Local Denver Pragmatic Sangha

Noah D, muokattu 7 Vuodet sitten at 7.9.2017 16:32
Created 7 Vuodet ago at 7.9.2017 16:32

Local Denver Pragmatic Sangha

Viestejä: 1211 Liittymispäivä: 1.9.2016 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hello Everyone - Some friends of mine (who participate on here & elsewhere) are helping start a local, pragmatically-oriented sangha in Denver.  They have already hung out a couple times & plan to continue with weekly discussions & possibly some group sits!  I wanted to put a ping out on the message boards to see if there are any Denver-area folks interested in meeting up.  If you are able to, either reply to this thread or contact me directly (seattlespuds@gmail.com) & I will forward your info right over.  Cheers!