Seiten mit dem Schlagwort jhana .

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Reflecting on some Jhana experiences Ryan Kay 9 11892
Need advice for developing jhanas and entering formless jhanas Ivan Perez 11 6708
The Fourth Jhana and being "lost in the story", why? Nuna Yabiz Niz 8 6128
Recent Multi-Month Solitary Dark Room Retreat, Jhana, TWIM & More :) Samuel K 0 3807
Experiences From Recent Multi Month Dark Room Retreat w TWIM Samuel K 4 6738
Did I attain any Shamatha Jhanas? kokoro kokoro 13 5899
Vitakka, Jhana, and Brahma Vihara Bhavana in Vism. Instructions S. M. 0 6799
Jhanas for the jhana resistant? Low Quality Qualia 3 6264
It feels like mindfulness/vipassana is what’s CREATING my sense of self & t Bananas Bananas 3 9340
Which jhana or what it is, where am I ? Abhishek Sharma 16 15352
It's fine to grease the wheels with extra jhana during this bizarre time Steph S 19 11155
Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice Dixon Hill 7 9933
measuring concentration with Sustained Attention Response Task (SART)? Daniel Long Sockwell 0 7009
Looking for subjects to jhana EEG pilot project at Oslo University mind less 0 7377
Awareness of Awareness - Shamatha jhanas? Dixon Hill 9 9354
Hypnogogic states and lucid dreams in concentration Bhumi 1 8461
Help with Fire Kasina Practice!! Dileep Vasist 8 11143
Experiences before concentration Bhumi 4 12573
My Introduction, likely a Sakadagami Che 12 22058
Jhana? and how further to insight meditation? John Power 5 10966
