Balloon head

Vanessa m Johnson, muokattu 10 Kuukautta sitten at 26.8.2023 18:06
Created 10 Kuukautta ago at 26.8.2023 18:06

Balloon head

Viestejä: 12 Liittymispäivä: 24.8.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit
I had an awesome experience while meditating. I'm pretty sure it was single pointed jhana practice but I was also listening to a Mahasi Sayadaw guided meditation on youtube. 

I'm uncertain how I got there but my body disappeared and a white balloon was located where my head should be, no head no body, just the balloon that expanded with the in breath and deflated with the out breath. It lasted 3 to 15 min, I meditate laying down and fell asleep after. I had deep equanimity after for days. 

I'm a DIY noob, just starting to get mediocre at the jhanas. 

I'm open to all guidance. 


​​​​​​​I searched "balloon head" and couldn't find anything.
Chris M, muokattu 10 Kuukautta sitten at 26.8.2023 19:07
Created 10 Kuukautta ago at 26.8.2023 19:07

RE: Balloon head

Viestejä: 5305 Liittymispäivä: 26.1.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
I had ballon head a lot early in my practice. Glad you mentioned it. 
Vanessa m Johnson, muokattu 10 Kuukautta sitten at 26.8.2023 19:51
Created 10 Kuukautta ago at 26.8.2023 19:51

RE: Balloon head

Viestejä: 12 Liittymispäivä: 24.8.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit
Chris M
I had ballon head a lot early in my practice. Glad you mentioned it. 

Cool, do you have a suggestion as to what Jhana would correlate? I think I accidentally achieved a cessation beyond my skill set.

​​​​​​​Looking forward to being able to do it again.
User 08, muokattu 10 Kuukautta sitten at 27.8.2023 10:37
Created 10 Kuukautta ago at 27.8.2023 10:37

RE: Balloon head

Viestejä: 57 Liittymispäivä: 31.7.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit
All sorts of weird stuff happens while meditating. It's just another thing to let go and move on from.
Dream Walker, muokattu 10 Kuukautta sitten at 27.8.2023 12:21
Created 10 Kuukautta ago at 27.8.2023 12:12

RE: Balloon head

Viestejä: 1759 Liittymispäivä: 18.1.2012 Viimeisimmät viestit
google this to search the Dho - balloon [or whatever you wanna find]

Here you go - 
Interoception, Proprioception, Cortical homunculus, Body distortions

The oldy but goody definitivey stuff on body distortions.

I went down my own old rabbit hole....
My current beliefs are here - A Framework of Awakening
Good Luck,
Vanessa m Johnson, muokattu 10 Kuukautta sitten at 27.8.2023 14:00
Created 10 Kuukautta ago at 27.8.2023 14:00

RE: Balloon head

Viestejä: 12 Liittymispäivä: 24.8.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit