Guessing Game

Dada Kind, muokattu 9 Vuodet sitten at 3.5.2015 12:38
Created 9 Vuodet ago at 3.5.2015 12:38

Guessing Game

Viestejä: 633 Liittymispäivä: 15.11.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
Putting this in the T&T section because it's related to a theory of the origin of the unenlightened condition.

Guess the event:
An event that is the culmination of surrendering the bodymind should happen naturally and regularly for all humans but socio-cultural factors impede the full surrender for most.

: Immediately prior to and during this event pleasure is proportional to surrender. This event is your origin.

Interested to read guesses
SeTyR ZeN, muokattu 9 Vuodet sitten at 3.5.2015 22:28
Created 9 Vuodet ago at 3.5.2015 22:28

RE: Guessing Game

Viestejä: 113 Liittymispäivä: 9.9.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
Making love.  Next question pleaase ! ;)
CJMacie, muokattu 9 Vuodet sitten at 3.5.2015 22:43
Created 9 Vuodet ago at 3.5.2015 22:32

RE: Guessing Game

Viestejä: 856 Liittymispäivä: 17.8.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
Droll Dedekind: Putting this in the T&T section because it's related to a theory of the origin of the unenlightened condition.

(Unfortunately, I don't recognize "T&T", and can't see a likely candidate among the top-level categories; and one can't tell what the lineage of a thread is without going back to the top level and searching.)

Nonetheless... "origin" -- samsara, tanha, kilesas come to mind, but tenuously, and a bit too orthodox for DhO.

Guess the event:
An event that is the culmination of surrendering the bodymind should happen naturally and regularly for all humans but socio-cultural factors impede the full surrender for most.

"Naturally and regularly" point to things like breathing, eating, sleeping, and reproduction, and "socio-cultural factors" play less a role in the first three. "Surrender" -- some context of conflict?

Hints: Immediately prior to and during this event pleasure is proportional to surrender. This event is your origin.

"Pleasure :: Surrender"?
Origin of organism / body (reproduction / sexuality)?
Origin of "self" (ignorance / delusion)?

Interested to read guesses

Interesting making them too. 'Nothing' unambiguously comes to mind (and suññatā itself wouldn't be an event).

SeTyR ZeN's guess makes sense, but then what's the point?
Dada Kind, muokattu 9 Vuodet sitten at 3.5.2015 23:56
Created 9 Vuodet ago at 3.5.2015 23:44

RE: Guessing Game

Viestejä: 633 Liittymispäivä: 15.11.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
Nice emoticon. I was hoping to get a guess of 'fruition' first as I think there's a relation there.

My next question would be more like an essay prompt. Relate enlightenment with sexuality. Would probably take a whole book to do it justice. As of right now I see a theory connecting enlightenment with sexuality woven throughout several works but comprehensively concentrated nowhere. I could see how this theory might offend some, seem crazy to some, etc but for now it seems compelling to me.

And, Chris, the point was experimentation and amusement. The hints are easily read as mystical/pertaining-to-enlightenment-as-understood-around-here, but with a slight shift they read sexually. Ideally the reader should realize this and then further comparisons. Not an original idea