Old DhO rules and customs

Old DhO rules and customs Aeon . 02/07/23 07:01
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Chris M 02/07/23 07:32
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Chris M 02/07/23 08:42
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Aeon . 02/07/23 08:24
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Chris M 02/07/23 09:00
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Chris M 02/07/23 08:40
RE: Old DhO rules and customs ‎ ‎Nihila 02/07/23 09:40
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Aeon . 02/07/23 09:14
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Dream Walker 02/07/23 11:59
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Pepe · 02/07/23 10:15
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Dream Walker 02/07/23 13:52
RE: Old DhO rules and customs shargrol 02/07/23 16:31
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 02/07/23 20:33
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Ashley K 03/07/23 06:34
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 03/07/23 07:09
RE: Old DhO rules and customs shargrol 02/07/23 16:45
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Jim Smith 02/07/23 19:28
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Chris M 03/07/23 07:05
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 03/07/23 09:45
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Jim Smith 03/07/23 08:01
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 03/07/23 09:55
RE: Old DhO rules and customs shargrol 03/07/23 09:59
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 03/07/23 10:14
RE: Old DhO rules and customs T DC 03/07/23 10:47
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 03/07/23 12:11
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Chris M 03/07/23 13:03
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Chris M 03/07/23 13:55
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Dream Walker 03/07/23 14:37
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 03/07/23 15:08
RE: Old DhO rules and customs shargrol 03/07/23 13:18
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 03/07/23 14:34
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Robert Lydon 04/07/23 17:35
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 05/07/23 06:48
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 05/07/23 10:17
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Robert Lydon 08/07/23 01:17
RE: Old DhO rules and customs Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 09/07/23 19:08
Aeon , modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 07:01
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 07:01

Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 212 Data d'incorporació: 31/01/23 Publicacions recents
@dreamwalker I have been thinking, if it might be possible to make a subforum within DhO, that people can only post in if invited, that adheres to the old, more sincere guidelines for discussion, that you value and try to teach us newbies.

I don't know if this is possible within the forum software, but thought if anyone could figure it out, it'd be you. (you are a computer scientist, right?)
It seems that might be one way to preserve the culture, without constant work to supervise everything.
Chris M, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 07:32
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 07:32

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 5407 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
Is this the beginning of a new schism?
Chris M, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 08:42
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 08:16

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 5407 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
As a veteran schism-er (twice), I'd like to say that another bifurcation of this audience would be a massive mistake. It will wreck DhO, leaving those who aren't invited into the "real" discussion with nothing. Also, there won't be enough people in the "real" discussion to sustain it. So they, too, will end up with nothing. If you don't believe me, go visit Awakenetwork.org (a schism-based forum I helped found many years ago). For some reason, there was a peak in dharma discussion online between ten and fifteen years ago. That is over, not just here but almost everywhere. Just accept it. Something is better than nothing. DhO has never been perfect. It's gone through many manifestations and will continue to do so.
Aeon , modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 08:24
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 08:21

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 212 Data d'incorporació: 31/01/23 Publicacions recents
I never thought about the possibility of a schism. You have a point Chris.

I kinda naively thought the "invited" would also post in the "open" area.

It was mostly my own desire to experience the old days alluded to, but not if it means schism or anything like it.
Chris M, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 08:40
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 08:26

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 5407 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
That tactic (having a public and then a private/"real" discussion forum) was tried very early in DhO's history. It was called the "Dharma Underground" and it failed.
Chris M, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 09:00
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 09:00

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 5407 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
I kinda naively thought the "invited" would also post in the "open" area.

Maybe they will, but they'll reserve their most serious, personal, and interesting discussions for the protected area. You know, the one that's meant for serious, personal, and interesting discussions.
Aeon , modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 09:14
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 09:14

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 212 Data d'incorporació: 31/01/23 Publicacions recents
Hey thanks for explaining it so kindly. I didn't know at all.

Curious if the underground were view-only for everyone, or entirely blocked off for newcomers?
‎ ‎Nihila, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 09:40
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 09:39

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 353 Data d'incorporació: 19/01/23 Publicacions recents
Chris M
That tactic (having a public and then a private/"real" discussion forum) was tried very early in DhO's history. It was called the "Dharma Underground" and it failed.

