First book from Richard

Luciano de Noeme Imoto, modifié il y a 13 années at 14/10/10 16:13
Created 13 années ago at 14/10/10 16:13

First book from Richard

Publications: 75 Date d'inscription: 02/06/10 Publications Récentes
Hi folks,

Like the book "Richard´s Journal" ( ) this "The Coconut Book" by Mr. Richard Maynard is also worth a reading.
Yours reviews will be welcome.

Luciano de Noeme Imoto, modifié il y a 13 années at 15/10/10 13:46
Created 13 années ago at 15/10/10 13:46

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 75 Date d'inscription: 02/06/10 Publications Récentes
Just to compare the story from "The Coconut book" with some excerpts from "Richard´s Journal" (also disponible here).

The book from Richard Maynard, an english man living in Australia since 1960, was published in 1986.
The Coconut book is a haunting, riveting novel about a man who is shipwrecked on a barren Pacific island with only a small paperback book to write down his thoughts. Which he does, on the empty margins of each page. The book is discovered years later and an attempt is made to find the person who wrote the diary that makes up most of this book.
In the protagonist's stuggle to live, the priorities of his life are suddenly uprooted:
Within the confines of my island, ambition contracts, hopes and plans become miniscule, intruding little into tomorrow. The decision to create a flame and light a cigarette is one of the major convulsions of mind. It is the momentous event of the day...
Bit by bit, the protagonist begins to go crazy. He tries to create goals, find a meaning to his imprisonment. But Nature has other plans. At first he prayed for just a little rain. And then his prayers were answered. And answered again. And again and again...
This is a brief novel, only 174 pages long. I read it in one sitting - it won't let me go.
It's out of print, but you should look for it because it's worth the extra effort to find a copy. Check your local library if you can't find it in a bookstore. Reading The Coconut book is an intense experience that will stay with you for a long time afterwards. It's the kind of book that makes you think, "What would I do if I were abandoned on a barren island? What would I do to survive?"

And, by serendipity?, in Richard´s Journal I snipped the following description:

I retreated altogether from civilisation to a group of uninhabited islands in the tropics off the north-eastern Australian seaboard where I stayed for the best part of three months in total silence, on my own, speaking to no one at all and moving from island to island at whim. I had whittled my worldly possessions down to three sarongs, three shirts, a cooking pot and bowl, a knife and a spoon, a bank book and a pair of nail scissors ... I was homeless, itinerant, celibate, vegan, (no spices; not even salt and pepper), no drugs (no tobacco, no alcohol; not even tea or coffee), no hair cut, no shaving, no washing other than a dip in a river or the ocean. I possessed nothing else anywhere in the world and had cut all family ties ... whatever I could eliminate from my life that was an encumbrance and an attachment, I had let go of. In other words: whatever was traditionally seen as an impediment to freedom I discarded. It was there I finally discovered that it was ‘Spiritual Enlightenment’ which was at fault and that I could ‘purify’ myself via these ‘Tried and True’ means until the cows came home ... to no avail.

I was already in an Altered State Of Consciousness (this was in 1985 and my ego had dissolved in 1981) and living in what has been described as the ‘Unknown’.

To be continued ...
Nad A, modifié il y a 13 années at 21/10/10 04:36
Created 13 années ago at 21/10/10 04:36

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 237 Date d'inscription: 26/08/10 Publications Récentes
Do you have any evidence that they are the same person? That passage is very weak, if that's supposed to be evidence.
Steph S, modifié il y a 13 années at 21/10/10 15:56
Created 13 années ago at 21/10/10 15:56

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 672 Date d'inscription: 24/03/10 Publications Récentes
Yeah, really. I work with a bunch of architects and have studied a bit of the subject myself. You could just as easily accuse me or any of them that the structures designed in the program we are working on belong to a completely false world much like in the film Inception.
Nad A, modifié il y a 13 années at 22/10/10 05:51
Created 13 années ago at 22/10/10 05:47

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 237 Date d'inscription: 26/08/10 Publications Récentes
Apparently the evidence is in the reading of that book, so I will read it and see for myself. I found a cheap copy, plus there's an interesting similarity in the limited biography of the author:

"Richard Maynard is an English-born resident of Australia. A one-time soldier, sailor, builder, teacher and aid worker, he has published five novels: The Coconut Book, The Quiet Place (The Return in USA), Trail of the Warrigal, The Gundabara Legacy, and Tinker's Luck."
tarin greco, modifié il y a 13 années at 22/10/10 11:20
Created 13 années ago at 22/10/10 11:20

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 658 Date d'inscription: 14/05/09 Publications Récentes
hi nad,

richard has stated that he is not the author of that book (nor any of the other four books richard maynard wrote).

