Buddhism and Modern Psychology

Vijay V, modificado hace 10 años at 20/03/14 10:28
Created 10 años ago at 20/03/14 10:28

Buddhism and Modern Psychology

Mensajes: 8 Fecha de incorporación: 27/08/12 Mensajes recientes
Coursera has a 6 week online course on Buddhism and Modern Psychology, starting today. The instructor for the course is Robert Wright, a visiting lecturer at Princeton and author of the books The Evolution of God, and The Moral Animal.

Coursera offers massive open online courses, for free. Just in case anyone did not know.

I have not read any of the above books, and just watched two of the short lectures which were posted today on the course website. Robert mentioned he has a daily practice and did some one week silent retreats. The course has a forum too, if any of the DhO practitioners want to share/guide the students in the course.

With Lovingkindness,
E Köln, modificado hace 10 años at 20/03/14 16:32
Created 10 años ago at 20/03/14 16:32

RE: Buddhism and Modern Psychology

Mensajes: 5 Fecha de incorporación: 27/02/14 Mensajes recientes
Thanks for the reminder, i also mentioned this course here about 3 weeks ago.
The functionality of that site is very good, and some interesting discussions have already started.
Dean P, modificado hace 10 años at 20/03/14 18:03
Created 10 años ago at 20/03/14 18:03

RE: Buddhism and Modern Psychology

Mensajes: 10 Fecha de incorporación: 20/03/14 Mensajes recientes
I really like Coursera, and have completed a few courses there.. I'm doing Creative Problem Solving at the moment. I'll have to mark down the Buddhism & Psychology one for future (as I prefer not to overload myself).

European Mysticism and Modern Psychology was also good.

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