Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Callum John Greet, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 06:26
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 06:26

Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 16 Date d'inscription: 27/09/23 Publications Récentes
In your opinion, what is the best and most efficient way a newcomer should get started with meditation? Please include resources, tips and any thoughts you might have. Thanks.
Brian, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 07:34
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 07:34

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 114 Date d'inscription: 21/01/19 Publications Récentes
I think the best practice is TWIM. You can find a lot of information about it on dhammasukha.org, or various Dhamma Sukha accounts on YouTube. There's also a free book called "The Path To Nibbana" in PDF form. A search should turn it up.
Chris M, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 08:27
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 08:27

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 5404 Date d'inscription: 26/01/13 Publications Récentes
In your opinion, what is the best and most efficient way a newcomer should get started with meditation? Please include resources, tips and any thoughts you might have.

Hello, Callum. Do you have an idea of what type of meditation you want to get involved with? 
Callum John Greet, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 08:51
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 08:51

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 16 Date d'inscription: 27/09/23 Publications Récentes
I'm going to check it out, thanks. Is it not the same as metta?
Callum John Greet, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 08:54
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 08:54

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 16 Date d'inscription: 27/09/23 Publications Récentes
I've actually dabbled with some meditation styles inconsistently for the last 2 years, but I learned them intuitively and never doubled down on practice (and I've completely fell off after a dark knight from hell). I would really like to master a form of concentration meditation for now. What do you think of this very introductory guide by Michael Taft? https://deconstructingyourself.com/learn-mindfulness
Brian, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 09:02
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 09:02

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 114 Date d'inscription: 21/01/19 Publications Récentes
In TWIM, the warm feeling of kindness is the initial wholesome object. When distractions arise and pull attention away from the object, the meditator does the "6Rs", which basically amount to relaxing tension in the body, refreshing their smile, and turning attention back to the object with a mind with slightly less craving in it.
User 08, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 22:52
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 22:52

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 57 Date d'inscription: 31/07/23 Publications Récentes
Callum John Greet
I've actually dabbled with some meditation styles inconsistently for the last 2 years, but I learned them intuitively and never doubled down on practice (and I've completely fell off after a dark knight from hell). I would really like to master a form of concentration meditation for now. What do you think of this very introductory guide by Michael Taft? https://deconstructingyourself.com/learn-mindfulness
What makes you think you were in a dark night?

I think mastering concentration meditation is a great idea. You might find this guide helpful: https://www.dhammatalks.org/Archive/Writings/Ebooks/WithEachAndEveryBreath_210603.pdf. Have you already experienced jhana?
T DC, modifié il y a 1 année at 27/09/23 23:32
Created 1 année ago at 27/09/23 23:31

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 522 Date d'inscription: 29/09/11 Publications Récentes
If you're just starting out, any basic style of meditation that appeals to you is fine if practiced consistently.  Over time you can experiment with different styles and find out what works best for you.  

Personally I would recommend something simple and basic such as shamatha-vipassana, breath focused calm abiding meditation.  Don't worry about getting deep into concentration or jhana, etc, just take some time to feel out a basic practice and adjust your approach as your experience develops. 
Callum John Greet, modifié il y a 1 année at 28/09/23 15:45
Created 1 année ago at 28/09/23 15:45

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 16 Date d'inscription: 27/09/23 Publications Récentes
I don't have a clue about any of the jhanas. I just started meditating, doing breathwork & yoga a couple years ago, then had some crazy non dual experiences and a kundalini awakening. I've had a real bad dark knight since (suicidal despair etc) 
User 08, modifié il y a 11 mois at 09/10/23 21:31
Created 11 mois ago at 09/10/23 21:31

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 57 Date d'inscription: 31/07/23 Publications Récentes
I see. I hope you've seen a therapist or psychiatrist about your despair?
Callum John Greet, modifié il y a 11 mois at 10/10/23 07:45
Created 11 mois ago at 10/10/23 07:45

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 16 Date d'inscription: 27/09/23 Publications Récentes
I've attempted many modalities and seen numerous therapists/counsellors but it just doesn't seem to change my condition. I've kind of settled with the fact that this despair and existential angst is just what's happening right now. 
User 08, modifié il y a 11 mois at 10/10/23 10:06
Created 11 mois ago at 10/10/23 10:06

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 57 Date d'inscription: 31/07/23 Publications Récentes
I'm glad you tried at least.

Jhana is a very pleasurable escape hatch that may help alleviate some of your mental pain (at least temporarily). I have some tips on it here: https://www.dharmaoverground.org/discussion/-/message_boards/view_message/25832795#_com_liferay_message_boards_web_portlet_MBPortlet_message_25834031
Marino Klisovich, modifié il y a 11 mois at 16/10/23 04:12
Created 11 mois ago at 16/10/23 04:12

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 18 Date d'inscription: 28/09/23 Publications Récentes
Callum John Greet
In your opinion, what is the best and most efficient way a newcomer should get started with meditation? Please include resources, tips and any thoughts you might have. Thanks.
I recommend that you start with metta. This practice will get you into meditation naturally over time if you practice it regularly. The essence of metta is found in Karaniya Metta Sutta, a Buddhist text on loving kindness.

sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā

"May all living being be happy at heart"
You can take this verse and chant it as a mantra. Start early morning because then your mind is fresh, and the whole world is waking up. In this way, you will generate thoughts of loving kindness and good kamma. You need a stock of good kamma for practicing meditation successfully.

Good luck in your spiritual life

Mathew Poskus, modifié il y a 9 mois at 28/12/23 04:24
Created 9 mois ago at 28/12/23 04:24

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 230 Date d'inscription: 24/10/15 Publications Récentes
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dyUCvFlDL8w&t=252s&pp=ygUXQWphaG4gYnJhaG1hbGkgYmVnZ2luZXI%3D  Maybe here straight teaching From Buddhist monk ?​​​​​​​
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modifié il y a 9 mois at 28/12/23 06:13
Created 9 mois ago at 28/12/23 06:13

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 428 Date d'inscription: 30/10/23 Publications Récentes
You might try the waking up app. I personally really like it. It's not a huge concentration app, but it will teach you non-dual concentration which I find to be a lot more peaceful than standard methods. It's also going to teach more methods around spaciousness, which also let me chill out around the dark night. As a big plus, it has lots of teachers on there that do little mini courses of guided meditations, which I think can be good for you to dial into what type of practice is suitable. 

​​​​​​​hope this helps!
David Matte, modifié il y a 9 mois at 29/12/23 06:20
Created 9 mois ago at 29/12/23 06:20

RE: Where can a beginner get started with meditation?

Publications: 109 Date d'inscription: 03/08/19 Publications Récentes
Dear Callum,

Since you say you have struggled lately with negative thoughts, emotions of despair, etc., I think Metta meditation would be a good start for you.

Someone else already mentioned TWIM practise, which is a form of Metta practice. The website is dhammasukha.org.

You can also learn to practice Metta from a book which I recommend named "Loving Kindness in Plain English".


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