Luciano de Noeme Imoto, modifié il y a 13 années at 29/10/10 09:17
Created 13 années ago at 29/10/10 07:02

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 75 Date d'inscription: 02/06/10 Publications Récentes
Last week you sent an e-mail to me:

...I am interested in any evidence you have that AF Richard is the same person as 'Richard Maynard'. I hope you can continue your 'First book from Richard' [on DhO] thread or otherwise I'd appreciate it if you could send me what you have. Thanks, Nad

My "wild" answer was:
So, are you asking me for more evidences?!
I´m out of this semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit.
However, go ahead: buyout or borrow or bargain preferable "The Coconut Book", the spawn of all Actual Freedom´s semi fictional stuff ...
I bet you will also find more evidences by yourself.
About the thread "First book from Richard", it was heavily moderated (i.e. censured) by the DhO owners. Since that I forgo to send more posts.
Feel free to give more continuity to that thread if you really want to spend your precious time in that - not worth - task.
But do not expose Mr. Maynard´s private life to much ;-)
Be harmless, remember?
I rest my case.

But you and others could need more data, I presume.
To add a little more info regard this amazing trap to you, my fellow Nad, please read "The Strange Case of the Electronic Lover" for a great old example and you will understand perfectly why we was entrapped by that well-meant australian writer and his visible "crew" (Peter, Vineeto, Pamela and so on).
On Google Books you find some extracts from Pieta´s Kiss and others books from Richard Maynard.

And if I also had read "The Future of the Self" by Walter Truett just 3 years ago, probably I would not have had to fall in this game for my eyes to be opened. What appears to be truth about PCE and its uses and implications on human condition life turns out to be camouflage; when what seems evident turns out to be deception.

But now all this mess is past. I learnt my lesson and paid the price.

If you or someone else need to know more about this issue, feel free to ask me about ( If not, and you believed that the first book from Richard was "Richard´s Journal", so you really have nothing to lose.

Let´s move ahead.

Bruno Loff, modifié il y a 13 années at 29/10/10 09:43
Created 13 années ago at 29/10/10 09:43

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 1097 Date d'inscription: 30/08/09 Publications Récentes
Dude, as long as you insist in being confusing, adding "a little more info" at a time, rather than explain very clearly exactly what you mean, giving convincing and accurate evidence, once and for all, then I will just assume you are a little loose in the marbles... Frankly that is the impression I get from your silly posts and unfounded accusations.

Of course, you could be right, ... but maybe you should ask yourself "If I am right, then why can't I explain what I mean clearly to other people?"

Take care,


Cara, se voce se limitar a ser confuso, contando só "um bocadinho" de cada vez, em vez de explicar clara e exactamente o que voce quer dizer com dados precisos, de uma vez por todas, o que vai acontecer é que eu vou simplesmente assumir que voce está um pouco louco/senil... Francamente é essa a impressão com que eu fico dos seus posts disparatados e das suas acusações infundadas.

Claro, talvez voce tenha razão, ... mas talvez deva se perguntar "se eu tenho razão, então porque é que não me consigo fazer explicar aos outros?"

Fique bem,

Luciano de Noeme Imoto, modifié il y a 13 années at 29/10/10 10:10
Created 13 années ago at 29/10/10 10:10

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 75 Date d'inscription: 02/06/10 Publications Récentes
Hi fellow,

Do you post because you are bored or because you lack the very thing you are campaining against?

A clue: this categorie here is about books and websites ...

Play well and be safe.

Nad A, modifié il y a 13 années at 30/10/10 07:59
Created 13 années ago at 30/10/10 07:53

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 237 Date d'inscription: 26/08/10 Publications Récentes
Luciano, I agree with Bruno that your posts are far too vague and obscure to really take seriously. If I hadn't noticed that interesting similarity in author description I too would have paid little attention to your posts. You need to provide some substance. I don't need another reading list, I need reasons to adopt your reading list.
Luciano de Noeme Imoto, modifié il y a 13 années at 01/11/10 07:48
Created 13 années ago at 01/11/10 07:48

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 75 Date d'inscription: 02/06/10 Publications Récentes
You are semi right about this Nad. Without read - with the both eyes - some of Maynard´s books that evidences about AFT enterprise ("Actual Fiction" indeed) are only rants. Now, one more clue to you and Bruno: do you know about blindspots?

The best way you know somebody has a blindspot is that they will do and say anything to prove that they are right.
The only thing I have any sense of certainty about is that if you want to learn how to discover you have to investigate first.
And like anything functional/pragmatical the more you investigate and find the better you get at it.
Provided that is you know how to investigate.

Its important to always critically question what you and others do and why.
The problem is your approach and conclusions are often biased by your own assumptions.

The practices within the AFT is so often a case of polishing turds, of making shiny that which would never work under stress.

I have just been reading some recent inquiries on AF section. And quite frankly that guys have not a clue.
Its almost as if they are mutually agreeing not to hit each other. Investigation over the self, Self and human condition is not a sport. You are trying to destroy the animal ego and not have an affair with it.

If you accepted the premises from Mr. Richard (surname withheld), and to you PCE and all their lingo is good basis, so go ahead and ignore this advices. Sure is a lot of these guys like Richard even over here.

