Help me! was it A&P

Abhishek Sharma, modificat fa 4 anys at 08/07/20 12:54
Created 4 anys ago at 08/07/20 12:54

Help me! was it A&P

Apunts: 33 Data d'incorporació: 08/07/20 Publicacions recents
I was doing meditation from last 3 months . And I've been doing 2 hrs to 3 hrs session daily and 6 hr to 8 hrs on weekends. Recently on my first month I experienced first jhana i thought so , it's the surge of energy from bottom of by body to my head and it's feel very pleasant and energetic.
In the starting of the third month I experienced something that i want to be confirm that what it was, while meditating There was so much sensation surrounded my head and it's feels like my head gonna burst and so tightness and same at the back of my neck and spine. After one hour the whole sensation slowing going downward and from neck to heart and from heart to bottom of my abdomen and then suddenly I feel like breathing at moment becomes difficult and Feels like orgasmic and then suddenly all sensation gone and there was equanimity,tranquility and feel like I'm in full concentration mode without any effort, I was on automatic mode. It's feel so calm so pure and it last for an hour. And afterthat session I feel so light and relaxed like i wanted to laugh don't know why hahah
and at that night it was so difficult to sleep , it was like if I go to sleep I would come to that state again.
Day after tomorrow in the moring while waking up I witnessed some weird thing i was lying on my bed and suddenly there was like thousands of volt of current flowing through my body and I was able see that current in colours and some abstract pictures coming in front of my closed eyes.
can anybody explain is this second jhana or A&P or what ?
Bagpuss The Gnome, modificat fa 4 anys at 08/07/20 13:12
Created 4 anys ago at 08/07/20 13:12

RE: Help me! was it A&P

Apunts: 704 Data d'incorporació: 02/11/11 Publicacions recents
Abhishek Sharma:
I was doing meditation from last 3 months . And I've been doing 2 hrs to 3 hrs session daily and 6 hr to 8 hrs on weekends. Recently on my first month I experienced first jhana i thought so , it's the surge of energy from bottom of by body to my head and it's feel very pleasant and energetic.
In the starting of the third month I experienced something that i want to be confirm that what it was, while meditating There was so much sensation surrounded my head and it's feels like my head gonna burst and so tightness and same at the back of my neck and spine. After one hour the whole sensation slowing going downward and from neck to heart and from heart to bottom of my abdomen and then suddenly I feel like breathing at moment becomes difficult and Feels like orgasmic and then suddenly all sensation gone and there was equanimity,tranquility and feel like I'm in full concentration mode without any effort, I was on automatic mode. It's feel so calm so pure and it last for an hour. And afterthat session I feel so light and relaxed like i wanted to laugh don't know why hahah
and at that night it was so difficult to sleep , it was like if I go to sleep I would come to that state again.
Day after tomorrow in the moring while waking up I witnessed some weird thing i was lying on my bed and suddenly there was like thousands of volt of current flowing through my body and I was able see that current in colours and some abstract pictures coming in front of my closed eyes.
can anybody explain is this second jhana or A&P or what ?

Hello Abhishek, welcome to the DhO emoticon

Sounds like the A&P to me. Only way to be sure is to keep practicing. Provided you know that it can (but does not have to) get less pleasant for a while after that stage. 

Good luck, 

Abhishek Sharma, modificat fa 4 anys at 08/07/20 15:43
Created 4 anys ago at 08/07/20 15:43

RE: Help me! was it A&P

Apunts: 33 Data d'incorporació: 08/07/20 Publicacions recents
Hello ,
thank you very much for replying 
so A&P and second jhana are the same thing?
could they can be attainable by will, or they are self occurring 
Jarrett, modificat fa 4 anys at 08/07/20 18:20
Created 4 anys ago at 08/07/20 18:20

RE: Help me! was it A&P

Apunts: 54 Data d'incorporació: 29/06/20 Publicacions recents
Abhishek Sharma:
Hello ,
thank you very much for replying 
so A&P and second jhana are the same thing?
could they can be attainable by will, or they are self occurring 

a&p is same as second vipassana jhana.  make sure you don't confuse the vipassana jhanas with the concentration jhanas. 

i did a retreat with a teacher who was confused when i said vipassana jhana.. said that isn't a thing... i explained and he understood but didn't think of these states as jhanas.
Abhishek Sharma, modificat fa 4 anys at 08/07/20 22:32
Created 4 anys ago at 08/07/20 22:32

RE: Help me! was it A&P

Apunts: 33 Data d'incorporació: 08/07/20 Publicacions recents
Thanks for clearing 
that means it's totally depend upon your object. very interesting 
Now I feel like I can go into equanimity anytime with some effort after that A&P happening. It's like some button was triggered after that A&P. because I couldn't experienced this state before A&P . I'm happy That I'm progressing. 
but right now I haven't faces any symptoms of Dark Night.