I always wondered if there was an DhU, lol.
Pepe ·, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 10:15
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 10:15

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 737 Data d'incorporació: 26/09/18 Publicacions recents
Here you have a portal to the past, how Daniel interacted with oldtimers discussing how DhO was/should be.
Dream Walker, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 11:59
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 11:59

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 1770 Data d'incorporació: 18/01/12 Publicacions recents
Aeon .
Curious if the underground were view-only for everyone, or entirely blocked off for newcomers? 
One version of it was invite only for advanced practice and whatnot. The people there had done video discussions and got to know each other enough to share at a deeper level than public consumption. We still meet on discord but the people come and go as life is...We text, email and video still. Friendships that have lasted years from this wonderful chaotic menagerie as well as meeting in person at buddhist geeks conferences etc. I dearly hope the current crop of posters will forge similar relationships as it has really helped me in many wonderful ways.
Good Luck all,
Dream Walker, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 13:52
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 13:52

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 1770 Data d'incorporació: 18/01/12 Publicacions recents
Pepe ·
Here you have a portal to the past, how Daniel interacted with oldtimers discussing how DhO was/should be.

By Daniel
How to keep reasonably high standards in DhO.
As one of the mixed blessings of the DhO is a staggering lack of anyone going around certifying anything or declaring anyone else as having definitely done anything, that lack of rigorous quality control, which was lambasted by the likes of Hokai (and contributed to his leaving in disgust, if memory serves), allows people to create a culture where they just throw really high terms around quite loosely and don't realize that there is actually something to them, something lost when they are abused, and something damaged when it creates the same slack foolishness in those exposed to those who do this. I still think that the whole certification process, quality control by an authoritative body, etc. trip is not one I want, but I am at a loss as to how to prevent people from really trashing out concepts like NS en masse without something to counterbalance the prevailing trend of seriously watered down dharma, which I generally loathe.

As mentioned above, other concepts I see the same problems with:
"MCTB arahat"
"formless realms"
"MCTB anagami"
"MCTB jhana"
Anyone got any ideas about how to keep reasonably high standards in a website dedicated to high standards without going around saying, "You are fooling yourself and full of it, stop using those terms now by the Authority Vested in Me!" which obviously would be really ugly and not helpful, but what alternatives are there that will help reclaim the weight and rigor that those things should have when the prevailing trend is so far in the other direction?
I don't have an good answer besides questioning in detail what people mean by terms and vagueness and squirt a little rigor in sometimes.
Not that it works much or that people like it...It does turn down additional noise a notch when posters refuse to define what they are saying when you hold their feet to the fire, some tend to learn from the experience and it creates a good conversation that is earnest about sharing instead of soap-boxing.
Community building takes a community effort.
shargrol, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 16:31
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 16:31

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 2657 Data d'incorporació: 08/02/16 Publicacions recents

Yeah, it's hard to have a community that has good, constructive conversations if it is full of low effort posting.

Here's something I wrote at one point for a reddit community that was also diluted with a lot of very vague posting:

The online world is an incredible resource... and can be a source of frustration and despair. To get the greatest benefit from having online discussions (with any teacher or sangha), make sure you consider following the steps below. I see the worst way to get advice happening all the time on online sites: the person describes a simple experience without any context, and then asks "what is it and how should I practice now?" People will rarely get good advice if they go about it that way. Someone might reply... but is it really going to be good advice? If you want to get really good advice, here's what I recommend as a general format to ask a good meditation question:

(1) First, a warning: make sure you have a consistent, daily, intentional, non-heroic meditation practice before trying to seek additional information on fine tuning. A classic guideline is don't start second-guessing yourself until you have sat consistently for about 30 days in a row. Most "problems" just need time to resolve or evolve. If you don't have this kind of consistency, then any event you experience can only be considered a random occurrence that is just part of human life. Meditation advice is really only relevant to someone who has an ongoing meditation practice. A corollary to this is that while drug experiences seem similar to meditation experiences, they are not the same. Know that things that happened while on drugs can only be considered a random occurrence that is just part of human drug use. (But if a drug experience makes you want to try meditation, great!) 

