Videos: Enlightened Awareness, Characteristics of Emptiness

Fred H Meyer, geändert vor 12 Jahren at 13.06.12 19:33
Created 12 Jahren ago at 13.06.12 19:25

Videos: Enlightened Awareness, Characteristics of Emptiness

Beiträge: 10 Beitrittsdatum: 09.06.12 Neueste Beiträge
Hello everyone,

I have posted two new video teachings, entitled "Enlightened Awareness" and "Characteristics of Emptiness," on my website at I hope you will enjoy them, and find them helpful; and I invite your comments, either in this forum or on the videos themselves.

I will post new videos weekly. You may also view information for my forthcoming book, Don’t Give Up Until You Do: From Mindfulness to Realization on the Buddhist Path, due out August 8th from Llewellyn Publications, here.

Yours in the Dharma,
Fred H. Meyer, MD
Tommy M, geändert vor 12 Jahren at 14.06.12 03:37
Created 12 Jahren ago at 14.06.12 03:37

RE: Videos: Enlightened Awareness, Characteristics of Emptiness

Beiträge: 1199 Beitrittsdatum: 12.11.10 Neueste Beiträge
Just checked out your videos, the audio quality isn't too bad but the offer is there anyway if you ever need any help with it. I also had a brief read through your site and skimmed a bit of your earlier book too, I like your style and you come across as a normal guy who's been there and experienced this stuff directly, not guru-esque or authoritarian. Good luck with your book, site and teachings, I'm sure you'll find an audience and you're always welcome on the DhO.

Fred H Meyer, geändert vor 12 Jahren at 16.06.12 00:23
Created 12 Jahren ago at 16.06.12 00:23

RE: Videos: Enlightened Awareness, Characteristics of Emptiness

Beiträge: 10 Beitrittsdatum: 09.06.12 Neueste Beiträge
Dear Tommy,

Thank you very much for your offer to help with the quality of my videos. Maybe I'll ask your advice if at some point I work to improve my equipment.

Thank you also for your words about my site and book. I appreciate it.

