Actual Freedom and Enlightenment Intensives

Keith Fisher, modifié il y a 12 années at 20/01/12 16:11
Created 12 années ago at 20/01/12 16:11

Actual Freedom and Enlightenment Intensives

Envoyer: 1 Date d'inscription: 20/01/12 Publications Récentes
Just about an hour ago, I listened to the podcast "Tarin and Daniel on AF at Hurricane Ranch" on Daniel Ingram's website at

I was moved almost to tears, as here Tarin and Daniel described exactly what I experienced last summer right after completing an Enlightenment Intensive. At the time I thought, "this must be what Eckhart Tolle is talking about!" It led me to believe that a good definition of enlightenment could be "the dropping of all anxiety." However, it did wear off over a few days.

I was quite surprised to discover that there seems to be no mention of Enlightenment Intensives on DhO, particularly in the context of Actual Freedom.

There's an Enlightenment Intensive page on Wikipedia ( The EI that I attended was run by Shivam O'Brien of the Spirit Horse Foundation, in the UK (,

I have the strong feeling that there are very important, close connections between EI and AF...

(By the way, I'm new to discussion boards and threads, so I'm not sure if I've done this right).

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