Daniel's Email

Khemacitto -----, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 16.03.23 14:29
Created 1 Jahr ago at 15.03.23 14:27

Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 6 Beitrittsdatum: 30.09.21 Neueste Beiträge
Hello I was wondering if Daniel has changed his email address? I emailed him on the 2nd March but I haven't received a reply yet (unless it went to my spam folder by mistake) I didn't want to bother him if he is busy or on retreat so I just thought I would check here to make sure his email is still the same. Thank you :')
(I emailed his Interactive Buddha address)
Dream Walker, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 20.03.23 06:54
Created 1 Jahr ago at 20.03.23 06:54

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 1757 Beitrittsdatum: 18.01.12 Neueste Beiträge
I assume his email is the same as he is very consistant about such things. He is always busy with somethings. I don't know how he goes about prioritizing and answering emails but you might try using the messaging portal here.
Another great option would be to ask your question here first and see if you get input, unless you are a Nigerian prince looking to give money away in a once in a lifetime opportunity.(wink)
I personally consider Daniel a rare resource and first always try all available options before reaching out to him but thats just me.
Good luck,
Khemacitto -----, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 20.03.23 12:05
Created 1 Jahr ago at 20.03.23 12:05

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 6 Beitrittsdatum: 30.09.21 Neueste Beiträge
Thank you friend I will use the messaging service.
A Iqbal, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 21.03.23 12:03
Created 1 Jahr ago at 21.03.23 12:03

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 2 Beitrittsdatum: 21.03.23 Neueste Beiträge

I've actually just tried to email Daniel at his interactivebuddha address and got back delivery failed notifications so I'm wondering if something is up with his emails. If anyone has an alternative email address for him that would be appreciated.

Khemacitto -----, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 21.03.23 12:33
Created 1 Jahr ago at 21.03.23 12:33

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 6 Beitrittsdatum: 30.09.21 Neueste Beiträge
@arf Thank you for this information, maybe there is a problem then? I was surprised because normally I will receive a reply but I know to wait for a response because Daniel is very busy.
A Iqbal, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 21.03.23 13:36
Created 1 Jahr ago at 21.03.23 13:36

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 2 Beitrittsdatum: 21.03.23 Neueste Beiträge
Yeah seems like there might be an issue. I've also messages Daniel here, hopefully we'll both get a response in due course. 
Michal, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 23.03.23 03:33
Created 1 Jahr ago at 23.03.23 03:33

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 33 Beitrittsdatum: 09.06.20 Neueste Beiträge
It might be that he is really busy with the EPRC. I would assume it might take a month for him to reply to you if he has a lot to do. 

A Iqbals comment about failed delivery is interesting.
Khemacitto -----, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 23.03.23 12:10
Created 1 Jahr ago at 23.03.23 12:09

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 6 Beitrittsdatum: 30.09.21 Neueste Beiträge
@michal thank you friend yes I will wait he must be super busy. I noticed on his twitter he will be a guest speaker in a big conference in New York soon as well <3 
Khemacitto -----, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 18.05.23 09:19
Created 1 Jahr ago at 18.05.23 09:16

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 6 Beitrittsdatum: 30.09.21 Neueste Beiträge
@dreamwalker hello friend. I didn't have a question. I wanted to let him know how I've been doing.
Do you think I should try to use a different email address in case some of our emails are going into his spam folder? I'm pretty sure I haven't received a reply but it could be a problem my end. I'm not to sure what to do :0
Dream Walker, geändert vor 1 Jahr at 19.05.23 01:35
Created 1 Jahr ago at 19.05.23 01:35

RE: Daniel's Email

Beiträge: 1757 Beitrittsdatum: 18.01.12 Neueste Beiträge
Why not try doing the @ sign followed by his profile name. That might get to him. If it is just an update of how you are doing, why not write that here and see if he sees it. If it is not private that is.
​​​​​​Good luck,
Daniel M Ingram, geändert vor 3 Monaten at 15.03.24 19:17
Created 1 Jahr ago at 26.05.23 07:38

RE: Daniel's Email (Antwort)

Beiträge: 3275 Beitrittsdatum: 20.04.09 Neueste Beiträge
Greetings from the Science of Consciousness Conference, Taormina, Sicily!

Yes, have been busy, and there was a problem with my email related to neeting upgrade from a legacy version of Google briefly but now all good.

Due to some philanthropic travel, EPRC work, and conferences (presented at Breaking Convention and TSC), got 750+ emails behind, catching up now.

Perhaps just send it again if I haven't gotten there yet.

Best wishes,
