbis wear skull caps. My best guess is I need to grow out my hair and begin wearing a cap to protect my crown chakra, like I wear an underwear to protect my sacral chakra.

I can assure you that wearing long hair or turbans or caps has nothing to do with your headaches. You need to make more progress and get more in depth into yourself.
Che, modificat fa 6 anys at 27/05/18 22:38
Created 6 anys ago at 27/05/18 21:56

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 35 Data d'incorporació: 20/03/14 Publicacions recents
[Apologies for the edit, I gave up trying to format this on the iPad, trying again from the laptop]

How do you mean, I.e. progress? I am grateful for your comment, I am only asking because more practice is generally the answer to everything, it is a bit hand wavy. 

I am very likely going to regret this, but I don't think I have any more realisations or fundamental shifts in consciousness to attain. This is my opinion and that of a few people who have met me and whose opinions I respect.

Apart from an inner certainty arising from intuition, I don't find any unexplored states of abiding consciousness in any spiritual literature either. There's some vasana clean up, and continuing insights into the unlimited nature of reality, but as regards states of consciousness mapped by several traditions, I've attained and held on to them for some years now. No, my intuitive sense is this appears to be prana related.  

Your comment made me think though. Even if there's a leak in the pranic system, more practice will add more prana, and that will mask the problem, so it's a valid answer, of sorts.Which made me recall that after six months of staying away, I did in fact do some healing on several people the day before. I should have remembered this, it explains all.

I had been carrying Karma for several others for three odd years, and it led to many problems, boils, crippling migraines etc. Even once I'd let go of their Karma, my kundalini system was badly damaged and needed to be rebuilt. Luckily I had a couple of divine visitors who cured my system of many problems, including migraines.Since then I have (or had) completely given up healing. My system is still very absorbent. If I walk into a room or space, talk with or touch another or eat food cooked by another I tend to draw in their energy and process it, but sometimes it overloads the system, and I'll need rest and meditation to feel better. This is getting better with a rest from healing, but it's still true that I share my energy without active intent to this day.

For a period I used to sleep without any underwear, just a robe or dhoti, and I realised this led to a weakening of my root chakra. I definitely felt stronger once I began wearing underwear day and night. Similarly, wearing a cap to bed last night has prevented a headache this morning. Just a mildly stuffy nose.

Kesh (hair), and Kaccha (underwear) are two of the five Ks of Sikhism. Preventing prana leaks above and below. This is found in just about every spiritual tradition in one form or other.In the normal course I appear to have more prana than needed, so a little leak from the crown isn't a visible problem. However it becomes a palpable symptom when I do healing. 

I've had to grow a beard these days too, it seems to help preserve my intuition. I have since found this is well known too in some circles, hence the long beards of sages.

Daniel M Ingram, modificat fa 6 anys at 27/05/18 22:32
Created 6 anys ago at 27/05/18 22:32

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 3278 Data d'incorporació: 20/04/09 Publicacions recents
Not meaning to be too down to earth, but have you tried something simple like a good decongestant or cutting down on dairy?

Anyway, interesting reports.
Che, modificat fa 6 anys at 27/05/18 22:50
Created 6 anys ago at 27/05/18 22:50

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 35 Data d'incorporació: 20/03/14 Publicacions recents
Daniel M. Ingram:
Not meaning to be too down to earth, but have you tried something simple like a good decongestant or cutting down on dairy?

Anyway, interesting reports.

Thank you, that is useful, I will try cutting down on dairy. I haven't had issues with my sinus since I was a kid, but it can't hurt to do this. 
Change A, modificat fa 6 anys at 28/05/18 22:27
Created 6 anys ago at 28/05/18 22:27

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 791 Data d'incorporació: 24/05/10 Publicacions recents
What kind of meditation are you into? Have you tried tantric visualization meditation? Or have you just followed Theravada practice? 
Che, modificat fa 6 anys at 28/05/18 23:06
Created 6 anys ago at 28/05/18 23:05

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 35 Data d'incorporació: 20/03/14 Publicacions recents
Despite training in Vietnamese Zen, Goenka Vipassana, and other insight techniques, I find myself returning to to Vedanta non-dual thinking, Hindu bhakti worship and some Tantric visualisation that I must have picked up in a past life/lives, because I'm very good at it without training.

I have some dim awareness of my past life as a Hindu yogi.

My sinus seems to be clear this morning, something on the inside has cleared up.

Last night, before going to bed, without conscious intent, but perhaps guided by hidden intuition, (visualisation follows), I breathed in tongues of fire through my nostrils that circulated in my cranial cavity, sinus cavities, ear canal, throat, neck, shoulder, where it met subtle resistance and overcame them quickly. Then I passed the fire through the rest of the body too, but it met with no resistance anywhere else. I repeated this fire circulation until there was free flow everywhere in the body.

After this I had a shower and continued my usual meditation practice of sitting in emptiness without doing anything, just being, for 45 minutes or so. This state of being doesn't feel like one of the 4 jhanas, but it is some kind of Vipassana jhana because there's body awareness, but there's no attachment to sensations, painful or pleasurable, and there's a subtle desire to stay in the state but it's not powerful like a drug. I've done this naturally for so long that I haven't classified it per traditional definitions.

Despite all maps and explanations I'm never sure which state or jhana I'm in, in any case, I stopped caring a long time ago. 

I look at the developing heart of compassion, maturity in intuition and general well being as my markers. These days I'm slowly giving up that concern too, and tend to remain content in knowing that the nurturing divine mother/father will take care of me, no matter what. Obviously not totally, but I'm slowly relaxing into the state where I don't actively observe or even direct my meditation or spiritual life. I tend to do things that help me, like this fire cleanse without any active direction from me.

