Ecstasy, whose real name is MDMA, is a very commonly used product. People took MDMA powder crystals freely and, as with tobacco or alcohol, most used it reasonably and enjoyed it without problems. Likewise, there were indeed people who overindulged and who had to pay the consequences in terms of health, also the same as with tobacco or alcohol.
The MDMA pills molly ecstasy is useful for mental disorders because it teaches the patient to feel relaxed and free themselves from self-constructed neurosis' defenses.
Under its influence, it is possible to better identify and understand the stimulus. That causes anxiety reactions, and some phobias can be eliminated in a single session.
Also, Mexican magic mushrooms are powerful and immediate-acting antidepressants. At the same time, most of these drugs take weeks to work, and there is nothing like it in the entire medical arsenal that allows you to feel happy and relaxed in less than an hour.
This is why it can immediately end depression, suicidal thoughts, hopelessness, and isolation in urgent cases. It is also a non-sedating anxiolytic: benzodiazepine-type anxiolytics cause drowsiness and memory disorders. But MDMA does not have these side effects. It can also be used to treat eating disorders, help have a less distorted view of one's own body, and develop stronger feelings of self-acceptance.
Effects of MDMA pills on health:
The usual MDMA doses vary from 80 to 160 milligrams (orally) when MDMA is taken orally, the effects will begin to show about 30-45 minutes after ingestion. The primary effects peak within an hour and a half after ingestion. Effects remain at that peak for about two hours. These effects almost completely end between 4 and 6 hours after ingestion. Side effects can be felt even days after ingestion. A recommended dose has been taken (2 mg per kg of weight), and it is desired to continue at the peak, it is usually taken from 1/3 to ½ initial doses between the first and second hour after this. In general, the active ingredient in each tablet varies between 120 and 189 mg.
Key points for safe use of MDMA
Reasons to use MDMA less often