Tulku Thondup and White Light Healing?

A C, modifié il y a 3 années at 18/07/21 22:22
Created 3 années ago at 18/07/21 22:22

Tulku Thondup and White Light Healing?

Envoyer: 1 Date d'inscription: 18/07/21 Publications Récentes
I am very interested to know if anyone has encountered Tulku Thondups meditations on healing. 

I am interested in the potential of concentration practices to be directed towards visualziations for physical healing; 
recovery from Injuries, etc. 

I've encountered the writings of Tulku Thondup, who teaches the use of visualization for healing... though it's never explicitly mentioned that it's intended to heal anything physical- the way the texy is written seems to intentionally leave it ambiguous. 

Does anyone have any real experiences with this form of meditation/ meditative focus?
Robert Lydon, modifié il y a 1 année at 28/06/23 21:49
Created 1 année ago at 28/06/23 21:49

RE: Tulku Thondup and White Light Healing?

Publications: 77 Date d'inscription: 19/06/23 Publications Récentes
Given this post is old, did you give it a try? Maybe you can inform.

Fil d'Ariane