Medical Diagnosis

Sam Gentile, modifié il y a 4 années at 15/09/20 11:36
Created 4 années ago at 15/09/20 11:36

Medical Diagnosis

Publications: 1310 Date d'inscription: 04/05/20 Publications Récentes
Thought I would share this with the community

I was diagnosed today with Atypical Parkinsonism. It presents itself with many of the symptoms of full blown Parkinsons - the tremors, muscle weakness, difficulty in coordination, etc. And guess what? Its from the side effects of a medication. For now, my Neurologist wants me to do a Brain Spec Scan and watch it for 3 more months to make a diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease or not. In either case they are progressive and there is no cure.
Papa Che Dusko, modifié il y a 4 années at 15/09/20 11:49
Created 4 années ago at 15/09/20 11:49

RE: Medical Diagnosis

Publications: 3048 Date d'inscription: 01/03/20 Publications Récentes
I'm sorry to hear that Sam. How are you feeling mate? 

My partners mother has a genetic condition that can be transferred to her children and grandchildren (DNA). Forgot the name but muscles start to fail one after the other. She can't eat at the moment and is fed direct into belly. 

my partner is now being tested for it and waiting for results. If she has it there will be 50% chance our son will have it. 

Im already getting ready to give her support in case she tests positive. One is to focus on the Now and not fall into self pitty story telling which certainly will lead to depression which is of no help whatsoever. 

Meditation, talking therapy and having some fun times too. Life still goes on. 

Best wishes to you Sam! 
Sam Gentile, modifié il y a 4 années at 15/09/20 11:52
Created 4 années ago at 15/09/20 11:52

RE: Medical Diagnosis

Publications: 1310 Date d'inscription: 04/05/20 Publications Récentes
Thanks for asking. I'm hanging in there for now but faced with the immensity that this will eventually kill me.
Helen Pohl, modifié il y a 4 années at 15/09/20 12:19
Created 4 années ago at 15/09/20 12:19

RE: Medical Diagnosis

Publications: 101 Date d'inscription: 10/08/20 Publications Récentes
Even though I don't know you I am sorry to hear of this. Wishing you love and support through it all.
Papa Che Dusko, modifié il y a 4 années at 15/09/20 13:57
Created 4 années ago at 15/09/20 13:57

RE: Medical Diagnosis

Publications: 3048 Date d'inscription: 01/03/20 Publications Récentes
Sam Gentile:
Thanks for asking. I'm hanging in there for now but faced with the immensity that this will eventually kill me.

It seems we are wreched beings destined to perish one way or another emoticon as Mr Buddha-man said "we are all subject to old age, sickness and death" and there is no way to avoid this. But there seems something that still can be done and we do it on the cushion. Tibetans do believe in rebirth and I personaly am on that side of the river emoticon Taking care of the mind and awakening to any degree is of benefit. We make sure not to fall into dispair as that leads to nothing wholsome. 

Its not wrong to start to think in form of Karma and working on it via this practice. Not to the point of turning it into a stressful race but that with each sit Karmic load is becoming more wholsome. Each and every sit is purification and ads to the goodness of your karmic load. With each sit you commit to the Human Realm of 4 Brahmaviharas (thats me but you certainly can commit to the Deva Realm as well if that is what you wish), and you practice as you already do emoticon Come what may emoticon we all, as human beings, share the same at the end.

As Thanissaro Bhikkhu said "when I look at people I see a tombstone over their heads as one day we all shall have a funeral". Its fair for you to look at each and every member of this DhO with a tombstone over our heads as eventually that is where this body will go to. Dust to dust. But what about the Mind? emoticon  Can we purify the mind? Tibetans believe that Mind goes on. Even if that Mind and this Body is not "I, me, mine" I would like to hand over this Mind to another being in a more purified condition. Just the way we should try and leave this Planet of ours in a better condition for the coming generations emoticon 

Im not saying its easy to get such a news from doctors emoticon far from it. I look at my partner and she is terrified. What Im saying is that the battle is not over until its over emoticon as long the heart is stil beating and breath flowing its worth doing the practice and living life as best we can, helping fellow beings and receiving help when offered.

I hope my reply is not causing any stress as it was written in hope to be of help emoticon  
Sam Gentile, modifié il y a 4 années at 15/09/20 14:01
Created 4 années ago at 15/09/20 14:01

RE: Medical Diagnosis

Publications: 1310 Date d'inscription: 04/05/20 Publications Récentes
No stress. Your post is quite helpfull. I believe in the Tibetan concept of rebirth and the Bardo system.
David Matte, modifié il y a 4 années at 15/09/20 15:37
Created 4 années ago at 15/09/20 15:37

RE: Medical Diagnosis

Publications: 109 Date d'inscription: 03/08/19 Publications Récentes
I'm geniuinely sorry to hear about your diagnosis. 

Consider how much harder this would be if you hadn't been on this path. I think the dharma should inspire feelings of gratitude and perhaps help abate whatever other feelings may be present at this time.
The longer I live, the more I understand that anything can happen at anytime, death can happen at anytime. Things are tenative, nothing is certain. This is just the nature of things. The Buddha said we should all reflect on death everyday and aim for the deathless above all else.