2 week retreat in late december 2022/early january 2023

yy f, muokattu 2 Vuodet sitten at 30.8.2022 18:00
Created 2 Vuodet ago at 30.8.2022 17:48

2 week retreat in late december 2022/early january 2023

Viestejä: 6 Liittymispäivä: 24.4.2022 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hi all,

I'm looking to do a 2 week retreat in late december 2022 or early january 2023. I live in the US and would prefer to stay here to minimize travel costs. I have been practicing Mahasi style/reading MOI for the past 4 months and recently attended the Mahasi retreat at IMS with Kamala Masters, Steve Armstrong, Deborah Helzer, Tara Mulay, and Winnie Nazarko. I feel like I made amazing progress on that retreat (I think at least got to High EQ, had 3 events I thought might have been fruitions but not sure - trying to refrain from mapping, as I was advised by the teachers) and want to keep things rolling (I have been sitting ~2 hours a day, trying to note whenever I am not working). I feel like I have a solid grasp of the instructions and am very motivated, so I may not absolutely need a teacher - but I feel like having access to a teacher, even if they end up just saying a few words, can sometimes be incredibly helpful (even if only to support faith). Annoying requirement - I need to sit in a chair cuz of back issues.

So my current options are:
  1. Personal retreat at home
  2. At a center/somewhere with retreat support, but without guidance/teachers
    - Bhavana Society year end retreat (held in silence, so no guidance/teachers - also gonna be cold...)
  3. Full retreat with support and non-Mahasi guidance/teachers
    - Abhayagiri (seems like it would require lots of working meditation, which I suppose is okay - would have access to monks in Thai forest lineage, is that compatible with Mahasi)
  4. Full retreat with support and Mahasi guidance/teachers
    - Saraniya Dhamma (was told by admin they are having a December retreat, not sure deets - in UK)
Would really appreciate any advice!

Jeremy P, muokattu 1 Vuosi sitten at 12.11.2022 18:58
Created 1 Vuosi ago at 12.11.2022 18:58

RE: 2 week retreat in late december 2022/early january 2023

Viestejä: 24 Liittymispäivä: 2.2.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
Hi Yang-Yang,
The monstery I've been attending for the last 10-15 years has a series of retreats during this time. You're welcome to sign up for any one of them, or string as many together as you want. Here's the link for the first of the series.


Dharma Drum is a Chan (Chinese Zen) tradition, and the founder, Master Sheng Yen, passed away in ~2008. Guo Yuan, who is leading this retreat, is one of his dharma heirs. He has some experience with Theravadan practice, but will be most comfortable guiding practitioners who use one of the techniques of the school -- Silent Illumination (the corresponding Japanese Soto Zen technique is Shikantaza), Huatou (this is like the Rinzai koan practice, but a little different), or following the breath.

I attended numerous retreats while doing noting practice. Just be upfront with them about your plan and experience, and they should be ok with you attending. The center is quite nice, and there are ways to get there using public transportation + taxi/uber from NYC. 

I'm not on DHO very often at all, so I apologize if you reply and I don't see it. I may attend the first week of retreat here, so if you see me, say hello! Hope you find something good.

