Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Dixon Hill, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 8:32
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 8:31

Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 6 Liittymispäivä: 24.10.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit

In Amy Schmidt's book about Dipa Ma, it is mentioned that at some point in her life she was choosed by her teachers to train hard in concentration. She quickly achieved extremely strong levels of control of the various jhana states.

It's said she followed the Visuddhimagga, but it's not clear what object of concentration she used, if the breath, colour kasina, or others. Do you have some insights on this? Thanks!
Babs _, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 8:41
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 8:41

RE: Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 709 Liittymispäivä: 5.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
Leigh Brasington in his interview questioned all the siddhi stories related to Dipa Ma as they are all second or third hand accounts which in my view, is very reasonable.
Dixon Hill, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 8:59
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 8:59

RE: Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 6 Liittymispäivä: 24.10.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit
I don't want to get dragged in the same old siddhi-true-or-not debate.
Just want to discuss Dipa Ma's concentration practice, independent of its eventual results.
Babs _, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 10:01
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 10:01

RE: Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 709 Liittymispäivä: 5.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
Oh they are real. You can just click to YouTube and watch all the evidence videos there. Ha.
Dixon Hill, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 10:25
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 10:25

RE: Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 6 Liittymispäivä: 24.10.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit
Kim Katami:
Oh they are real. You can just click to YouTube and watch all the evidence videos there. Ha.

"I don't want to get dragged (...)" etc.
Matthew, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 11:01
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 11:01

RE: Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 92 Liittymispäivä: 31.10.2019 Viimeisimmät viestit
The Visuddhimagga also includes detailed pointers on what types of objects to use depending on your individual disposition. So my opinion is: it doesn't matter what she used, use what works for you to achieve the same depth.

If someone drives to New York in a Honda and you want to follow them, the important thing is to get to New York, not to drive in a Honda.
Jake Frankfurt Middenhall, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 13:07
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 13:07

RE: Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 110 Liittymispäivä: 12.9.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
The siddhis are relevant. If we believe she really achieved those then the answer is: All of them. The acquisition of the minor siddis requires the mastery of concentration which involves the mastery of all elemental objects and colors. Thiis is according the visuddhimagga.
Jake Frankfurt Middenhall, muokattu 4 Vuodet sitten at 4.12.2019 13:13
Created 4 Vuodet ago at 4.12.2019 13:13

RE: Dipa Ma's Concentration Practice

Viestejä: 110 Liittymispäivä: 12.9.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
In the section of powers you can find your answer to detail:
