My YT vid addressing this subject

Daniel B, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 17.10.2019 16:39
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 17.10.2019 16:39

My YT vid addressing this subject

Viestejä: 11 Liittymispäivä: 10.9.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
Greetings to All,

I know this is late to be chiming in, but I finally got around to posting a video on this general subject. I made it because I've been hearing a lot of confusion in the broader commumity regarding the relationship between meditation development and morality.  If anyone is interested, here is the link.
Love and blessings to all,

Daniel B
Milo, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 17.10.2019 23:51
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 17.10.2019 23:51

RE: My YT vid addressing this subject

Viestejä: 371 Liittymispäivä: 13.11.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
Daniel, thanks for taking the time to put a video up. At the risk of sparking another forum eating thread... If I may offer some food for thought, how to account under this model for the steady stream of teachers recognized as very realized, verifiably backed up by assisting many others in becoming realized, who nonetheless commit obvious moral transgressions? Personally I don't think it's so much a question of whether or not there is interaction and support between morality and awakening (In the strict non-dual perception sense), but rather a more technical question of whether they are as tightly linked as the fetter model suggests when applied to that same narrow understanding of awakening. The problem IMO comes when people slide into taking their perceived attainment as a license to slack, or bypass, or compartmentalize a complementary active moral practice because they believe they now have it on a lock (And for their followers to enable them in doing so).