(2) Put your question up front: in a short sentence, describe what you were doing, what happened, and what advice you are looking for. Imagine that most people will only read this sentence, so be as clear and direct as you can be. Spend some time figuring this out. Contemplating, formulating, and asking good questions about practice is an important part of practice. You are training your ability to see clearly and communicate with the sangha clearly.

(3) Describe the past six months of practice in a short paragraph. What method have you been using?, how much time do you practice a day?, what has the typical sits been like? If sits have been changing/evolving, describe how they changed/evolved over the last six months.

(4) Describe what the cutting-edge of your practice is. What challenging aspects of meditation have you been working on?

(5) If you are going to use mapping terminology, you have an extra responsibility to describe _how_you_know/think_ you are at the stage you are claiming to be at. This applies to TMI maps, Progress of Insight maps, it applies to every mapping system. This does NOT mean simply describing an experience that is consistent with the stage you think you are in. (e.g., not "I'm calm so I'm in Equanimity"). Rather, describe how you know you have gone through previous stages in the past and how you move up and down through stages during a single sit. Also describe where your average stage is --- it's likely further down from where your cutting edge is.

(6) With this context, now describe the situation that you are uncertain about in your own words and ask your question. Don't use meditation jargon here! Just describe it as if you were talking to a non-meditator using normal words that describe sensations, images, emotions, and thoughts. I guarantee that describing things that way will give a much clearer picture. People do not use/apply terms like A&P, Dark Night, Equanimity, Kundalini, nimitta, consciousness, energy, concentration, insight, void, etc. in the same way... so it is nearly impossible to understand what you are saying if you use those terms -- use your own words!

(7) And finally, give your best guess on what the answer is. This is really important. Be brave and put your best thoughts out there. This is part of becoming a self-sufficient and independent meditator. And in many cases, this is where the real clues about what you are overlooking or confused about will become apparent. Many times people are 80% clear about what happened and what to do about it and more experienced meditators can fill in the other 20%.

(8) Also understand that simply preparing a write-up like this will sometimes give you your answer. If that happens, go with it and test it out for a while. Do the experiment!!! You'll find that you can mostly trust your natural intelligence and learn to fine tune your own practice. This becomes more and more common over time. You become your own teacher and develop into a perceptive, curious, clear-minded, investigative, experimental, responsible, independent, sane, imperfect but evolving adult. That's the goal of meditation, good job! emoticon

These points are what most experienced meditators look/listen for when choosing what to respond to online with their limited time. In practice, your questions will actually be shorter than my list above. I can guarantee you that learning to communicate and ask questions well will help you get good answers from message boards and teachers. 
shargrol, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 16:45
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 16:38

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 2657 Data d'incorporació: 08/02/16 Publicacions recents
Did someone say SCHISM!!!!!!

I'm very pro schism. I want so many schisms that the community becomes a group of individuals that are so focused on their own practice that they only occastionally ask questions and only when they are truly looking for meaningful advice or a fresh perspective on how to practice better. emoticon emoticon
Jim Smith, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 19:28
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 19:28

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 1792 Data d'incorporació: 17/01/15 Publicacions recents
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
― Carl Gustav Jung
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 02/07/23 20:33
Created 1 any ago at 02/07/23 20:21

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents

Yeah, it's hard to have a community that has good, constructive conversations if it is full of low effort posting.

Here's something I wrote at one point for a reddit community that was also diluted with a lot of very vague posting:

The online world is an incredible resource... and can be a source of frustration and despair. To get the greatest benefit from having online discussions (with any teacher or sangha), make sure you consider following the steps below. I see the worst way to get advice happening all the time on online sites: the person describes a simple experience without any context, and then asks "what is it and how should I practice now?" People will rarely get good advice if they go about it that way. Someone might reply... but is it really going to be good advice? If you want to get really good advice, here's what I recommend as a general format to ask a good meditation question:

(1) First, a warning: make sure you have a consistent, daily, intentional, non-heroic meditation practice before trying to seek additional information on fine tuning. A classic guideline is don't start second-guessing yourself until you have sat consistently for about 30 days in a row. Most "problems" just need time to resolve or evolve. If you don't have this kind of consistency, then any event you experience can only be considered a random occurrence that is just part of human life. Meditation advice is really only relevant to someone who has an ongoing meditation practice. A corollary to this is that while drug experiences seem similar to meditation experiences, they are not the same. Know that things that happened while on drugs can only be considered a random occurrence that is just part of human drug use. (But if a drug experience makes you want to try meditation, great!) 

