Hilos de discusión con etiqueta actual freedom .

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Hilo de discusión Comenzado por Respuestas Accesos Último mensaje  
New Resources for Actualism and Actual Freedom Srinath J 154 16245
Can a not-self consent? Matt Lorean 5 6952
The Affective Path and the Maps - EDIT: "AF" and Maps Janusz Welin 6 8014
Actual Freedom and Enlightenment Intensives Keith Fisher 0 4638
Goenka retreat or Solitary AF “retreat”? What to do… ed c 34 15873
Michael - A Newcomer's Practice Michael B Read 11 8748
PCE or ASC? Jim Noyes 7 8099
Starting over - please help Richard Geller 17 9414
New to this - a few questions Richard Geller 7 7561
Hardcore Direct Pointing Florian 130 55190
So, um... vipassana or AF? herpderp ~ 2 5386
MCTB on video Willoughby Britton 12 19749
Complete Reality Taoism and Actual Freedom? bobby Mcbob 4 11562
Are there good retreats for practicing actualism specifically? ed c 2 6840
AF: My Practice Notes Sanjay 18 12877
AF method questions - felicitous feelings. richard weeden 1 6568
AF and vegan diet: where is your (affective) choice now? . . 115 56018
Actual Freedom and Arahatship Daniel M. Ingram 58 32164

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