Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Daniel M. Ingram 10/12/20 22:18
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Papa Che Dusko 10/12/20 23:14
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Pawel K 10/12/20 23:38
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Papa Che Dusko 11/12/20 0:06
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Tim Farrington 11/12/20 1:31
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Papa Che Dusko 11/12/20 3:04
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Tim Farrington 10/12/20 23:45
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Tommy M 11/12/20 2:57
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Bardo 17/12/20 12:28
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Pepe · 11/12/20 4:54
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Ben V. 11/12/20 6:40
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Olivier S 11/12/20 7:03
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Chris M 11/12/20 7:05
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator genaro 11/12/20 7:47
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Steph S 11/12/20 8:23
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator George S 11/12/20 8:47
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Brandon Dayton 11/12/20 9:36
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Siavash ' 11/12/20 10:02
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator J W 11/12/20 10:48
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 11/12/20 12:02
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Papa Che Dusko 11/12/20 13:22
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Z . 11/12/20 15:33
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator svmonk 11/12/20 20:26
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Papa Che Dusko 15/12/20 12:02
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Sam Gentile 12/12/20 12:31
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Balint P. 15/12/20 8:48
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 17/12/20 10:21
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Chris M 17/12/20 12:10
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 17/12/20 13:37
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Papa Che Dusko 17/12/20 13:40
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Balint P. 18/12/20 0:33
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 18/12/20 2:20
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Pawel K 18/12/20 0:35
RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator Milo 17/12/20 17:51
Daniel M Ingram, modificado hace 3 años at 10/12/20 22:18
Created 3 años ago at 10/12/20 22:18

Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 3278 Fecha de incorporación: 20/04/09 Mensajes recientes
Dear All,

As the long-serving Chris Marti has stepped down from being a Moderator, so Linda "Polly Ester" Ö has decided to step up to help moderate the forum.

Many thanks to all Moderators past, present, and future for their service. It is an often somewhat thankless job, but their presence, attention, and judgement helps make this place better, and I am extremely grateful for them and any and all help they voluntarily lend to the DhO.

Papa Che Dusko, modificado hace 3 años at 10/12/20 23:14
Created 3 años ago at 10/12/20 23:14

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 3048 Fecha de incorporación: 1/03/20 Mensajes recientes
Thank you Linda! All the best wishes to both Chris and Linda! 
Pawel K, modificado hace 3 años at 10/12/20 23:38
Created 3 años ago at 10/12/20 23:38

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 1172 Fecha de incorporación: 22/02/20 Mensajes recientes
emoticon hope Chris won't stop being active on DhO
I got kinda used to us disagreeing in pretty much everything emoticon

And for Linda will need it emoticon
Tim Farrington, modificado hace 3 años at 10/12/20 23:45
Created 3 años ago at 10/12/20 23:45

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 2464 Fecha de incorporación: 13/06/11 Mensajes recientes
All love and gratitude and respect to Chris, for his generous service in an often thankless crucial role. May your next service gig involve umbrella drinks and beaches or something better, maybe counseling people overloaded with compassion and meekness and humility, who are recovering somewhere with a good climate.

Person: Chris, my problem is I'm just too nice. I just walk around all the time emanating love and light. 
Chris (sipping umbrella drink): Just be with that, accept it for precisely what it is.
Person (visibly moved, a satori moment, clearly): Oh, thank you, Chris!
Chris (sipping umbrella drink, accepting neck massage, as a balmy breeze eases in off the blue-green lagoon): De nada.

Thank you Chris.
Papa Che Dusko, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 0:06
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 0:06

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 3048 Fecha de incorporación: 1/03/20 Mensajes recientes
Here is a welcome song for Linda emoticon she will find it funny I'm sure emoticon emoticon
Tim Farrington, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 1:31
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 1:31

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 2464 Fecha de incorporación: 13/06/11 Mensajes recientes
Papa Che Dusko:
Here is a welcome song for Linda emoticon she will find it funny I'm sure emoticonemoticon

lol, papaji, i had to homework to appreciate this! but it is wonderful, and very funny and weirdly a propos. Thanks.

welcome, Linda-bot! May your moderation, and moderating, and moderate middle way-ness, help keep the sangha's channel clean.