(2) Put your question up front: in a short sentence, describe what you were doing, what happened, and what advice you are looking for. Imagine that most people will only read this sentence, so be as clear and direct as you can be. Spend some time figuring this out. Contemplating, formulating, and asking good questions about practice is an important part of practice. You are training your ability to see clearly and communicate with the sangha clearly.

(3) Describe the past six months of practice in a short paragraph. What method have you been using?, how much time do you practice a day?, what has the typical sits been like? If sits have been changing/evolving, describe how they changed/evolved over the last six months.

(4) Describe what the cutting-edge of your practice is. What challenging aspects of meditation have you been working on?

(5) If you are going to use mapping terminology, you have an extra responsibility to describe _how_you_know/think_ you are at the stage you are claiming to be at. This applies to TMI maps, Progress of Insight maps, it applies to every mapping system. This does NOT mean simply describing an experience that is consistent with the stage you think you are in. (e.g., not "I'm calm so I'm in Equanimity"). Rather, describe how you know you have gone through previous stages in the past and how you move up and down through stages during a single sit. Also describe where your average stage is --- it's likely further down from where your cutting edge is.

(6) With this context, now describe the situation that you are uncertain about in your own words and ask your question. Don't use meditation jargon here! Just describe it as if you were talking to a non-meditator using normal words that describe sensations, images, emotions, and thoughts. I guarantee that describing things that way will give a much clearer picture. People do not use/apply terms like A&P, Dark Night, Equanimity, Kundalini, nimitta, consciousness, energy, concentration, insight, void, etc. in the same way... so it is nearly impossible to understand what you are saying if you use those terms -- use your own words!

(7) And finally, give your best guess on what the answer is. This is really important. Be brave and put your best thoughts out there. This is part of becoming a self-sufficient and independent meditator. And in many cases, this is where the real clues about what you are overlooking or confused about will become apparent. Many times people are 80% clear about what happened and what to do about it and more experienced meditators can fill in the other 20%.

(8) Also understand that simply preparing a write-up like this will sometimes give you your answer. If that happens, go with it and test it out for a while. Do the experiment!!! You'll find that you can mostly trust your natural intelligence and learn to fine tune your own practice. This becomes more and more common over time. You become your own teacher and develop into a perceptive, curious, clear-minded, investigative, experimental, responsible, independent, sane, imperfect but evolving adult. That's the goal of meditation, good job! emoticon

These points are what most experienced meditators look/listen for when choosing what to respond to online with their limited time. In practice, your questions will actually be shorter than my list above. I can guarantee you that learning to communicate and ask questions well will help you get good answers from message boards and teachers. 

This should be a pinned post.

Something that might also increase the quality of the forum might be if the oldtimers make posts like this themselves, so as to set up a good example. 
Ashley K, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 06:34
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 06:34

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 121 Data d'incorporació: 14/04/23 Publicacions recents
I agree that shargrol's post on how to craft a good post/practice question should be pinned somewhere. Maybe at the top of the categories Dharma Diagnostic, Insight and Wisdom, and Concentration?

Maybe a link could be included on the Home page, or on the Links or FAQ page, but I'm not sure how many people actually read those pages, even though they contain useful and valuable information outside of the Discussion forum.
Chris M, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 07:05
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 07:05

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 5407 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
Something that might also increase the quality of the forum might be if the oldtimers make posts like this themselves, so as to set up a good example. 

