Wrathful Tantra

Generate Operate Destroy, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 18.1.2018 9:32
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 20.10.2017 9:48

Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 2 Liittymispäivä: 16.9.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
Noah D, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 20.10.2017 10:04
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 20.10.2017 10:04

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 1211 Liittymispäivä: 1.9.2016 Viimeisimmät viestit
Cool!  I would maybe call this "practices inspired by tantra."  Have you ever done chod? 
seth tapper, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 20.10.2017 10:22
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 20.10.2017 10:22

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 477 Liittymispäivä: 19.8.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
Have you tried primal screaming?  That is the most effective technique for purging that I have found.  The louder and more insane it feels, the better.  

It scared the neighbors so I tried gagging myself to scream into a tshirt.  I discovered that this creates an intense fear reflex - like waterboarding yourself - and that is primo primo tantra.  Dont die doing it, though. 
Lars, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 20.10.2017 14:23
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 20.10.2017 13:54

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 420 Liittymispäivä: 20.7.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
All this time when I was listening to Slayer, I was actually practising Tantra. Who knew?   emoticon

All joking aside, interesting exercise. My instincts tell me it's a bad idea lol, but yeah yeah i'm investigating why that's the case. Intentionally bringing up that sort of sensation seems unwise (even if only focusing on energy versus content), but then again anger and bloodlust etc are just nama/rupa like any other. Is this the triggering practise you mentioned in the other thread? I do that occasionally with video games (why did that guy killing me trigger anger/fear? what does it feel like?) etc, but this seems more direct.
D, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 20.10.2017 14:19
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 20.10.2017 14:19

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 107 Liittymispäivä: 22.2.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
Interesting... what exactly happens when you call upon an 'aspect' of yourself?
Especially when you consider anatta?
Richard Zen, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 21.10.2017 11:29
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 21.10.2017 11:29

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 1665 Liittymispäivä: 18.5.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
streamsurfer, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 21.10.2017 13:35
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 21.10.2017 13:35

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 101 Liittymispäivä: 19.1.2016 Viimeisimmät viestit
One hour of kickboxing might do the same effect emoticon

I felt this sense of empowerment once repeating a mantra and it went deeper and deeper in its frequency, like throat singing, and it felt like pure power vibrating in my whole body.
C P M, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 21.10.2017 17:39
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 21.10.2017 17:39

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 218 Liittymispäivä: 23.5.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
I happened to watch the movie "The Accountant" on a flight home today. I was reminded of your post when the father says:

"Aggression, correctly channeled, overcomes a lot of flaws. Tapping into that aggression requires peeling back several layers of yourself."
seth tapper, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 28.10.2017 14:52
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 28.10.2017 14:52

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 477 Liittymispäivä: 19.8.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
In my experience the issue is pretty simple.  There is a story going on in the mind (actually millions of stories) and if you pay attention to the stories because you think they are real or true then you are too busy to notice that it is just all just god/mind/self/nonsense.  
One kind of story that is very engaging is a story that features hate and violence and wrong.  If you call up one of those stories and lean into it while seeing that it is actually empty - tantra - then that helps train the mind to not care about stories like it in the future.   The less you care about stories - the easier it is to just be/see/imagine God. 
seth tapper, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 29.10.2017 9:38
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 29.10.2017 9:38

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 477 Liittymispäivä: 19.8.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
What ever you get up to, nothing is really happening.  No matter how intense or meaningful or hateful or loving or dirty or just plain wrong, it is empty.  If you can keep that as the goal- accepting emptines, then it will work.  If you call up scary and urgent narratives and then accidentally identify either with the hero in the story or with some observer then the tantra can backfire and just bind you in a more complex web. 
svmonk, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 30.10.2017 12:09
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 30.10.2017 12:08

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 403 Liittymispäivä: 23.8.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
From Patrul Rimpoche's "Verses on the Five Poison":
Do not chase after the object of your anger; look at the angry mind. Anger is self-arisen and self-liberated, clarity emptiness by nature. Clarity-emptiness is nothing other than mirror-like wisdom---Within anger self-liberated; recite the six-syllable mantra ("om mani pandme hum!").
Richard Zen, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 1.11.2017 19:47
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 1.11.2017 19:47

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 1665 Liittymispäivä: 18.5.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
Wow, great post! Just what I need when dealing with anger. Though it takes some time with the breath to control the anger when it is going full tilt. You have to watch it longer.
Alesh Vyhnal, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 10.11.2017 15:51
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 10.11.2017 15:51

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 130 Liittymispäivä: 14.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
To svmonk: Dear James, I am just reading your book. It is fantastic and I admire it for its sincerity. emoticon

To all members of DhO: If I may advise you please keep the unfortunate individual with the premonitory nick "CREATE OPERATE DESTROY" at arm's length. I am almost sure he suffers from antisocial personality disorder. Don't try to correct or cure him. There is no other defence against a psychopath than to run away. Pray for the salvation of his soul. No human can do it. Only God's grace can save him.