Boten Anna "Basshunter" 
Jag känner en bot, hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon
Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårtHon röjer upp i våran kanal
Jag vill berätta för dig att jag känner en bot
Jag känner en bot, hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon
Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt
Hon röjer upp i våran kanal
Jag vill berätta för dig att jag känner en bot
Som alltid vaktar alla som är här
Och som ser till att vi blir utan besvär
Det finns ingen takeover som lyckas
Kom ihåg att det är jag som känner en bot
En bot som ingen, ingen annan slår
Och hon kan kicka utan att du får
Hon gör sig av med alla som spammar
Ja, inget kan slå våran bot
Ready for takeoff
Are you ready?
Då kom den dagen jag inte trodde fanns
Den satte verkligen kanalen ur balans
Jag trodde aldrig att jag hade så fel
Men när Anna skrev och sa: "Jag är ingen bot"
Jag är en väldigt, väldigt vacker tjej
Som ju tyvärr är väldigt främmande för mig
Men det finns inget som behöver förklaras
För i mina ögon är hon alltid en bot
Hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon
Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt
Hon röjer upp i våran kanalJag vill berätta för dig att jag känner en bot
Som alltid vaktar alla som är här
Och som ser till att vi blir utan besvär
Det finns ingen takeover som lyckas
Kom ihåg att det är jag som känner en bot
En bot som ingen, ingen annan slår
Och hon kan kicka utan att du får
Hon gör sig av med alla som spammar
Ja, inget kan slå våran bot
Songwriters: Jonas Altberg

I know a bot,
her name is Anna, Anna is her name
And she can ban, ban you so hard
She cleans up in our channel
I wanna tell you, that I know a bot

I know a bot,
her name is Anna, Anna is her name
And she can ban, ban you so hard
She cleans up in our channel
I wanna tell you, that I know a bot

That always watches everyone here
And makes us out of trouble
There is no Take-over that succeeds
Remember that it's I who know this bot

The bot that no one else can beat
And she kicks even if she shouldn't
She gets rid of everyone that "spams"
Yes, nothing can beat our bot

(Ready for take off)

(Are you ready?)

And then came the day I didn't think was real
The channel was out of control
I never thought I would be so wrong
When Anna said to me

"I'm not a bot,
I'm a really beautiful girl"
Which is, unluckily, now very strange to me
But nothing needs to be explained
*Because in my eyes, you will always be a bot*

Her name is Anna, Anna is her name
And she can ban, ban you so hard
She cleans up in our channel
I wanna tell you, that I know a bot

That always watches everyone here
And makes us out of trouble
There is no Take-over that succeeds
Remember that it's I who know this bot

The bot that no one else can beat
And she kicks even if she shouldn't
She gets rid of everyone that "spams"
Yes, nothing can beat our bot.
Tommy M, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 2:57
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 2:57

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 116 Fecha de incorporación: 1/12/20 Mensajes recientes
A fine and fabulous choice! Her patience, understanding and wisdom will undoubtedly help all, and she knows how to lay the smack down when required. emoticon
Papa Che Dusko, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 3:04
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 3:04

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 3048 Fecha de incorporación: 1/03/20 Mensajes recientes
emoticon Ha! emoticon You found the translation! Nice one! emoticon 
Pepe ·, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 4:54
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 4:53

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 737 Fecha de incorporación: 26/09/18 Mensajes recientes
Congrats Linda!

I hope Chris will still be around posting every now and then. Thank you for your selfless services all these years!
Ben V, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 6:40
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 6:40

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 418 Fecha de incorporación: 3/03/15 Mensajes recientes
Thanks Chris! Hope you'll keep posting.

Congrats Linda!
Olivier S, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 7:03
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 7:03

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 979 Fecha de incorporación: 27/04/19 Mensajes recientes
Enjoy a well deserved rest, chris.

