Recruiting Study Participants! How Spiritual Experiences Impact Life Paths

Ruth-Helen Vassilas, muokattu 1 Vuosi sitten at 23.1.2023 7:37
Created 1 Vuosi ago at 23.1.2023 5:08

Recruiting Study Participants! How Spiritual Experiences Impact Life Paths

Viestejä: 1 Liittymispäivä: 16.1.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit
My name is Ruth Vassilas, and I'm running an ethically-approved study tracking people’s life paths following spiritually transformative experiences, such as NDEs, OBEs, psychic openings, Kundalini awakenings, etc. Specifically, I’m collecting data on how these experiences impact career, social relationships, health, and spirituality over time.

The survey is anonymous and takes ~20-25 minutes to complete, with an option to opt in for a follow up interview. 

Here is the link to the survey:

Check out the link if you feel called to share your experience! And please forward the link to anyone you know who may want to contribute their story to the research.

​​​​​​​Thank you!
Chris M, muokattu 1 Vuosi sitten at 23.1.2023 7:38
Created 1 Vuosi ago at 23.1.2023 7:36

RE: Recruiting Study Participants! How Spiritual Experiences Impact Life Pa

Viestejä: 5406 Liittymispäivä: 26.1.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
I edited the post above just to increase the size of the text, which was originally too small to read, at least for my old eyes.

- Chris ​​​​​​​

Chris M
​​​​​​​DhO Moderator
