Foundations teacher training

elizabeth, modificado hace 7 años at 10/03/17 8:09
Created 7 años ago at 10/03/17 8:03

Foundations teacher training

Mensajes: 76 Fecha de incorporación: 10/05/14 Mensajes recientes
There is a new Shinzen Young authorized teacher training program "Foundations" available via Unified Mindfulness.   
shargrol, modificado hace 7 años at 11/03/17 6:16
Created 7 años ago at 11/03/17 6:16

RE: Foundations teacher training

Mensajes: 2654 Fecha de incorporación: 8/02/16 Mensajes recientes
Interesting, thanks Elizabeth!
Tarver , modificado hace 7 años at 11/03/17 6:39
Created 7 años ago at 11/03/17 6:39

RE: Foundations teacher training

Mensajes: 262 Fecha de incorporación: 3/02/10 Mensajes recientes
The course looks excellent, and I have signed up. I was on two week-long retreats with Shinzen last year (at Niagara Falls) and saw this formulation of Unified Mindfulness taking shape. See-Hear-Feel is a substantial and significant refinement and improvement over Basic Mindfulness, explicitely closer to the way I was using certain parts of the older system anyway. As always with Shinzen, there is some material to learn up-front. I'm looking forward to working through the formal and systematic presentation of it, as it has been years in preparation and months of beta testing.
CJMacie, modificado hace 7 años at 11/03/17 6:41
Created 7 años ago at 11/03/17 6:40

RE: Foundations teacher training

Mensajes: 856 Fecha de incorporación: 17/08/14 Mensajes recientes
There is a new Shinzen Young authorized teacher training program "Foundations" available via Unified Mindfulness.   

Is this related to the "Monastic Academy" that was mentioned here a while back? Has both claim involvement of Shinzen Young and Chade-Meng Tan, etc.

The hype is rather more excessive in this case. Framed like an IPO prospectus...
Tarver , modificado hace 7 años at 11/03/17 6:55
Created 7 años ago at 11/03/17 6:55

RE: Foundations teacher training

Mensajes: 262 Fecha de incorporación: 3/02/10 Mensajes recientes
Is this related to the "Monastic Academy" that was mentioned here a while back?

I'm not sure about that, except that I too have heard that Chade-Meng Tan is a student of Shinzen's.

This course is a step in the direction of more formal facilitator certification, for which professionals such as therapists, counsellors, psychologists, doctors, etc. will be able to earn CEU credits for offering mindfulness.
Michael Fogleman, modificado hace 7 años at 13/09/17 14:41
Created 7 años ago at 13/09/17 14:41

RE: Foundations teacher training

Mensajes: 19 Fecha de incorporación: 15/09/13 Mensajes recientes
Tarver :
Is this related to the "Monastic Academy" that was mentioned here a while back?

I'm not sure about that, except that I too have heard that Chade-Meng Tan is a student of Shinzen's.

This course is a step in the direction of more formal facilitator certification, for which professionals such as therapists, counsellors, psychologists, doctors, etc. will be able to earn CEU credits for offering mindfulness.

The training is not directly related to the Monastic Academy, but not unrelated either. The lead facilitator of the Unified Mindfulness Online Support group is Danny Morris, a student of Shinzen Young, Soryu Forall, and a former resident at what is now called the Monastic Academy.

Tarver, FYI, the Monastic Academy is the new name for the residential program organized under the Center for Mindful Learning (although they are moving away from that name, too, if I understand correctly) and led by Soryu Forall.

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