I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out firs

Dim sha, modificado hace 11 años at 25/12/12 2:10
Created 11 años ago at 25/12/12 2:10

I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out firs

Mensajes: 3 Fecha de incorporación: 25/12/12 Mensajes recientes
I know my topic itself may offend, but my experience was crisp, out of this world, filled with unfathomable depth and intense enough to cause a change in lineage and has convincing resemblance to the frutation. I have spent 8 years learning the Theravada ( after discovering the that my heavenly experience has to my understanding close resemblance to the stream entry ) and I thought I don’t need any more diagnosticians telling me what it was or wasn’t. but after seeing how well equipped you folks are I beg of you to spare a minute and let me know what you think of it.

I was born a Buddhist in sri lanka, with a Theravada temple next door to our house,
My father was how ever a Christian, an atheist to be more accurate. And taught me the values of having an open mind. I never believed in any religion nor any spiritual teachings at the time.
I wasn’t the kind of person who created a lot of trouble but I was such a curious case I did science experiments around the age of 12 which left me with a few minor acid burns , experiments with electronics had me electrocuted a few times etc. ( just to add the context of my DXM use ) around the age of 18 I discovered Dextromethorphan and started my experiments with it.

The first trip with a significant dose ( of around 80mgs I think ) caused my life to just skip a beat.
This is how the night unfolded,

Tremendous energy – I could feel my heart pumping event though I was lying down to get in to the trip more. My veins were inflated like could feel the blood pumping, quite drowsy at this stage.

Everyone at home was retiring for the night, I was lying on my bed and I turned the music on with a good noise cancelling set of headphones.
I covered my eyes with a cloth just blocking any light that may enter.
I could feel an explosion in my head excitement , joy, it was such a rush but not a muscle moved,
I cant give a time frame as all track of time had vanished by this stage, my body felt like it was immersed in a slab of concrete.
After spending some very high quality time just being there I have at some point started processing information, I cannot recall what led to it, but when I described the trip to my friend the next day I said “it was as if I was looking down at life from a very high mountain.. the life I had was like a single grain of sand compared to the state I was in”.

I remember processing lots of information so fast, it was like a river running right through my system, me being fully aware of each drop of water, knowing a lot of things about each drop what’s happening to it etc,, at a certain point it was like I had 6-7 tv screens in my head playing different channels and I was watching and understanding all 6-7 channels simultaneously.
This went on for the majority of the trip estimated 7-8 hours, I remember describing this processing/calculation as a marvellous achievement that I my friend can never get to comprehend.

I very clearly remember when this river of processing just stopped, I can’t remember the end note or the last calculation I made but the river ended like a long train passing you would.

After being sooo absorbed in all this calculations for so long without a pause for the first time I had a second to my self. I remember thinking wow wonder what that was about.
Then I visualised my system as a casket. Like a safety deposit box, my soul even the front two lids of it opened and some 37-38 things went in to it and the doors closed firmy.

Then immediately following that I saw sort of above me but not in a dimensional sense but rather soething that’s great and ahead of me,, something like a ball of light its something out of this world,… it’s a truth out of this world and I will soon come to it.
Very brief and after that it was like I have been lifted to heaven… it just was.. ah this is heaven this must be heaven I kind of thought… it was that good of a feeling like a cool flow of water running through me.. heaven unfortunately didn’t last too long,,, all had stopped,,, I wasn’t doing anything but my eyes opened so slowly lifting the piece of cloth on top of lids I suppose but have no memory of any of this. My eyes opened like on their own. The window in my bed room had a thin white lace curtain, with more holes than lace… the moonlight through the lace curtain is flooding the bedroom..my eyes are still opening…not a single eye ball moving … it was ssssssoooooooooooooooo beautiful… it brings tears..

The funny part is my world to that night was just a material existence.. I have not been blacked out of alcohol prior to that… but here I was explaining to my best buddy how he / I / my girlfriend at the time were like pararelle tracks of railway like,,, but my destination would be an out of this world truth.

After two psychiatrists and a few years of medication I gave up on this.. but thought I’ll ask what you thought of it.

