Meditation in dreams

Todo, muokattu 6 Kuukautta sitten at 15.3.2024 10:52
Created 6 Kuukautta ago at 15.3.2024 10:52

Meditation in dreams

Viestejä: 189 Liittymispäivä: 20.8.2018 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hi everyone, 
i have the experience of learning a second & a third language (actually English). So i am familiar with the development stage in Learning foreign languages when the new language starts appearing in your dreams. Ie you start using it quite naturally in dreams. 

recently something similar started happening with regard to Meditation. First of all I have to admit that I don't have any "structured" Meditation practice & i don't follow any particular spiritual lineage.  It just happens that I discovered the DHO a few (many now) years ago and Daniel has been kind to answer a few emails. So my "practice" stems from:
1. Just reading & trying to understand conceptually what all this is about.
2. Some direct non-conceptual cognizance of what is. 
3. Trying to develop & stabilize this in daily living. 
so right now, it mostly happens quasi on its own.  It is as if "i am being meditated" most of the day when my cognitive load is not heavy.
what has been happening for the past few nights is that "I am also being meditated" in dreams. But the sensory clarity is way beyond anything i experience in the awake state.

does anyone here have had similar experiences & what did they make of it?
I would appreciate any pointers as to what to make of this.

Appreciate the openness that characterize this place. 

ps: Hey Daniel,  i know you are very busy but if you happen to read this,  I just want to say thanx.
Chris M, muokattu 6 Kuukautta sitten at 15.3.2024 13:08
Created 6 Kuukautta ago at 15.3.2024 13:08

RE: Meditation in dreams

Viestejä: 5404 Liittymispäivä: 26.1.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
It is my experience that meditation just flow over into waking, sleeping and in-between states. It's natural for this to occur. You're doing something right, for sure.
brian patrick, muokattu 6 Kuukautta sitten at 15.3.2024 21:25
Created 6 Kuukautta ago at 15.3.2024 21:25

RE: Meditation in dreams

Viestejä: 71 Liittymispäivä: 31.10.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit
Yes, happens often with me. Many times I wake into meditation in the middle of the night, sometimes several times per night.