Please help! Survey research into difficult-to-integrate psychedelic trips

Daniel M Ingram, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 03.11.22 13:40
Created 1 Jahr ago at 03.11.22 13:40

Please help! Survey research into difficult-to-integrate psychedelic trips

Beiträge: 3275 Beitrittsdatum: 20.04.09 Neueste Beiträge
Dear All,

My friend Jules Evans and the rest of his fine team are conducing vital academic survey and then interview research into psychedelic experiences that lingered in complicated ways after the substance had worn off.

The survey is found here.

Given the number of people on the DhO who I know had something powerful happen (that I might call the A&P, DN, etc.) on psychedelics that then left them significantly different from before and with some complex things to integrate after, I am guessing the members of this forum will be a rich source of valuable information to science and for those who come after.

Basically, the questions are about what you experienced, what was challening about it, what helped, what didn't, etc., practical stuff in keeping with our pragmatic theme here.

By way of full disclosure, the grant for this study is administered by the charity I run, Emergence Benefactors, and I help design and promote the study and am still an advisor to the project.

Please help us make the world a bit safer and better for those wandering these strange paths! Thanks!

T DC, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 03.11.22 20:49
Created 1 Jahr ago at 03.11.22 20:49

RE: Please help! Survey research into difficult-to-integrate psychedelic tr

Beiträge: 518 Beitrittsdatum: 29.09.11 Neueste Beiträge
Fascinating stuff!  I have no such experience to contribute but would love to see the results. 
Stephen, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 10.11.22 13:30
Created 1 Jahr ago at 10.11.22 13:30

RE: Please help! Survey research into difficult-to-integrate psychedelic tr

Beiträge: 19 Beitrittsdatum: 26.11.20 Neueste Beiträge
Done. Thanks for helping to fund such an important study. 

I actually just finished reading Jules Evans book "Breaking Open" a couple weeks ago. A few stories in it helped me connect back to the raw feelings from my own major psychedelic induced opening and subsequent dark night. Fun times.
Jonas E, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 11.11.22 13:55
Created 1 Jahr ago at 11.11.22 13:55

RE: Please help! Survey research into difficult-to-integrate psychedelic tr

Beiträge: 93 Beitrittsdatum: 28.02.15 Neueste Beiträge
Done with the survey. I wanted to participate in a survey like this before, thank you for the opportunity. I find it verry difficult to integrate my experiences of psychedelics, especially lately.

I put these links below for my self to remember them.