As far as life after it,, I have become a total different person,,, have been actively trying to free myself completely to dedicate myself to mediation… its been 8 years now and I have a my goal at around October 2014 to settle all domestic matters.

As far as meditating from there I have tried many times on my own but have had little success.
I’ve tried more dxm trips but it was more a matter of the stars shining my way that night I think.

Let me know what you think… be gentle though emoticon
asdfwe wesdgsd wqerweqf, modificado hace 11 años at 25/12/12 6:46
Created 11 años ago at 25/12/12 6:45

RE: I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out

Mensaje: 1 Fecha de incorporación: 25/12/12 Mensajes recientes
Hello Dim,

first and foremost check this-> guide to dharma diagnosis.

The best advice that even Dan Ingram will give you is: time will tell. Meaning: if it was stream entry it will repeat itself and after playing with it, you will be able to invoke this moment on demand.

If i had to give a difinite answer, you most probably went through the A&P event because stream entry is(for the vast majority of the people that went through it) not some big energetic event but more like a little restart of reality. This is from Ingram's book MCTB and please, for your own good read the whole chapter.

Other than that i advice you to get your life in order, if possible DO NOT MAKE ANY LIFE-ALTERING DECISIONS and than note your ass off to stream entry, because than you will have the mental space and clarity to decide what to do next with your life.
Dim sha, modificado hace 11 años at 25/12/12 23:07
Created 11 años ago at 25/12/12 23:07

RE: I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out

Mensajes: 3 Fecha de incorporación: 25/12/12 Mensajes recientes
Hi Asdfwe,

thank you for reading my story, showing a path to resolution.

something I should have added as this relates to it repeating itself.

after the main event described before i did try quite a few more trips to see where i can go.
and i don’t see the reason for a surprise here but became violently ill at a certain point.

The full stay in the hospital was over 2 weeks from what i can remember.
and man did i feel horrible.. Where the first experience was heavenly as described this was the worst hell you can imagine.

i couldn’t stand the slightest light entering my eyes as it hurt my brain to bits.
i drained up over 13 bottles of drips and on many occasions moved my head from side to side on the bed struggling to just be.

as I worsened a good 10 days into admission one particular night the way things were going I wasn’t sure I was going to make it through. It occurred to me how my tripping has caused this destruction.
Followed by a flood of thoughts and emotions as to how wrong I’ve been, how wrong all the things I thought of knowledge is, how wrong ( wrong as in inaccurate invalid ) of all the things I got to know on the previous event one after the other .. it was most unbearable and after physically moving and struggling in bed ( with my father dumbfounded next to me ) I gave up.
I let go ,as there was no holding on anymore,,,and I think I just dropped in bed,, to just come out of it a few seconds later ( im guessing as my father looked relieved to see my eyes open ) and I immediately asked for some sugar.. he gave me some and I put it in my mouth,,, and everything was back to normal… it felt great… I told my father these doctors don’t know much do they… I think my sugar levels were really low… and we both laughed… and all turned to the better in the next few days and I was discharged with what was an undiagnosed illness.

This felt like a repetition as here too I touched on those knowledge ( with a different perspective nevertheless ) had the moment of not being ( dropping dead for a second or so I think ) the equal flow of peace afterwards..

Not sure if I just had a bad case of a flu though..

Any thoughts??
Jason , modificado hace 11 años at 26/12/12 9:27
Created 11 años ago at 26/12/12 9:27

RE: I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out

Mensajes: 342 Fecha de incorporación: 9/08/11 Mensajes recientes
Dim sha:
Any thoughts??

Yeah, stay away from cough syrup. That stuff is nasty and addictive, and won't help you from here at all imho. There is absolutely no legitimate spiritual reason to end up hospitalized in the search for enlightenment.