I've put craploads of time and effort into the DhO, Kenneth Folk Dharma, Dharma Refugee Camp Forum, and Awakenetwork. It was a labor of love for a long, long time. Now it just seems like work. I'm happy to pass the torch.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 07:09
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 07:09

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
If someone with the technical skills knows how to accomplish that, and if the format of the site allows it, I would welcome such an initiative. I don't know of any ways to pin posts here. In the meantime, I made a thread in the meditation culture category. Shargrol, I hope it's okay that I did some cutting and pasting from your thread. I will keep bumping the thread (at least I hope I will remember to do so). I think most participants here use the "recent posts" function, and then it comes up. 
Jim Smith, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 08:01
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 08:01

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 1792 Data d'incorporació: 17/01/15 Publicacions recents
The Pali word for impermanence, anicca, is a compound word consisting of "a" meaning non-, and "nicca" meaning "constant, continuous, permanent".[1] While 'nicca' is the concept of continuity and permanence, 'anicca' refers to its exact opposite; the absence of permanence and continuity. The term is synonymous with the Sanskrit term anitya (a + nitya). The concept of impermanence is prominent in Buddhism, and it is also found in various schools of Hinduism and Jainism. The term also appears in the Rigveda.
Impermanence, called anicca (Pāli) or anitya (Sanskrit), appears extensively in the Pali Canon as one of the essential doctrines of Buddhism. The doctrine asserts that all of conditioned existence, without exception, is "transient, evanescent, inconstant". All temporal things, whether material or mental, are compounded objects in a continuous change of condition, subject to decline and destruction. All physical and mental events are not metaphysically real. They are not constant or permanent; they come into being and dissolve.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 09:45
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 09:45

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
Chris M:

Something that might also increase the quality of the forum might be if the oldtimers make posts like this themselves, so as to set up a good example. 

I've put craploads of time and effort into the DhO, Kenneth Folk Dharma, Dharma Refugee Camp Forum, and Awakenetwork. It was a labor of love for a long, long time. Now it just seems like work. I'm happy to pass the torch.

Of course any posting here is optional, not an obligation. You have made great contributions that are highly appreciated, and so have other oldtimers.

All I meant was that if oldtimers are gonna complain about posts not living up to their standards, it might be helpful to show what it is that you want. We can’t expect people to be mindreaders. Maybe bump some old high quality threads, those of you who feel like it (optional!). I think it would be very much appreciated.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 09:55
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 09:55

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
Jim, thanks for a good laugh!

Yeah, things change, and that's got to be okay. 

Still, I would hope that DhO continues to be a forum where it's possible to have high quality discussions that get into the nitty gritty details of phenomenology and the tech of how we are doing things and not just peppy positive thinking and fluff. 
shargrol, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 09:59
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 09:58

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 2657 Data d'incorporació: 08/02/16 Publicacions recents
Old vs. new -- that would be another good schism! Then the folks in the middle could schism against the old and the new schimers. And then the non-schismers could schism against the schismers. emoticon  Well, dare to dream... 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 10:14
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 10:14

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
I just find all positioning games really tiresome. I don't want to belong to any specific group. I just want a place to talk about practice in an honest and hands-on way without turning it into some kind of tournament. 
T DC, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 10:47
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 10:47

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 522 Data d'incorporació: 29/09/11 Publicacions recents
So you're in the no-group group then Linda, correct?  ;)

​​​​​​​I kid, and thanks for your work helping keep this place on track. 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 12:11
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 12:11

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
I'm guilty of being in the group of participants thinking "Oh, cool, T DC is posting again!". 
Chris M, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 13:03
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 13:02

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 5407 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
I’m in the group that recognizes how much schisms formed the close-by dharma universe… until it didn’t. Shargrol is making schisms out to be a never ending object of mirth, but in this universe they did actually end and most schism-ers lived happily after(not *ever* after, per Jim’s wise reference to impermanence.)
Chris M, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 13:55
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 13:16

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 5407 Data d'incorporació: 26/01/13 Publicacions recents
In regard to new vs old discussions and participants, I’m of the opinion that each new generation of members here needs to develop its own way. This has happened a few times on DhO over the years. There were times when this was a hostile place run by a small clique. There were times when this was an open place where all felt the safety in that. There have been in between times.