Change A, modificat fa 6 anys at 29/05/18 09:04
Created 6 anys ago at 29/05/18 08:21

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 791 Data d'incorporació: 24/05/10 Publicacions recents
That's good. Have you done any wrathful deity visualization? Those are very important for clearing up the subtle energy channels.

In your earlier post, you had mentioned about people having long hair or wearing caps and such on their heads. I'm wondering if you considered the fact that Buddhist monks keep their heads shaved? And they don't wear turbans or caps? Are they missing something that Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims know? Could the reason for keeping the hair or shaving them off have to do with not having to care for them and instead keeping it simple so as to practice more instead of something to do with energy?
Che, modificat fa 6 anys at 29/05/18 23:15
Created 6 anys ago at 29/05/18 23:13

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 35 Data d'incorporació: 20/03/14 Publicacions recents
Indeed I was directed to do Devi worship by an inner guide some time back, since then my health has definitely improved. It was also when I let go of other's  karma, and began to purify myself once again. The wrathful deity is good for purification.

Removing the hair reduces one's sense of self, one's ego, this has been discovered by army bootcamps everywhere. Without hair the human is easily reprogrammed. 

In Hindu monastic traditions a novitiate monk is completely shaved of all hair. Once they've hit realisation though they are allowed to grow their hair, and prohibited in fact from cutting it, hence the dread locks and long beards.

My theory is that since Buddhist monks did not integrate back into society, i.e. they didn't marry after realisation, or live in lay communities. They could afford to lack a stable sense of self and yet remain unharmed because of the social conditions. Buddhism - especially Theravada doesn't really deal with the stage of returning to the marketplace.

Hindu monks on the other hand, at least before Adi Shankara were expected to rejoin society, raise kids and a household after realisation. Many wives of such rishis were realised too.

Sikhism was born out of rebellion against Islam, so they needed an even stronger sense of self to preserve their ways, hence the turban and beard.

One example - when I was clean shaven if i used to visualise prostrating before a deity to my shock I'd only see the deity prostrating before the deity, only with great intent I could see a form that looked like me doing the prostration. Once I grew a beard though, this problem went away, now when I prostrate I see my form before the deity.
Change A, modificat fa 6 anys at 30/05/18 11:42
Created 6 anys ago at 30/05/18 11:42

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 791 Data d'incorporació: 24/05/10 Publicacions recents
Interesting. There's no harm in trying all sorts of things, hair or no hair!
Ernest Michael Olmos, modificat fa 6 anys at 30/05/18 21:20
Created 6 anys ago at 30/05/18 21:20

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 219 Data d'incorporació: 30/05/14 Publicacions recents
I had very, very strong kundalini experiences that lasted for some days when I couldn't sleep and I had headaches. They happened on a home retreat.
I now understand why and how it happens.

There is a subtle flow of breathing that happens when you concentrate a lot (do a lot of meditation) near the spine. That flow is involuntary (you can't stop it). That flow affects almost all muscles in the area. When you meditate, you naturally slow the breathing so that you don't "breath too much", but when you sleep, you get too much breathing and your muscles contract. Somehow, the muscles that mostly contract are those in the head.

I was amazed when I sat and wasn't breathing (any kind of breathing) and somehow I didn't need to (20 minutes). Then I discovered that very, very subtle movement near the base of the spine.
It was air or breathing very subtle moving in the muscles.

But then it turned very, very problematic as it didn't stop, and was contracting and releasing a lot of muscles.
And I couldn't make it stop. For three days I barely could sleep. There is really no way to stop it. Two things made it stop: Fatty foods and stop meditating. Strong exercise helped. Tried a lot of other things (really a lot). They didn't work.

When meditating in the morning I had muscle releases (same as you).

At some point in my meditation, I was able to move the air at will in the body (visualization as energies helped). I also could concentrate energies outside my body (conciousness isn't limited to the body). I released a lot of things.

But a lot of flow (air) tends to concentrate in places you don't want to (at least conciouslly).

From my experience, it can be very problematic, and if it doesn't stop, dangerous.

Another thing to add: after a muscle is able to "flow air" it works very different. It will contract and relax in a way that it didn't before. This is mostly permanent.

Hope it helps.
Che, modificat fa 6 anys at 01/06/18 02:49
Created 6 anys ago at 01/06/18 02:43

RE: Sinus headaches due to kundalini

Apunts: 35 Data d'incorporació: 20/03/14 Publicacions recents
Ernest Michael Olmos:
I had very, very strong kundalini experiences that lasted for some days when I couldn't sleep and I had headaches. They happened on a home retreat.
I now understand why and how it happens.
Hope it helps.

Thank you, indeed it does help, and matches my experience. The lack of breath as you may know is called kumbhak(a) and keval kumbhaka in yoga. It is actually said to cure diseases, not cause them. Of course nothing is that simple emoticon

Did you experience kidney or liver pain or discomfort at this time? In my experience intense Sadhana will release Karma in the form of toxins, which are stored in the fat and muscles. This release tires the muscles and adrenal system leading to fatigue as well as discomfort in the waste management organs, namely kidney and liver. It can also lead to intense thirst, consequent frequent urination and explosive exhalations of breath. The intake of fatty food and the intense exercise most likely would have worked the toxins out through sweat and by mopping up the free floating toxins in fat. That is just my theory based on some similar happenings.

This being said, it's also my experience that each individual's experience is unique because we each carry unique karmic patterns.

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