Brahmavihara Practices from Tibetan Buddhism

John, muokattu 8 Vuodet sitten at 22.7.2015 11:30
Created 8 Vuodet ago at 22.7.2015 11:30

Brahmavihara Practices from Tibetan Buddhism

Viestejä: 14 Liittymispäivä: 14.7.2015 Viimeisimmät viestit
I just wanted to compile a list of meditations/practices from the Tibetan tradition. I think out of all the schools, Tibetan Buddhism is masterful when it comes to cultivating the brahmaviharas. Here are some examples I've come across.
  • Equalizing Self & Other
  • Exchanging Self & Other
  • Tong Len — breathing in the suffering of others and breathing out care and relief for those people.
  • Accepting Defeat and Offering the Victory (Turning the Other Cheek)
  • Passing as an Ordinary, Approachable Person while Embodying the Practice
Any other contributions?
katy steger,thru11615 with thanks, muokattu 8 Vuodet sitten at 23.7.2015 9:42
Created 8 Vuodet ago at 23.7.2015 9:38

RE: Brahmavihara Practices from Tibetan Buddhism

Viestejä: 1740 Liittymispäivä: 1.10.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
I just wanted to compile a list of meditations/practices from the Tibetan tradition. I think out of all the schools, Tibetan Buddhism is masterful when it comes to cultivating the brahmaviharas. Here are some examples I've come across.
  • Equalizing Self & Other
  • Exchanging Self & Other
  • Tong Len — breathing in the suffering of others and breathing out care and relief for those people.
  • Accepting Defeat and Offering the Victory (Turning the Other Cheek)
  • Passing as an Ordinary, Approachable Person while Embodying the Practice
Any other contributions?

Lam Rim Chen Mo. 

Edit: Among other logical discourses, the Lam Rim goes through the logic of paramis. What I would call reliable choices.
SeTyR ZeN, muokattu 8 Vuodet sitten at 23.7.2015 14:36
Created 8 Vuodet ago at 23.7.2015 14:36

RE: Brahmavihara Practices from Tibetan Buddhism

Viestejä: 113 Liittymispäivä: 9.9.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
the Lam Rim indeed!
