Yoga bhandas - when/how can this induce a DMT trip?

Big Chungus, geändert vor 3 Jahren at 01.07.21 09:20
Created 3 Jahren ago at 01.07.21 09:20

Yoga bhandas - when/how can this induce a DMT trip?

Beiträge: 19 Beitrittsdatum: 10.03.20 Neueste Beiträge
Joe Dispensza describes a technique which uses yoga bhandas. It circulates cerebral spinal fluid super fast, which basically causes the pineal gland to release DMT.

Apparently this causes a complete DMT trip / Kundalini raising. But from what I've seen, yoga bhandas are fairly common in yoga and doesn't result in such significant effects (there's a huge difference between mild sensations and a DMT trip).

So I'm trying to figure out why that is. There's not much useful info on this sort of thing online (or at least that I've found), it's very esoteric.

Does anyone here have insight into this, or recommendations for further reading? I want clear, precise instructions on how to achieve a full-blown Kundalini awakening with it. 
A Dietrich Ringle, geändert vor 3 Jahren at 01.07.21 17:48
Created 3 Jahren ago at 01.07.21 17:48

RE: Yoga bhandas - when/how can this induce a DMT trip?

Beiträge: 881 Beitrittsdatum: 04.12.11 Neueste Beiträge
Might try the dharma underground. But in all actuality what is a dmt trip. 
