Kundalini Slouch

Robert Lydon, modificado hace 1 año at 26/06/23 22:52
Created 1 año ago at 26/06/23 22:52

Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 77 Fecha de incorporación: 19/06/23 Mensajes recientes
Anybody ever achieve Kundalini while slouching? Maybe Kundalini happened and you stopped slouching. Just wondering. Only had it happen once and there was no slouching so I thought I'd see if there is diversity of experiences out there. If it is with no slouching, you would think posture would be emphasized somewhere. Gone are the days of the bamboo stick.
Aeon , modificado hace 1 año at 27/06/23 6:57
Created 1 año ago at 27/06/23 6:57

RE: Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 212 Fecha de incorporación: 31/01/23 Mensajes recientes
Whenever I run energy up my spine with sufficient intensity, my spine does straighten out if slouched. If done repeatedly, I even automatically begin mewing (correct tongue posture).
This is with taoist cool draws, which is not kundalini awakening or yoga, but same energy (I suppose).

I think kundalini yoga is pretty gung ho about posture. I did it daily for 40 days ten years back, and it was almost exclusively about limbering the spine, and moving the lower spine to pump energy.
Robert Lydon, modificado hace 1 año at 27/06/23 12:58
Created 1 año ago at 27/06/23 12:58

RE: Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 77 Fecha de incorporación: 19/06/23 Mensajes recientes
Thanks Aeon for sharing your experience and lengthy practice. I didn't know there was a term for that position of the tongue. It seems like that naturally develops as the only instructions I ever got was to keep the jaw slightly ajar/relaxed.
Robert Lydon, modificado hace 1 año at 27/06/23 13:26
Created 1 año ago at 27/06/23 13:26

RE: Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 77 Fecha de incorporación: 19/06/23 Mensajes recientes
I neglected my root chakra doing vipassana Goenka style and when I finally explored that area, off retreat, kundalini awoke. It seems like that area is commonly skipped over in the body scan instructions.  I think it should have been emphasized by Goenka because it might be the most missed area for vipassana to focus on. Have you noticed that it starts with a high degree of concentration on the root or are you kinda manually powering up the whole spine?

I may seek to experience it again as it was a crazy amount of energy flowing up and encompassing sounds.
Aeon , modificado hace 1 año at 27/06/23 14:53
Created 1 año ago at 27/06/23 14:53

RE: Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 212 Fecha de incorporación: 31/01/23 Mensajes recientes
I place my attention in either testicles, prostate or internal sphincter (or all three at once), and while breathing in nasally, I intend for them to move up, without muscular contraction.
Energy then runs up the spine, into the head, and sometimes gently down through the tongue, midline, into the front naval area (tan tien).
This only takes concentration and will for a few seconds to accomplish one repetition.

This is much more piece-meal than a full-metal-kundalini-blasting-awakening with psychic powers and whatever have you.

If you play with kundalini, be sure to learn to bring it back down. It can cause wild insomnia and resulting fatigue.
Basically just "roll" the root chakra backwards, intending for the kundalini to coil back down to the base.
Robert Lydon, modificado hace 1 año at 27/06/23 16:14
Created 1 año ago at 27/06/23 16:14

RE: Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 77 Fecha de incorporación: 19/06/23 Mensajes recientes
Awesome advice Aeon, thank you
Aeon , modificado hace 1 año at 27/06/23 17:01
Created 1 año ago at 27/06/23 17:01

RE: Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 212 Fecha de incorporación: 31/01/23 Mensajes recientes
You are very welcome, friend.
Keep asking questions, it adds value to the entire community through open learning.
Robert Lydon, modificado hace 1 año at 28/06/23 1:11
Created 1 año ago at 28/06/23 1:11

RE: Kundalini Slouch

Mensajes: 77 Fecha de incorporación: 19/06/23 Mensajes recientes
Thanks Aeon, happy I finally created an account.

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