Linda, i habe ni doubt you'll do a fine job, don't over exert yourself though emoticon
Chris M, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 7:05
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 7:05

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 5406 Fecha de incorporación: 26/01/13 Mensajes recientes
Best of luck to Linda in her new role.
genaro, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 7:47
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 7:46

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 126 Fecha de incorporación: 23/11/19 Mensajes recientes
Welcome Linda and many thanks to the long suffering (if i may use that word ;-) ) Chri sMarti, the voice of sanity.

Best way to learn is to teach and Linda now has a chance to practice loving kindness at the sharp end !

and +1 for Daniel's remarks.
Steph S, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 8:23
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 8:23

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 672 Fecha de incorporación: 24/03/10 Mensajes recientes
Woohoo! This is awesome. Lots of love for Linda in the new role. emoticon

And +1 to hoping Chris still sticks around.
George S, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 8:47
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 8:46

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 2722 Fecha de incorporación: 26/02/19 Mensajes recientes
Thanks Chris for all your hard work.

Thanks for taking on the job Linda, best wishes and good luck!
Brandon Dayton, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 9:36
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 9:36

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 511 Fecha de incorporación: 24/09/19 Mensajes recientes
Thanks for your dedication Chris! You've done a yeoman's task. I'll miss being able to magically summon your presence by a mere mention on a thread.

It's not like we really need to "welcome" Linda, but welcome to this new role any way! I feel safe and confident having you serve in this role.
Siavash ', modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 10:02
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 10:02

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 1697 Fecha de incorporación: 5/05/19 Mensajes recientes
Thank you Chris.

Good luck Linda Polly Ester.
J W, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 10:48
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 10:48

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 692 Fecha de incorporación: 11/02/20 Mensajes recientes
Thanks very much Chris and Linda.

Good luck Linda, and another +1 for hoping Chris sticks around.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 12:02
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 12:02

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 7134 Fecha de incorporación: 8/12/18 Mensajes recientes
Thankyou all for all the wellwishing and the warmhearted humor! I'm honored to be trusted with this responsibility. I'll do my very best, and I'm counting on somebody telling me if it seems to be going horribly wrong. 

Chris, thankyou so much for all the great work you have been doing as long as I have been a member here! There have been various points on my path that have felt like shaky ground, and you would very reliably be there with a couple of brief supportive and normalizing sentences, and that would make it feel safe. Thankyou for that! Like so many others, I hope you will still be a part of the community - for the joy of it. Now you get to cherrypick more and enjoy the fruits of the work you have already put into making this awesome arena for spiritual development possible.

Now I really need to keep my cats' paws away from the touch screen, because the "Ban this user" buttons are all over the place. emoticon 
Papa Che Dusko, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 13:22
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 13:22

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 3048 Fecha de incorporación: 1/03/20 Mensajes recientes
"Now I really need to keep my cats' paws away from the touch screen, because the "Ban this user" buttons are all over the place."

Pick me emoticon pick me! emoticon me, me, pick meeeee emoticon 
Z , modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 15:33
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 15:33

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 201 Fecha de incorporación: 16/03/18 Mensajes recientes
Thank you to both Chris and Linda! 
svmonk, modificado hace 3 años at 11/12/20 20:26
Created 3 años ago at 11/12/20 20:26

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 403 Fecha de incorporación: 23/08/14 Mensajes recientes
I will certainly miss Chris' short but pithy replies to questionable posts, but I have been struck over the years by Linda's depth of practice and her skill in reporting on it so I am sure she will do an admirable job. Glad to see she has stepped up to take Chris' place!
Sam Gentile, modificado hace 3 años at 12/12/20 12:31
Created 3 años ago at 12/12/20 12:31

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 1310 Fecha de incorporación: 4/05/20 Mensajes recientes
Thank you Chris for all your service and being one of the people who put me on this path. Linda congratulations!
Balint P, modificado hace 3 años at 15/12/20 8:48
Created 3 años ago at 15/12/20 8:48

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 66 Fecha de incorporación: 3/08/18 Mensajes recientes
Thank you, Chris! Go Linda!
Papa Che Dusko, modificado hace 3 años at 15/12/20 12:02
Created 3 años ago at 15/12/20 12:02

