Truth is Simple. Illusion is Complicated.

Elena Joy, muokattu 12 Vuodet sitten at 19.7.2011 2:08
Created 12 Vuodet ago at 19.7.2011 2:07

Truth is Simple. Illusion is Complicated.

Viestejä: 98 Liittymispäivä: 30.6.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
This woman was so intense, first couple of days with her I felt burning in my body. She was burning. I was burning. Was quite a trip. Notice how she talk so much, so much, I couldn't keep up with her writing sometimes, and I did cut some chat, it was ridiculously long. So she talked and talked.. But I kept the Gate, kept the Gate.. That's all what was needed. For some the intensity is the force that will bring them through the Gate.

Truth is Simple. Illusion is Complicated.
