Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Griffin, modificado hace 5 años at 23/08/19 7:55
Created 5 años ago at 23/08/19 7:55

Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 273 Fecha de incorporación: 7/04/18 Mensajes recientes
I have started practicing shi-nè meditation from Aro gTér tradition.
(Instructions: "When thoughts come – let them come. When thoughts go – let them go. If you find yourself involved in a stream of thoughts, let go of your involvement with them. Keep letting go of involvement. Remain uninvolved. Just let go. Whatever happens – let it be as it is.")
Questions for anyone familiar:

1) Do you have any special advice or warning in regards to Aro gTér practices?

2) Is this the same technique as Shinzen's "Do nothing" (“Let whatever happens happen, but as soon as you are aware of an intention to control your attention, drop that intention.”)? Do you know any other names for this purely "do nothing" practice? E.g. Adyashanti's "True meditation" and Shikantaza (although Shikantaza usualy involves additional awareness of posture).
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado hace 5 años at 23/08/19 8:06
Created 5 años ago at 23/08/19 8:04

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 7134 Fecha de incorporación: 8/12/18 Mensajes recientes
Names of things aren’t my strongest suit, but isn’t this also called open awareness or choiceless awareness?

And yeah, seems like the same thing. As far as I understand, it is a common technique in different traditions.
Chris M, modificado hace 5 años at 23/08/19 8:12
Created 5 años ago at 23/08/19 8:12

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 5406 Fecha de incorporación: 26/01/13 Mensajes recientes
Griffin, I have several friends who are long term Aro practitioners. I have read several of the Aro books and subscribe to the Aro podcast, which I would urge you to do as it will help inform you about the Aro practices:

Griffin, modificado hace 5 años at 23/08/19 8:18
Created 5 años ago at 23/08/19 8:18

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 273 Fecha de incorporación: 7/04/18 Mensajes recientes
People often treat those as synonyms, but here is where I see the difference:

In choiceless awareness, you have the intention to be aware of the movement of your attention. We may say that the movement of attention is the meditation object.

In "doing nothing", there is no object, and the technique is formulated in negative terms: drop, give up, let go etc. It's a "non-dual" approach (Adyashanti - "being awareness instead of being aware").

So, there is an overlap, but the emphasis is different.
Stirling Campbell, modificado hace 5 años at 23/08/19 11:30
Created 5 años ago at 23/08/19 11:30

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 634 Fecha de incorporación: 13/03/16 Mensajes recientes
I have started practicing shi-nè meditation from Aro gTér tradition.
(Instructions: "When thoughts come – let them come. When thoughts go – let them go. If you find yourself involved in a stream of thoughts, let go of your involvement with them. Keep letting go of involvement. Remain uninvolved. Just let go. Whatever happens – let it be as it is.")
Questions for anyone familiar:

1) Do you have any special advice or warning in regards to Aro gTér practices?

2) Is this the same technique as Shinzen's "Do nothing" (“Let whatever happens happen, but as soon as you are aware of an intention to control your attention, drop that intention.”)? Do you know any other names for this purely "do nothing" practice? E.g. Adyashanti's "True meditation" and Shikantaza (although Shikantaza usualy involves additional awareness of posture).

This is where I started out in the late 80's, working with Ngakpa Chogyam, and then continued through most of my dharma education, mostly in Nyingma (with some Gelug) afterward. 

The advice you have is fine. The only thing I would add is that you will have "experiences" as you continue. It is good to have a teacher to bring these to. For the most part, it is best to notice experiences and let them go without clinging to them as pleasant or unpleasant (craving/aversion). One teacher suggested putting a smile on when something particularly interesting or pleasant happens, but without dropping into some conceptual thought about what it is that is occurring. I got some mileage out of that, I think.

I am finishing my ordination in Soto Zen (because when Stream Entry occurred most of the way through the Ngondro process, my teacher, Lama Tharchin had passed on, so I just found the nearest transmitted teacher to where I live (which worked out great). I now sit Zazen theoretically, but nothing has changed about my practice, and honestly I think the small variations in open awareness practices aren't really worth discussing or having concern about. Resting in the "view" is what is important. I do my walking meditation "wrong" and my mudra "wrong" too... my teacher thinks it is funny. emoticon

Have you done, or are you considering the Ngondro? Has your teacher introduced you the "nature of mind" yet?
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado hace 5 años at 23/08/19 11:45
Created 5 años ago at 23/08/19 11:45

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 7134 Fecha de incorporación: 8/12/18 Mensajes recientes
People often treat those as synonyms, but here is where I see the difference:

In choiceless awareness, you have the intention to be aware of the movement of your attention. We may say that the movement of attention is the meditation object.

In "doing nothing", there is no object, and the technique is formulated in negative terms: drop, give up, let go etc. It's a "non-dual" approach (Adyashanti - "being awareness instead of being aware").

So, there is an overlap, but the emphasis is different.

Oh, yeah, that’s true. Although, if one has to do something actively to abandon the thought or sensations, then that’s not doing nothing. Likewise, if one really lets the mind move freely, then one doesn’t engage in thoughts or sensations as a doer. So the results should be pretty much the same, right? One just starts out differently before one learns the techniques fully. Or have I misunderstood that?
Griffin, modificado hace 5 años at 29/08/19 15:19
Created 5 años ago at 29/08/19 6:17

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 273 Fecha de incorporación: 7/04/18 Mensajes recientes
Great, thanks!
I have been mainly using the book "Roaring silence". The reason I am drawn to Shi-ne in particular is because this type of meditation counters my obsessive over-thinking controlling attitude in meditation. In the beginning of the book there is a strong emphasis on the fact that people are "thinking addicts". During shi-ne, they must give up their addiction, which causes aversion and anxiety. I like this framework very much because I feel that it addresses my main issue. The classical samatha framework didn't work for me because it expects nice tranquil experience, which leads to disappointment. (Also, the complicity of numerous TMI instructions has turned out to be counterproductive for me in the long run, because it gives the "excuse" to overthink.) On the other hand, shi-ne frameworks expects discomfort (during withdrawal from "thought addiction"). This way, I except the pain and accept my experience.
If you have any additional advice for me, please let me know.

Thank you. I don't have a teacher yet emoticon
Please see my response to Chris for details about my practice, let me know if you have some advice.

@ Linda
I assume that the end states are similar emoticon However, since the ephasis in instructions is different, the effects are probably different also, e.g. choicess awareness emphasisez mindfulness while "doing nothing" emphasizes equanimity / letting go.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modificado hace 5 años at 29/08/19 6:33
Created 5 años ago at 29/08/19 6:33

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 7134 Fecha de incorporación: 8/12/18 Mensajes recientes

@ Linda
I assume that the end states are similar emoticon However, since the ephasis in instructions is different, the effects are probably different also, e.g. choicess awareness emphasisez mindfulness while "doing nothing" emphasizes equanimity / letting go.

Initially, sure, I guess that’s reasonable. Or maybe they are just different instructions because people tend to understand one better than the other and it’s easier to focus on one side of the coin.
Siavash ', modificado hace 5 años at 29/08/19 6:43
Created 5 años ago at 29/08/19 6:43

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 1697 Fecha de incorporación: 5/05/19 Mensajes recientes
In the latest episode of Deconstructing Yourself, Michael Taft interviews a practitioner of this traditions, and they discuss some aspects of that practice. In case you haven't listened to that.
Griffin, modificado hace 5 años at 29/08/19 7:08
Created 5 años ago at 29/08/19 7:08

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 273 Fecha de incorporación: 7/04/18 Mensajes recientes
That's where I heard about Aro gTér emoticon
Stirling Campbell, modificado hace 5 años at 29/08/19 15:06
Created 5 años ago at 29/08/19 15:06

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 634 Fecha de incorporación: 13/03/16 Mensajes recientes

Thank you. I don't have a teacher yet emoticon
Please see my response to Chris for details about my practice, let me know you have some advice.

I would only add that, IMHO, the Nyingma and Dzogchen tradition as a whole has a lot to offer, but that it is pointing to a perspective on mind and insights that don't always jibe with other Buddhist traditions, so know that incoporating other traditions can be confusing and difficult.

You'll want a teacher for sure, especially a local one if you can. If you can't, I'd find a Nyingma/Dzogchen one nearby.
Griffin, modificado hace 5 años at 29/08/19 15:21
Created 5 años ago at 29/08/19 15:21

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 273 Fecha de incorporación: 7/04/18 Mensajes recientes
Nyingma and Dzogchen tradition as a whole has a lot to offer, but that it is pointing to a perspective on mind and insights that don't always jibe with other Buddhist traditions, so know that incoporating other traditions can be confusing and difficult. 

Thanks. I have been reading David Chapman's blog recently and realized exactly what you said. 
Chris M, modificado hace 5 años at 30/08/19 10:08
Created 5 años ago at 30/08/19 10:08

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 5406 Fecha de incorporación: 26/01/13 Mensajes recientes
My friends all have the same teacher:

Steven Tainer

 don't know how to contact him but would be willing to find out if you're interested, Griffin.
This very moment, modificado hace 4 años at 26/08/20 20:36
Created 4 años ago at 26/08/20 20:36

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 71 Fecha de incorporación: 6/07/17 Mensajes recientes

David Chapman's signficant other Charlie Awbery is starting these "classes" up.  The concept is to take make the vajrayana more accessible to Westerners.  Jared Janes is helping the effort.  He comes from a TMI and Shinzen background.  Charlie and Jared were just interviewed on the latest Deconstructing yourself podcast.  Interesting take.  

If anyone knows how to get access to Journey into Vastness: A Handbook of Tibetan Meditation Techniques (Tibetan mystic path)  please let me know.  It is out of print and I don't have $62.00 laying around!
Steve James, modificado hace 4 años at 29/08/20 5:19
Created 4 años ago at 29/08/20 5:19

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 104 Fecha de incorporación: 15/02/19 Mensajes recientes
I just published an interview with an Aro gTer teacher in which she discusses their approach to shiné -

And in my video interview with the founders of this school (at their home), shiné is also discussed around 1:22:25 -
This very moment, modificado hace 4 años at 29/08/20 7:56
Created 4 años ago at 29/08/20 7:56

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 71 Fecha de incorporación: 6/07/17 Mensajes recientes
Thanks for the info. Steve.  I noticed the new episode today.

How much experience do you personally have with their meditation system?
Steve James, modificado hace 4 años at 29/08/20 14:23
Created 4 años ago at 29/08/20 14:23

RE: Shi-nè meditation (Aro gTér)

Mensajes: 104 Fecha de incorporación: 15/02/19 Mensajes recientes
This very moment:
Thanks for the info. Steve.  I noticed the new episode today.

How much experience do you personally have with their meditation system?

You're welcome!

I don't have any personal experience of the Aro gTer meditation system.

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