What you describe is pretty standard for the attainment of the knowledge of arising and passing of phenomena (A+P). The fact that you've had difficulty meditating since suggests dark night stages. If you'd hit stream entry, your concentration would have drastically improved. I would recommend noting practice. It's especially useful when meditation is hard. If you feel like you're not making progress, that may be a sign of progress. (See the wiki for dark night). Learn the technique correctly, keep practicing, and bring your questions to the forum. Many people here have gotten stream entry in the course of living with jobs and family. You can too.
Bailey , modificado hace 11 años at 26/12/12 18:47
Created 11 años ago at 26/12/12 18:45

RE: I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out

Mensajes: 267 Fecha de incorporación: 14/07/11 Mensajes recientes
Very brief and after that it was like I have been lifted to heaven… it just was.. ah this is heaven this must be heaven I kind of thought… it was that good of a feeling like a cool flow of water running through me.. heaven unfortunately didn’t last too long,,,

This is the key piece of information for what actually happened to him. "cool flow" sounds much more like stream entry to me, in fact that might even be the exact description I would give to someone of stream entry

just some thoughts
Jason , modificado hace 11 años at 26/12/12 20:55
Created 11 años ago at 26/12/12 20:55

RE: I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out

Mensajes: 342 Fecha de incorporación: 9/08/11 Mensajes recientes
Blue .:
Very brief and after that it was like I have been lifted to heaven… it just was.. ah this is heaven this must be heaven I kind of thought… it was that good of a feeling like a cool flow of water running through me.. heaven unfortunately didn’t last too long,,,

This is the key piece of information for what actually happened to him. "cool flow" sounds much more like stream entry to me, in fact that might even be the exact description I would give to someone of stream entry

just some thoughts

That is a pretty unique criterion. Anyway, we can't *really* diagnose his practice since he's not actually practicing. It would be great to hear about some sits and what is experienced.
Dim sha, modificado hace 11 años at 27/12/12 1:49
Created 11 años ago at 27/12/12 1:49

RE: I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out (Respuesta)

Mensajes: 3 Fecha de incorporación: 25/12/12 Mensajes recientes
thanks all for trying to answer my now 11 year old question.

as said i havent really practiced. ( yet hopefully in early 2014 i can dedicate myself fully to the practice)
ive tried sitting down and to be honest no wonders have taken place.. recently its been better than what it has been but nothing to boast over.

i think since ive been working for a decade my concentration faculties have improved which may have caused the slight improvement rather than the path taking effect.

the points that i thought could suggest the first event ive talked about as stream entry are

seeing arrising and passing away in different ways but seeing that flow clearly in detail

the process halting suddenly described the way I’ve experienced it

the cold flow - citta santhi

and somehow comming to the knowledge of deliverence ( refer me explaining to my good friend with confidence how i will reach an out of this world truth ) and i further remember him asking how is that going to happen,,, and i vaguely remember saying by not holding on to anything.
These concepts of other worldly phenomena , how I am destined for such things were not in my vocabulary at the age of 19 when it happened. Yet I spoke if it with absolute confidence,, the tricky part is I don’t find this mentioned in any of the descriptions I see of a stream enterer. Most of the time the individual has little idea of this.
I must say that this has made a sharp turn of the path of my life.. I let the love of my life ( at the time I couldn’t think of living without ) go, I’ve ensured for a decade that I don’t make similar commitments that would not allow me to dedicate myself to the practise, ive been very patient and determined.

Also the hospital event would that not count as a repetition. I went thought the set of knowledge and had a moment of complete nothingness. And again a shift in my reality.

Well I guess the sure way to find out would be to practise and see if I come across nirodha samapatthi,, I work day and night to be able to start practising fully … very soon..

thank you all
Daniel M Ingram, modificado hace 11 años at 27/12/12 2:10
Created 11 años ago at 27/12/12 2:10

RE: I think I stumbled upon stream entry in a DXM trip… please hear me out (Respuesta)

Mensajes: 3278 Fecha de incorporación: 20/04/09 Mensajes recientes
I agree with the general advice: very likely the A&P: anything fast, mind-blowing, lights, the rest: all very A&P esque.

The thing in the hospital is hard to sort out, could be any number of things, but the first part screams Dark Night, the later part, perhaps Equanimity, hard to tell without further practice, some training, some attempts to do various things, etc.

Try going on a retreat, even a 10-day, such as a Goenka, or whatever, and try vipassana and see what happens.

Daily practice not a bad idea either.

Happy New Year,


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