Others had and will fall in some type of self-deception trap like this:

Uncertainty is the thing that drives me. I know that without self doubt I wont move forward and ill end up with my head up my arse like this guy and many others in the actual world .

Is There Anybody Out There?
Daniel M Ingram, modifié il y a 13 années at 01/11/10 23:37
Created 13 années ago at 01/11/10 23:37

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 3278 Date d'inscription: 20/04/09 Publications Récentes
What you don't believe in has been made clear in post after post after post. We collectively get it: you think AF is bullshit. That has come through loud and clear. It is not that skepticism isn't appreciated, as it is, as is critical thinking, but this is a site about practice and positive results and friends helping each other do to that, and I realize you feel the need to save us all from our collective delusion, but that would be like walking into a convention of astronomers and saying the world is flat, as we are doing the experiments and seeing with our own eyes, and you, so far as I can tell, are simply reading the internet, as I don't see evidence of practice or support of practice.

What do you have that is positive, productive, leads to beneficial results, transforms consciousness in some beneficial way, and would be practical, able to be practiced, and is reproducible that you yourself can verify because you have done it, beyond simply delight in the role of the diligent and pernicious skeptic, which clearly compels you to write post after post after post?

What have you got that is of value beyond this that relates to hardcore meditation and consciousness transformation and deep insight and what freedoms can be had?

For those reading along at home, I have offered to talk in person or over chat with Luciano to try to work out some of his deep seated feelings about all this and his troll-like aspects, and he has refused. Next step: you are out of here if something productive doesn't surface. I want to get back to practice and that which is reproducible, practical and helpful, if at all possible. Many think I should have done that already, as they continue to tell me, and I apologize if I have been to tolerant of all of this in the spirit of open inquiry.


DhO Founder and Owner
Luciano de Noeme Imoto, modifié il y a 13 années at 03/11/10 06:35
Created 13 années ago at 03/11/10 06:35

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 75 Date d'inscription: 02/06/10 Publications Récentes
Repeating my - no more - private messages to you:

Dear Daniel Ingram,

No way to Skype real time voice talks: my fluency in English is too much bad. My fault.
We go back some weeks and I've spent quite a bit of energy trying to change your direction, but judging from this private message you're into the AFT stuff.

Can you explain to me why, when there is all the evidence out there to debunk AFT enterprise and its Directors, why you're still engaged in this oversimplification and idealization of freedom from human suffering? One which is debatable whether it would work on the modern stress, but would most definitely not work to allow any brain mutation. Especially when you know Tarin, Kenneth Folk and others I'd like to know what your rationale is for doing what you're doing.

And today:

Hi Daniel,

Being able to proactively put myself out from any self-deceptive mindset should give you the edge. But that blindspots are really difficult to resolve, I know.
As everything else without this accomplishment is somewhat academic.
However, your trust in friendship and secondhand experiments with a fictitious theory (actualism) are enough to you ...
So, I don´t have whatever objection to a happy and harmless life.

Harman spent 6 years, I spent 3 years; maybe you will miss only one year from now to arrive in the same verdict and debunk this and others "Artificial Freedom" too.
I just delivered some clues to facilitate this task: be free from Actual Freedom Trap.

About my bad and wild English posts on DharmaOverground, don´t worry. This is my last post/message here. I promise ;-)
Nad A, modifié il y a 13 années at 03/11/10 09:01
Created 13 années ago at 03/11/10 09:01

RE: First book from Richard

Publications: 237 Date d'inscription: 26/08/10 Publications Récentes
Luciano de Noeme Imoto:
You are semi right about this Nad. Without read - with the both eyes - some of Maynard´s books that evidences about AFT enterprise ("Actual Fiction" indeed) are only rants. Now, one more clue to you and Bruno: do you know about blindspots?

The best way you know somebody has a blindspot is that they will do and say anything to prove that they are right.
The only thing I have any sense of certainty about is that if you want to learn how to discover you have to investigate first.
And like anything functional/pragmatical the more you investigate and find the better you get at it.
Provided that is you know how to investigate.

Its important to always critically question what you and others do and why.
The problem is your approach and conclusions are often biased by your own assumptions.

The practices within the AFT is so often a case of polishing turds, of making shiny that which would never work under stress.

I have just been reading some recent inquiries on AF section. And quite frankly that guys have not a clue.
Its almost as if they are mutually agreeing not to hit each other. Investigation over the self, Self and human condition is not a sport. You are trying to destroy the animal ego and not have an affair with it.

If you accepted the premises from Mr. Richard (surname withheld), and to you PCE and all their lingo is good basis, so go ahead and ignore this advices. Sure is a lot of these guys like Richard even over here.

Others had and will fall in some type of self-deception trap like this:

Uncertainty is the thing that drives me. I know that without self doubt I wont move forward and ill end up with my head up my arse like this guy and many others in the actual world .

Is There Anybody Out There?

Was there supposed to be some substance and/or evidence in this post?

Fil d'Ariane