Violent Dreams + Meditation

Kahena M, modifié il y a 6 mois at 21/03/24 03:54
Created 6 mois ago at 21/03/24 03:54

Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 21/03/24 Publications Récentes

I'm just wondering if anyone has had any experience with or information re violent dreams and meditation.  Back in the early mid-2000's when I was meditating regularly I started to have a lot of violent dreams, the likes of which I had never experienced or could even imagine in my waking life.  I wrote to Ram Dass about it (old school I know! but these matters weren't as accessible as they are now.) and the person who wrote me back said he said to back off a little.  What I really wanted to know was why this was happening, but I did back off and never got back to being as consistent as I was at that time. 

I have now been meditating consisently 1-2 hours a day since doing a 10-day vipassana course a couple of months ago, and I am experiencing this again.  Just a handful of times.  I'm not worried about it or as freaked out by it as I was back then and don't plan to stop.  Side note though, when I wake up from one of these dreams now, it's like electricity is coursing through my body (for lack of a better description).  It's not pleasant or unpleasant, it's just intense.  It's fine after less than a minute.  My question is!  Why is my meditation bringing this up?  Is it just suppressed or unconscious anger/rage being released?  Is it past life stuff?  I'm not finding anything about this anywhere - certainly this experience is not unique to me? 

Thank you.    

shargrol, modifié il y a 6 mois at 21/03/24 07:57
Created 6 mois ago at 21/03/24 07:57

RE: Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 2657 Date d'inscription: 08/02/16 Publications Récentes
I think you'll find that there are plenty of people who will have a model/paradigm for why this is and what this is... but ultimately I wouldn't obsess about the metaphysics of it. It might be the unrepression of freudian libidinal energy, the manifestation of jungian shadows, the alignment of the chakras, the opening of channels, insights into the 5 elements, etc. etc. 

All of those are going to be generally descriptive and might be useful... but the problem with most of these models is all the baggage that comes with them. If you accept the freudian un-repression idea, then how much more of freud's stuff do you need to read/know/believe? Etc etc. And ultimately it's important to know that these maps are just made up (perhaps useful, but mostly made up). The Buddha was pretty good at pointing out the futility of metaphysics that couldn't be verified/falsified. 

That said, I'm going to use this particular map, because it is more practice oriented rather than philosophical...

In general, if you are continuing to consistently practice and your practice is already strong enough to go on a 10 day retreat, then chances are you are working on the different energies associated with the Arising and Passing stage and the dukka nanas. There can be lots of electrical and emotional releases that occur. Basically a lot of subtle stuff seems to bubble up from the depths and needs to be experienced. Sort of feels like a combination of detoxing and discharging electricity at various times. 

The map that I'm using here is described in much more detail here: 30. The Progress of Insight – It's one of those maps that is generally true for meditators, but isn't necessarily true for an individual. So definitely disregard if it doesn't seem to apply to you.

Hope this is a little helpful. Definitely keep asking questions, this stuff doesn't seemed to get talked about much as it should. It it is very common with most meditators who have a consistent practice and who go on retreats.
kettu, modifié il y a 6 mois at 21/03/24 08:17
Created 6 mois ago at 21/03/24 08:17

RE: Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 59 Date d'inscription: 31/10/17 Publications Récentes
Just adding one little general thought on dreams. One way to engage with dreams is to take them as experiences to go through as they are, to try to understand them as something valuable as such. Learn from the dreams through being with the dream itself.

( Even for this there are theoretical and methodolocial frameworks like the one developed by Montague Ullman.)
shargrol, modifié il y a 6 mois at 21/03/24 08:30
Created 6 mois ago at 21/03/24 08:22

RE: Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 2657 Date d'inscription: 08/02/16 Publications Récentes
This is also a really good discussion, probably much more on point that my first post! emoticon

​​​​​​​Kriyas & Complete Experiences ~ Shinzen Young (
‎ ‎Nihila, modifié il y a 6 mois at 21/03/24 14:58
Created 6 mois ago at 21/03/24 14:58

RE: Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 353 Date d'inscription: 19/01/23 Publications Récentes
Kahena M, modifié il y a 6 mois at 05/04/24 01:35
Created 6 mois ago at 05/04/24 01:34

RE: Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 21/03/24 Publications Récentes
Thank you, @shargrol - your reply was very helpful!  Thank you also for the link and Shinzen Young video - also helpful!
Kahena M, modifié il y a 6 mois at 05/04/24 01:37
Created 6 mois ago at 05/04/24 01:37

RE: Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 21/03/24 Publications Récentes
Thank you, @kettu - I will absolutely take this on board.  I will check out Montague Ullman!
kettu, modifié il y a 6 mois at 05/04/24 02:31
Created 6 mois ago at 05/04/24 02:31

RE: Violent Dreams + Meditation

Publications: 59 Date d'inscription: 31/10/17 Publications Récentes
Thanks for feedback. Insightful dreams!

About Ullman I mean especially his method to understand dreams (in group work), and not so much his studies on dream telepathy etc. which I’m really not familiar.

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