Please don’t reply.

CJ, modifié il y a 6 années at 16/02/18 09:51
Created 6 années ago at 16/02/18 09:51

Please don’t reply.

Publications: 2 Date d'inscription: 16/02/18 Publications Récentes
Please don’t reply, since I’ll use this thread as a platform to present my works to important people in real life. Thanks in advance!

Hi! I want to wake people up, and change this world. I want everyone to believe in Buddhism. I’ll talk about many social issues from all over the world and share what I’ve learned from some of the greatest Buddhists. I know that I’m supposed to post my articles on Chinese forums, but because many young Chinese people from today are extremely vulgar, hateful, spiteful and rude, I’ll kindly ask you Americans to help me by lending me a thread where no one will reply a word.
CJ, modifié il y a 6 années at 16/02/18 09:53
Created 6 années ago at 16/02/18 09:53

RE: Please don’t reply.

Publications: 2 Date d'inscription: 16/02/18 Publications Récentes


Daniel M Ingram, modifié il y a 6 années at 17/02/18 00:55
Created 6 années ago at 17/02/18 00:55

RE: Please don’t reply.

Publications: 3277 Date d'inscription: 20/04/09 Publications Récentes
My apologies for replying. As the owner of this forum and speaking out of pity for the moderators, is there any possible way you could also provide an English translation of what you are posting so that we can know it is appropriate for this forum? I am wary of Google Translate and don't read Chinese. Alternately, is there anyone here who I know well and trust from this forum who happens to read Chinese who I could make a moderator so that we can have someone who is watching to make sure this forum fulfills its stated goals and maintains its stated standards? I would definely prefer the translated solution to the second one.

Thanks for your understanding,

Bruno Loff, modifié il y a 6 années at 17/02/18 04:08
Created 6 années ago at 17/02/18 04:08

RE: Please don’t reply.

Publications: 1097 Date d'inscription: 30/08/09 Publications Récentes
I do not apologize for replying. Here is what google translate offers us:
I think China's leaders can:
ordered all Enlightenment schools, including all kindergartens and
primary schools, to open traditional Chinese culture and new moral
lessons. Children
should volunteer under the guidance of their teachers, for example, to
provide services to the sick and disabled in the community. All
enlightenment teachers, including all kindergarten and primary school
teachers, should receive more salary, but those who want to apply for
enlightenment must first understand the traditional Chinese culture, but
also through the traditional Chinese culture and a variety of other Examination, for example, a variety of psychological tests, to be able to do enlightenment teacher. The
future of the country is determined by the children's condition, so the
work of enlightening teachers is in fact the most important. It is precisely because of the demise of all countries that have
perish, precisely because of the neglect of those in those countries.
Asked Baidu's management to stop blocking the charity series called Harmony Rescue Crisis.
people to get a birth certificate can only be a monk, and asking people
to pass a lot of various rigorous exams before they can get a birth
certificate. Once a man has put on a grudge, he shows that he is on an equal
footing with the monks and great monks who have always existed since
ancient times, so he should not be taken by ordinary people.
Create at least one release river for the release of every city. Surrounding the Liberated River there should be non-stop speakers
playing Buddha's trumpets and monitors, patrols, and human-controlled
sirens used to prevent people from catching animals and destroy or
stealing speakers.
ways to stop people with antisocial personality disorders from getting
on TV, writing books, when officials, teachers, lawyers, police, and
doctors. If
antisocial personality disorder can be detected by the instrument,
recruiters can use the instrument to detect candidates for antisocial
personality disorder. Like
many people with schizophrenia, people with antisocial personality
disorder lack the awareness of love and morals and are therefore prone
to do bad things, such as killing, child abuse, robbery, theft, rape,
prostitution, prostitution, fraud, Income and earn unjust enrichment, abuse of power, and so on.
a new law, called the law of wearing, to prevent people from corrupting
the culture of the community and undermining social harmony through
exposure to exposed and sexy clothes. When I got to know North Korea's Hairstyles Act, I was inspired.
a basic message that allows people across the country to see all people
with a criminal record, such as all or some of the information on an ID
card, and official websites for all criminal records. In this way, not only can people protect themselves by avoiding dangerous people, they also have no guilt.
ways to punish parents of more or less boys or girls in order to avoid
an imbalance in the proportion of men and women in your country. A country needs to have a balanced population of men and women in order to have a harmonious society.
Work with the leaders of other countries to solve the bachelor's crisis in China. China's
leaders can persuade leaders of other countries to move their elder men
from China, longing for but not finding the target, to their own
country. I hope that officials of refugee bureaus in other countries will
regard China's elite bachelor as new refugees and will turn a green
light on China's elderly bachelor.