What worked here for a specific audience in 2008 is not what is likely to work in 2023, and imposing 2008 on 2023 is likely to be worse than letting 2023’s DhO find its own way. We can very likely do that, old and new members together.
shargrol, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 13:18
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 13:18

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 2657 Data d'incorporació: 08/02/16 Publicacions recents
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 14:34
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 14:34

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
I'm happy to see that we are in agreement there. 
Dream Walker, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 14:37
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 14:37

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 1770 Data d'incorporació: 18/01/12 Publicacions recents
Chris M In regard to new vs old discussions and participants, I’m of the opinion that each new generation of members here needs to develop its own way. This has happened a few times on DhO over the years. There were times when this was a hostile place run by a small clique. There were times when this was an open place where all felt the safety in that. There have been in between times. What worked here for a specific audience in 2008 is not what is likely to work in 2023, and imposing 2008 on 2023 is likely to be worse than letting 2023’s DhO find its own way. We can very likely do that, old and new members together.
It's like a house party with an open door saying 'Hey come on in" Ya never know what you will get. Sometimes intimate, sometimes rowdy.
Sometimes a person comes in and immediatly puts a lampshade on their head and tries to start a conversation with "I've been doing this thing for a while and then I had an experience! Thoughts?"
Sometimes a Troll comes in and trashes all the furnishings for the Lulz.
Sometimes a lonely sockpuppet comes in with nothing better to do than talk to themselves and play being an expert at something.
BUT thru it all the Dho has reinvented itself over and over and is still here for the benefit of all beings who wish to make it how they want to create it. That is eff'n amazeballs.
All the people who have helped me, who need nothing back, I have only been endebted to pay it forward....
Brings a tear to my eyes.
Good Luck all,
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 03/07/23 15:08
Created 1 any ago at 03/07/23 15:08

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
Can we just please go easy on the assumptions with regard to people being sockpuppets or trolls? Thanks!
Robert Lydon, modificat fa 1 any at 04/07/23 17:35
Created 1 any ago at 04/07/23 17:35

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 77 Data d'incorporació: 19/06/23 Publicacions recents
I think Sheldon once made a ticket system like IT in one of his episodes where it can require prompts be filled to submit.

We need to suppress communication on dharma overground for sure.

China has good software. Want me to take a look?
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 05/07/23 06:48
Created 1 any ago at 05/07/23 06:48

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
Would you care to clarify what you are saying?

DhO will remain a public forum without restrictions to posting other than forum rules, law and hopefully human decency. I don't find jokes about suppressing communication funny.

Linda Ö
​​​​​​​DhO moderator
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 05/07/23 10:17
Created 1 any ago at 05/07/23 10:10

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
As for the quote from Daniel back in the days —


Anyone got any ideas about how to keep reasonably high standards in a website dedicated to high standards without going around saying, "You are fooling yourself and full of it, stop using those terms now by the Authority Vested in Me!" which obviously would be really ugly and not helpful, but what alternatives are there that will help reclaim the weight and rigor that those things should have when the prevailing trend is so far in the other direction?

— I would like to warmly offer a book recommendation: Difficult conversations (How to discuss what matters most) by Stone, Patton and Heen. I think it gives very hands-on and helpful advice on how to discuss things in a productive and non-reactive way. Definitely worth reading, I’d say. There have been more than one edition, the first one in 1999. It's still available on Amazon and probably on public libraries. You can find a brief summary here: https://eye.hms.harvard.edu/files/eye/files/difficult-conversations-summary.pdf
Robert Lydon, modificat fa 1 any at 08/07/23 01:17
Created 1 any ago at 08/07/23 01:17

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 77 Data d'incorporació: 19/06/23 Publicacions recents
Hi Linda,

Sorry for my sarcasm. I don't want exact control over the forum. People should be able to ask questions and seek support how they see fit.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificat fa 1 any at 09/07/23 19:08
Created 1 any ago at 09/07/23 19:08

RE: Old DhO rules and customs

Apunts: 7134 Data d'incorporació: 08/12/18 Publicacions recents
I agree. No problem.

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