A&P for sure , need help to go past

Lyndon Mathew dsouza, modificado hace 2 años at 17/12/21 1:50
Created 2 años ago at 16/12/21 23:15

A&P for sure , need help to go past

Mensajes: 7 Fecha de incorporación: 24/12/20 Mensajes recientes
i attended goenka retreat in august 2019 ,

ive been developing these sudden sensations which are definitely matching the description from mtctb , but everytime they come up i feel im  suppressing them or the context in which they are coming up , i want to definitely integrate this and move on once and for all, its been a very difficult 1 1/2 years ,

Dream Walker, modificado hace 2 años at 17/12/21 6:09
Created 2 años ago at 17/12/21 6:09

RE: A&P for sure , need help to go past

Mensajes: 1770 Fecha de incorporación: 18/01/12 Mensajes recientes
Lyndon Mathew dsouza
i attended goenka retreat in august 2019 ,

ive been developing these sudden sensations
Amazing, sensations. What sensations? How sudden? in what way sudden? what sensations?
which are definitely matching the description from mtctb ,
The whole book of MCTB? wow, great for you. how vague.
everytime they come up i feel im  suppressing them or the context in which they are coming up
Very specific.
i want to definitely integrate this and move on once and for all,
I hope that you can integrate this and the other thing and move forward and backwards and stay where ever.
its been a very difficult 1 1/2 years ,
I can't even imagine.
Good luck,

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