must be careful about the Buddhist forum now because I find many
Buddhist forums are places for freedom of speech, just as in the jungle.
Many people
think that freedom of speech is good; such thinking is undoubtedly an
evil opinion, because freedom of speech is very dangerous. People who come to Buddhist forums are often beginners, and evil
teachers, and anyone who wants to slander Buddhism, likes to play a role
in freedom of speech, such as in some Buddhist forums.
The Buddhist Forum must be regulated and preferably controlled by the state. I
believe any intelligent person should be able to see this clearly, and
those who truly understand causation are afraid to open the Buddhist
forum without enlightenment. Ignorant fearless. I
see a lot of problems with the existing Buddhist forums, because there
are many defamatory statements in those forums, especially those hidden
in secret, without any restrictions. I do not know exactly what the people who opened those forums are, but
I would not be surprised if they were to destroy the Dharma.
If state leaders really want to promote Buddhism, this kind of thing must be highly valued by the state. Not only all Buddhist forums need to be monitored by the state, but any web site should also be monitored by the state. In today's world, control of the internet is simply a joke. On
the Internet, anyone can make various reports of harm to others without
showing up and being traced, scam, and even pollute the public with
pornographic images, pictures, videos, etc. .
It is time to clean up. The state should have a central server, and a central server headquarters, used to do all kinds of things. All
people must register their fingerprints electronically on site when
they register their accounts, that is, scan their hands full with a
fingerprint scanner and have the scanner send the complete electronic
fingerprint of both hands to the central server in the country for
storage. In this way, police officers can use the fingerprints left by criminals at crime scenes to quickly identify criminals. The benefits have just begun.
who wants to surf the Internet must sign up for the only online account
they can have in their lifetime with their own account, ID card and
electronic fingerprints stored on site, after signing various legal
agreements at the headquarters of the central server. Legal
agreements signed by registered people should include any laws on the
Internet that are accepted and subject to the country's added at any
time. People who want to open a web server not only need to register their
own online account first, but also sign extra legal agreements and pass
the various psychological tests before they can get the right to open
web servers.
All web servers must be monitored by the central server. Only in this way, the state can effectively prevent the birth of all bad sites. The
state should order all websites to force the site to be mandatory after
all people log in with their own online account on the site. The state can not allow any website to provide services to people who do not log in with their own online account. Only in this way can the state effectively prevent anyone from committing crimes on the Internet.
a country has a central server and a central server's headquarters, the
state should order all network providers to earn the right to open web
servers to headquarters within a specified period of time. When the
specified deadline expires, all are not empowered The person's server will be turned off all the time.
order to make our future generations full of righteousness, in order
for the Dharma to flourish again, we must put aside the many freedoms
now available, for example, the freedom to secretly see pornographic
websites at home. What is the true conversion of Buddhist monks? This is the true convert to the Buddhist monk. We need to have our own hell, but also to allow all living beings paradise, and even the spirit of the Western paradise!

However off google translate is, and it usually is a little but only a little, it seems all but certain that the above can be classified as religious fanaticism, merrily teasing with political authoritarianism. This seems very far from this forum's stated purpose, and it seems like it violates nearly every principle written on the DhO homepage. Also, what a weird "control of the masses" trip this guy is going through!... May CJ, whoever he is, never find his way to any position of power.

There are nutjobs and then there are nutjobs, and, if you don't mind me saying, I think this forum is only for the first of the two kinds.
Yilun Ong, modifié il y a 6 années at 17/02/18 04:38
Created 6 années ago at 17/02/18 04:38

RE: Please don’t reply.

Publications: 623 Date d'inscription: 07/08/17 Publications Récentes
Pretty much irrelevant post: checked the google translate - accurate enough for general understanding.