The phenomonology of a sociopath

Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, muokattu 3 Kuukautta sitten at 14.3.2024 9:54
Created 3 Kuukautta ago at 14.3.2024 9:54

The phenomonology of a sociopath

Viestejä: 412 Liittymispäivä: 30.10.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit
I came across this article and found it pretty interesting.

I suffered from a different type of urge, a compulsion brought about by the discomfort of apathy, the nearly indescribable absence of common social emotions like shame and empathy.
This impulse felt like an unrelenting pressure that expanded to permeate my entire self. The longer I tried to ignore it, the worse it got. My muscles would tense, my stomach would knot. Tighter. Tighter. It was claustrophobic, like being trapped inside my brain. Trapped inside a void.
I thought of the pressure in my head and the sense that I needed to do bad things sometimes.
Bahiya Baby, muokattu 3 Kuukautta sitten at 14.3.2024 17:22
Created 3 Kuukautta ago at 14.3.2024 17:18

RE: The phenomonology of a sociopath

Viestejä: 544 Liittymispäivä: 26.5.2023 Viimeisimmät viestit
I am still hunting.

There's something about sociopaths in their own words that just gives me the wiggles. There's also something about sociopaths in their own words that's just sooo angsty teenager.

The structure of the article is strange too hey. It goes from "I'm a naughty sociopath" to "Sociopaths are actually ok" without any growth or narrative arc. "I'm a bold girl" to "I'm high functioning... I've got a PHD". It reads more like a flex than anything else. 

A story with a beginning and an end but no middle. I feel that's a very interesting thing. 
Chris M, muokattu 3 Kuukautta sitten at 15.3.2024 9:33
Created 3 Kuukautta ago at 15.3.2024 9:33

RE: The phenomonology of a sociopath

Viestejä: 5310 Liittymispäivä: 26.1.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
A story with a beginning and an end but no middle.

Paradigmatically sociopathic  emoticon
finding-oneself ♤, muokattu 2 Kuukautta sitten at 17.4.2024 19:51
Created 2 Kuukautta ago at 17.4.2024 19:51

RE: The phenomonology of a sociopath

Viestejä: 546 Liittymispäivä: 7.1.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
My boss must have wrote this
finding-oneself ♤, muokattu 2 Kuukautta sitten at 17.4.2024 19:53
Created 2 Kuukautta ago at 17.4.2024 19:53

RE: The phenomonology of a sociopath

Viestejä: 546 Liittymispäivä: 7.1.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
Ok, but seriously. That's why I'm interested. We think hes a psychopath. Hes the nicest guy ever but doesn't have a conscience.

And we also think this one lady has the narcissism variant. It's hell.

The fact that its just bare phenomenolgy is awesome.