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 3048 Fecha de incorporación: 1/03/20 Mensajes recientes
"I will certainly miss Chris' short but pithy replies to questionable posts,"

emoticon You have no idea how much that man helped me by saying so little emoticon His short, to the point replies left me wanting, urging, struggling, boiling, until I've cooled down emoticon emoticon 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado hace 3 años at 17/12/20 10:21
Created 3 años ago at 17/12/20 10:21

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 7134 Fecha de incorporación: 8/12/18 Mensajes recientes
Some comments here and in other threads make me wonder... You all do know that the moderator role is not the same things as a teacher role, right? I'm not suddenly a teacher, just a moderator. Chris resigned as a moderator, but that doesn't prevent him from making helpful comments based on his knowledge and experience whenever he feels like it. 
Chris M, modificado hace 3 años at 17/12/20 12:10
Created 3 años ago at 17/12/20 12:10

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 5406 Fecha de incorporación: 26/01/13 Mensajes recientes
Bardo, modificado hace 3 años at 17/12/20 12:28
Created 3 años ago at 17/12/20 12:28

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 263 Fecha de incorporación: 14/09/19 Mensajes recientes
Tommy M:
A fine and fabulous choice! Her patience, understanding and wisdom will undoubtedly help all, and she knows how to lay the smack down when required. emoticon

Ah, yes. There is an assertive presence in her. 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado hace 3 años at 17/12/20 13:37
Created 3 años ago at 17/12/20 13:35

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 7134 Fecha de incorporación: 8/12/18 Mensajes recientes
Chris Marti:


Tommy M:
A fine and fabulous choice! Her patience, understanding and wisdom will undoubtedly help all, and she knows how to lay the smack down when required. emoticon

Ah, yes. There is an assertive presence in her. 

Lol, that sounds like a very polite way of saying "Oh yikes!" emoticon
Papa Che Dusko, modificado hace 3 años at 17/12/20 13:40
Created 3 años ago at 17/12/20 13:40

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 3048 Fecha de incorporación: 1/03/20 Mensajes recientes
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö:
Some comments here and in other threads make me wonder... You all do know that the moderator role is not the same things as a teacher role, right? I'm not suddenly a teacher, just a moderator. Chris resigned as a moderator, but that doesn't prevent him from making helpful comments based on his knowledge and experience whenever he feels like it. 

Oh please emoticon you should have thought about that claim before you took a special hat and that fancy tibetan name emoticon emoticon 
Milo, modificado hace 3 años at 17/12/20 17:51
Created 3 años ago at 17/12/20 17:51

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 371 Fecha de incorporación: 13/11/18 Mensajes recientes
Thanks for stepping up, Linda!

Chris, thanks for your time serving a vital function for this community.
Balint P, modificado hace 3 años at 18/12/20 0:33
Created 3 años ago at 18/12/20 0:33

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 66 Fecha de incorporación: 3/08/18 Mensajes recientes
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö:
...the moderator role... 
At the end of the day, all meditators are moderators... working with own internal threads day in, day out... so one could just say welcome to the club, Linda! emoticon
Pawel K, modificado hace 3 años at 18/12/20 0:35
Created 3 años ago at 18/12/20 0:35

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 1172 Fecha de incorporación: 22/02/20 Mensajes recientes
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö:
Some comments here and in other threads make me wonder... You all do know that the moderator role is not the same things as a teacher role, right? I'm not suddenly a teacher, just a moderator. Chris resigned as a moderator, but that doesn't prevent him from making helpful comments based on his knowledge and experience whenever he feels like it. 
Yes! Your role is to step up when all teachings fail emoticon
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado hace 3 años at 18/12/20 2:20
Created 3 años ago at 18/12/20 2:20

RE: Please welcome Linda "Polly Ester" Ö as a new Moderator

Mensajes: 7134 Fecha de incorporación: 8/12/18 Mensajes recientes
Balint Pinczes:
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö:
...the moderator role... 
At the end of the day, all meditators are moderators... working with own internal threads day in, day out... so one could just say welcome to the club, Linda! emoticon

I like that. emoticon

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