Shining a light for cult members you recruited before you left

JohnM, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 20.05.19 05:27
Created 5 Jahren ago at 20.05.19 05:26

Shining a light for cult members you recruited before you left

Beiträge: 88 Beitrittsdatum: 07.01.18 Neueste Beiträge
Imagine you survived a cult. Current members approach you with tacit
messages aimed at securing your validation of their present course
and/or kudos from "on high" (as in: are you high?!) for recapturing you.
You care about them (you once recruited them!), and wish they could
break free. You know only they can do that. What would you say? Asking
for a friend.
Rich Lee, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 20.05.19 16:09
Created 5 Jahren ago at 20.05.19 16:09

RE: Shining a light for cult members you recruited before you left

Beiträge: 43 Beitrittsdatum: 15.07.15 Neueste Beiträge
"I care about you and wish you could break free".

In my case the last lingering dependence on the authority of the guru or the so-called hierarchy of spiritual agents finally disappeared, when I made progress in another practise and discovered that the experiences & states I had sought were in fact available in many places.
Milo, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 20.05.19 21:43
Created 5 Jahren ago at 20.05.19 21:43

RE: Shining a light for cult members you recruited before you left

Beiträge: 371 Beitrittsdatum: 13.11.18 Neueste Beiträge
Imagine you survived a cult. Current members approach you with tacit
messages aimed at securing your validation of their present course
and/or kudos from "on high" (as in: are you high?!) for recapturing you.
You care about them (you once recruited them!), and wish they could
break free. You know only they can do that. What would you say? Asking
for a friend.
That's tough. A direct approach will only cause them to be more convinced and make you the bad (wo)man in their mind. You might be able to guide them subtlely if you are careful but it has to be 'their idea.' You will have to pick up the clues if/when they might be receptive to a nudging in another direction. Protect yourself first and foremost.
chris mc, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 22.05.19 00:47
Created 5 Jahren ago at 22.05.19 00:47

RE: Shining a light for cult members you recruited before you left

Beiträge: 57 Beitrittsdatum: 31.05.12 Neueste Beiträge
How did you get involved in a cult, did it happen slowly and gradually, or was the person really persuasive?
terry, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 22.05.19 14:06
Created 5 Jahren ago at 22.05.19 14:06

RE: Shining a light for cult members you recruited before you left

Beiträge: 2658 Beitrittsdatum: 07.08.17 Neueste Beiträge
Imagine you survived a cult. Current members approach you with tacit
messages aimed at securing your validation of their present course
and/or kudos from "on high" (as in: are you high?!) for recapturing you.
You care about them (you once recruited them!), and wish they could
break free. You know only they can do that. What would you say? Asking
for a friend.