Nolite timere eios qui corpus occidunt animam autem occidere non possunt. 
Alesh Vyhnal, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 10.11.2017 16:16
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 10.11.2017 16:16

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 130 Liittymispäivä: 14.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
Cardinal Torquemada acted with "wrathful compassion" when he was torturing his victims.

To at least partially clean this post from the evil I post here a link to real spiritual music (avoid listening cacophonies of repulsive shrieks): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F7TVM8m95Y 
Alesh Vyhnal, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 12.11.2017 13:02
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 12.11.2017 13:02

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 130 Liittymispäivä: 14.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
Yes, your constant fantasizing about hurting sentient beings, about breaking bones of small children, about their throats being slit, calling gore "cool" or "fasicnating" etc. Further you composed a sadistic poem about physically hurting me and yes part of my chronic illness and ill health is frequent rectal bleeding etc. You are not a sane person and you even mask your sadism (and accompanying masochism) by an imagined spirituality, yes this is truly abhorrent and all the atrocities of Saint Inquistiton, crusaders and jihadis were perpetrated by such "holy" men. 

"Men never do evil so cempletely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction" --Blaise Pascal

Yes, my fault is that you will perhaps suffer from anger after reading this post and I will have remorses.
Lars, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 12.11.2017 14:05
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 12.11.2017 14:05

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 420 Liittymispäivä: 20.7.2017 Viimeisimmät viestit
Don't take it too personally. He's just trying to "wake you up".


I know you mean well Bhumi, but are you really getting the response you'd intended?
svmonk, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 12.11.2017 21:56
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 12.11.2017 21:56

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 403 Liittymispäivä: 23.8.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
Awww, Alesh, you outed me! emoticon But I guess anybody who reads the books knows. Glad you enjoyed it.
Alesh Vyhnal, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 12.11.2017 22:01
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 12.11.2017 22:01

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 130 Liittymispäivä: 14.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
I don't take it personally, this style just reminds me of "heretics" having been burned at the stake to purify them from their alleged sins by pain. emoticon I have just read in svmonk's book: He talks with some wise woman commenting some misdeeds of certain roshi: "Buddhism is about suffering reduction not enlargement" (imprecise quotation by heart) emoticon
Alesh Vyhnal, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 14.11.2017 23:04
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 14.11.2017 23:04

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 130 Liittymispäivä: 14.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
To Generate Operate etc. : I am sorry but I will not reply to you since just now I am doing an ascetic practice of not reacting to all the posts that are enticing or seem to be interesting for me.

To svmonk: I have to find the meaning of "outed me" in the dictionary. emoticon I am not even in the half of your book. Shantum just gives money to beggars with twisted limbs. emoticon
Alesh Vyhnal, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 17.11.2017 21:20
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 17.11.2017 21:20

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 130 Liittymispäivä: 14.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
To svmonk: I have just read about your experience with flushes around your spine. 

You write: "The actual sensations couldn't involve any real energy because the human body isn't capable of generating an electric current at a level that would elicit the feelings of an electric shock."

I agree that the use of word "energy" is only a metaphor and there are no mysterious energies involved. (If I remeber well energy is something like the gradient of potential or curve integral of the vector of work. ;))

But once I had an extreme feeling of an electric shock in my leg when a neurologist touched with a needle one of the thick nerves that go from spine to the leg during lumbar puncture.

So I think physical energies are involved but these are ralted to the physiological microcurrents that run in the nervous system.

Alesh Vyhnal, muokattu 6 Vuodet sitten at 17.11.2017 21:24
Created 6 Vuodet ago at 17.11.2017 21:24

RE: Wrathful Tantra

Viestejä: 130 Liittymispäivä: 14.2.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
Sorry, I am stupid. Energy is a curve integral of force and force is gradient of potential.