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What do you do when toothaches at 1 am?

Our teeth are an important part of our health. Having a nice smile that boosts our confidence is as vital as having strong and healthy eyesight which will enable us to perform our daily tasks without difficulties. This can be achieved by staying regular with the dentist near me.


What primarily do I need for safeguarding from dental emergencies?


Maintaining good oral hygiene will help us preserve our teeth and coupled with regular dental check-ups at the dentist office near me. Our teeth will have a long and healthy life. However, just as with other body organs, complications can strike our teeth at any time. When these complications happen out of the normal hours other than the dentist is available, you will need to seek Emergency Dental Care. There are dentists who offer emergency dental services in your surroundings, any time of the day or night without all the hustle involved in booking an appointment. These dentists are available to you with a simple telephone call and all you need to do is avail yourself and you will be attended to. 


Emergency Dental Services


By seeking emergency dental care, most teeth complications can be fixed rather than waiting for your next appointment with your regular doctor. Emergency dental care is very important to the well-being of your mouth, and with emergency dental care, every minute counts. You have to act quickly to get the best treatment that dental technology can offer. This is not something like regular tooth decay which can wait


Another case where you should seek emergency dental care is when you have acute pain in your teeth. You might have been chewing on some nuts when you experienced severe pain in one of your teeth. This might have been caused because of a broken tooth and you need to seek out emergency dental care right away. By seeking out a dentist, the excruciating pain will be relieved as he/she can offer effective pain killers that will subdue the pain and also fill the crack in your tooth that has you suffering. You should have a dentist take a look into any slight discomfort arising from your teeth or gum regardless of the time or season. This is because emergency dental care is available all the time and at any season in many health facilities near you.


Can they treat my root canal pain?


Emergency dental units are also equipped to deal with root canals. This involves the removal of the pulp of the tooth which makes up the middle layer of the tooth. When the pulp is damaged, it needs to be removed to avoid further damage to the tooth. Emergency dental units can remove the pulp and replace it with a firmer material, topping the enamel with a crown to prevent further deterioration of the tooth. A root canal is normally performed if the tooth has been infected by bacteria causing it to rot or in cases of trauma to the tooth, causing it to fracture.


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